Research Grants 19/02908-6 - Vigas, Madeira - BV FAPESP
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Experimental and numerical analysis of horizontal structural members with respect to sustainability in room temperature and in fire situation


The need to reduce the environmental impacts generated by sustainability-oriented constructions makes the use of concrete produced with recycled aggregate and the use of reforestation wood materials of interest for use in structures. In the first case, there is the reduction of the consumption of non-renewable raw material, in this case, the natural aggregate, while wood, in turn, is considered a lightweight material, resistant, of easy workability and, above all, a renewable and abundant resource. As advantageous as a structural system can be, even in under normal conditions of use, it is necessary to be aware of its behavior when subjected to high temperatures. Thus, the main purpose of this work returns to evaluate (1) the influence of the concrete encasing produced with recycled aggregate on steel beams, and 2) to understand the performance of composite structures of glued laminated timber and concrete by investigating different forms of bonding between these materials as well as the structural strengthening efficiency with fiberglass. Both studies will be run at room temperature and in a fire situation. Initially, the behavior of the concrete, whether or not it contains recycled aggregate, will be studied, applying the concept of particle packing, both in the fresh state and in the hardened state, as well as the physical and mechanical characteristics of the laminated timber. The second stage of this project focuses on the performance of structural elements in a fire situation. The main idea is to develop a set of experimental and numerical analyzes on the behavior of heated composite beams in a horizontal furnace, currently allocated at the Department of Structures of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, which was obtained by Thematic Project FAPESP 2006/06742-5. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERNANDES, FELIPI P. D.; DIAS, ANTONIO ALVES; MUNAIAR NETO, JORGE. Experimental and numerical analysis on timber-concrete connections with glued reinforcing bars. ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, v. 277, p. 12-pg., . (19/02908-6)
SIMOES, YAGHO S.; FERNANDES, FELIPI P. D.; CASTRO, ALESSANDRA L.; NETO, JORGE MUNAIAR. Experimental and numerical analysis of the thermal and mechanical behaviour of steel and recycled aggregate concrete composite elements exposed to fire. FIRE AND MATERIALS, v. 47, n. 1, p. 17-pg., . (19/02908-6)

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