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icone de convenios CONFAP - National Council of State Research Support Foundations

The State Foundations for Research Support (FAPs), as  participants of the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (CONFAP) in Brazil, share a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation actions. The FAPs will foster cooperative research projects to be proposed in the respective Federation Units, in any field of knowledge, and in accordance with the scientific policy of the foundations. It is expected that research projects be conducted by scientists from different states as well as scientific exchange activities. In the partnerships resulting from this Memorandum of Understanding, there is no obligation for all signatory FAPs to carry out projects, thus respecting the autonomy of each FAP.

Among FAPESP cooperation actions, the agreement with the Newton Fund aims at implementing scientific and technical cooperation among researchers from the United Kingdom and the State of São Paulo, by means of funding joint research projects. 

Research grants
Scholarships in Brazil
FAPESP support in numbers * Updated January 11, 2025
Total / Available in English
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