Research Grants 18/25529-8 - Violência de gênero, Saúde da mulher - BV FAPESP
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Perceptions of gender based violence in the university environment


Abstract: This research proposal aims to understand the perceptions that institutional agents responsible by university policies have about gender based violence. A scientific literature review about gender, violence against women, gender and sexual violence in the university will be carried out. The knowledge the university institutional agents have about the proceedings and existing protocols regarding sexual violence and gender based violence will be assessed. Others objectives includes to understand the conceptions about gender as well as the perceptions about gender, sexual violence and gender based violence these institutional agents have. And to understand the responsibilities of the university to face sexual violence and gender based violence. To reach such objectives the study will have two components: a qualitative one with exploratory feature using semi-structured interviews with key-informants to provide information for the elaboration of a quantitative questionnaire to be administered to institutional agents such as the Directors of Faculties and Courses Coordinators of the Campus of Ribeirão Preto University of São Paulo. Data will be organized and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methodology and will be used to subsidize academic thesis and dissertations. The purpose of this study is to provide information that could subsidize policies to strengthen the prevention of violence and encourage healthy relationships among the participants of university social life, particularly women. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ELISABETH MELONI VIEIRA; MARIA PAULA PANÚNCIO-PINTO; DEÍSE CAMARGO MAITO; MARIA CARMEN MARTINEZ. Propriedades psicométricas de um instrumento de avaliação do conhecimento de gestores sobre violência de gênero na universidade. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, v. 76, n. 6, . (18/25529-8)
DEÍSE CAMARGO MAITO; MARIA PAULA PANÚNCIO-PINTO; ELISABETH MELONI VIEIRA. Violência interpessoal no ambiente acadêmico: percepções de uma comunidade universitária. Interface (Botucatu), v. 26, . (18/25529-8)

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