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Infrastructure for research at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA / USP) - Year 2019


CENA / USP, Specialized Institute and Integration Organ of the University of São Paulo, currently has a staff of 30 Professors hired in RDIDP, of which 8 are Professors (26.7%), 13 Professors Associates (43.3%) and 9 PhD Professors (30.0%), crowded in three Scientific Divisions. Another 4 senior teachers (2 holders and 2 associates) stand out in the teaching staff. These Professors demonstrate excellence in university activities, with emphasis on the training of qualified human resources, as well as a scientific production in national and internationally renowned journals, with a high impact index.CENA's mission is to "Generate and disseminate interdisciplinary technologies and knowledge aimed at agricultural and environmental sustainability". In these activities, especially in research, CENA is recognized nationally and internationally as a center of excellence. Over the past six years, about 80 research projects have been approved by national and international development agencies, such as: FAPESP, CNPq, FINEP, CAPES, Ministry of Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, NASA, National Academy of Science, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, United States Department of America, European Economic Community, Ohio State University, Cofecub-France, World Bank, International Foundation for Sciences, KFA-Germany, among others, in addition to partnerships with numerous private companies.The Planning of expansion of the physical area of CENA was studied by the Superintendence of Physical Space (SEF) of USP, and was approved in 2009 by the CENA Deliberative Council and the "Luiz de Queiróz" Campus Council. Based on the CENA Physical Space Master Plan and taking into consideration the Institution's Work Plan including the priorities for the quadrennium 2018-2021, to be submitted to the Deliberative Council in May 2018, investments of the order of 5 million, including 3.0 million of its own resources. Among the investments can be highlighted: Research Building of CENA, Radiocarbon dating laboratory (14C) and Multiuser Center of the institution; Control and prevention of fires to obtain the AVCB; Maintenance shed and patrimony; multipurpose irradiator; general maintenance in all laboratories (3 stages of bidding for small works - electrical, painting, floor, countertops, masonry, hydraulics and roofs); garage for official cars; line of life, among others.Thus, it is evident that the administration of CENA / USP has been fully complying with the institutional function of making available to all teachers, technical and administrative staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students, trainees, among others, basic infrastructure suitable for the development of teaching, research and extension, premise and responsibility of the Unit.Thus, in order to improve the infrastructure of research laboratories and other areas, and taking into account FAPESP's guidelines for the use of the Institutional Technical Reserve, whether it is to support the collective research infrastructure that benefits research projects of the institution, the Deliberative Council approved inserted items. (AU)

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