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Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy

Grant number: 18/00646-1
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: September 01, 2018 - March 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Political Science - International Politics
Principal Investigator:Maria Hermínia Brandão Tavares de Almeida
Grantee:Maria Hermínia Brandão Tavares de Almeida
Host Institution: Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Janina Onuki ; Leandro Piquet Carneiro
Associated researchers:Feliciano de Sá Guimarães ; Flávio Leão Pinheiro ; Ivan Filipe de Almeida Lopes Fernandes ; Joshua Kalla ; Peter Michael Aronow ; Stephen Michael Herzog ; Umberto Guarnier Mignozzetti
Associated scholarship(s):23/02824-2 - Public opinion on foreign policy: collection and organization of press data, BP.TT
23/03885-5 - Brazilian public opinion toward China: A study based on public opinion polls (2010-2020), BP.TT
23/00372-7 - Brazilian Public Opinion and free trade: the gender gap and attitudes toward trade liberalization, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/14786-5 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
22/12235-1 - Brazil, Americas and the World - Public Opinion and Foreign Policy (Phase 3), BP.TT
22/09181-7 - Brazil-China relationships in Bolsonaro's government: the press view, BP.IC
22/09980-7 - Brazilian public opinion and external politics: a relation between vote and attitudes towards regional integration and the relations North - South and South- South, BP.IC
22/09653-6 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opnion and foreign policy, BP.TT
22/07089-6 - Russia and the Ukranian war from the perspective of brazilians, BP.TT
22/04579-2 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and external politics, BP.TT
21/06418-3 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy (fase 3), BP.TT
21/08629-1 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
21/08485-0 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy (phase 3), BP.TT
20/14694-8 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy (phase III), BP.TT
20/14337-0 - Brazil, the Americas, and the World: public opinion and foreign policy (fase 3), BP.TT
20/08430-8 - Brazil, Americas and the world, BP.TT
20/05132-6 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
20/01528-2 - Brazil, the Americas, and the world public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/17810-1 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/17809-3 - Brazil, the Americas, and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/14469-7 - Brazil, the Americas, and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/14088-3 - The Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/06183-6 - The Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
19/06727-6 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy (Round 3), BP.TT
19/05163-1 - Brazil, Americas and the world, BP.TT
18/22050-3 - Brazil, the Americas and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
18/22510-4 - Brazil, the Americas, and the world: public opinion and foreign policy, BP.TT
18/19847-7 - Brazil, Americas and the world, BP.TT - associated scholarships


This project aims to study perceptions of issues in foreign policy and international affairs among both the general Brazilian public and Brazilian elites. It is comprised of three related subprojects: 1. The third wave of the "Las Americas" panel survey with Brazilian elites, foreign policy specialists, and the lay public; 2. Data collection for the Foreign Policy Press Observatory, which consists of cataloging a new dataset of the foreign policy discussions in major Brazilian media outlets; and 3. An experiment on how lay public preferences influence elite foreign policy positions. The first subproject constitutes the backbone of this proposal. It continues the international collaborative research Las Américas y el Mundo, undertaken by a network of researchers and institutions, and coordinated by the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico. We will conduct the third wave of the panel survey, which is repeated every four years. It is comprised of two surveys: the first with social and political leaders, and foreign policy specialists, on a sample of 200; and the second, a representative survey of the Brazilian public, on a stratified sample of 1500. In both cases, we will include experimental questions varying the information contents offered to the respondents, thus aiming to clarify and causally identify research problems. We also seek to uncover how the lay public perceives and learns about international affairs. The second subproject focuses on the foreign policy preferences of the most influential media outlets in Brazil. It consists of organizing a dataset of articles and editorials on foreign policy published in the newspapers Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Valor Econômico and O Globo. The last subproject uses the data collected in both surveys to assess the influence of public opinion on elite foreign policy preferences. It is an informational experiment, where leaders are presented with lay public positions on a variety of issues, and then are surveyed to measure how these positions influence their opinions. All three subprojects are well connected and anchored on both surveys. They explore how foreign policy positions are constituted, identify their characteristics, and examine the role of such positions in the Brazilian foreign policy agenda. All the data collected in this survey, as well as all surveys conducted by the Las Americas project, will be available online ( alongside previous waves of this research (2010/2011 and 2014/2015). They will also be stored with the Foreign Policy Press Observatory on CEBRAP's webpage ( this new phase of research, the main team has increased, including researchers from four Brazilian institutions, along with a foreign visiting scholar associated to one of these institutions. In parallel, there has been increased international outreach and partnership with American and European research centers and universities. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERNANDES, IVAN FILIPE; ALBINO DE FREITAS, VINICIUS RUIZ; ONUKI, JANINA. The BRICS and Brazilian public opinion: soft balancing or economic strategy?. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE POLITICA INTERNACIONAL, v. 64, n. 2, . (10/06356-3, 18/00646-1)
FREIRE, DANILO; MIGNOZZETTI, UMBERTO; ROMAN, CATARINA; ALPTEKIN, HUZEYFE. The Effect of Legislature Size on Public Spending: A Meta-Analysis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (18/00646-1)

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