Research Grants 19/25031-2 - Ciências atmosféricas, Fenômenos atmosféricos - BV FAPESP
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V Workshop on Data Science: challenges in atmospheric data management


The V Workshop on Data Science (WDS) will take place during February 18th to 20th, 2020, in São Paulo (SP), simultaneously at the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (EPUSP) and São José dos Campos (SP), at the Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. The lectures will attend by local participants (São Paulo - SP) and remotely via the web (São José dos Campos - SP). The workshop will attend Brazilian community of researchers, graduate and undergraduate students from different areas (Computing, Geography, Physics, Engineering, Biology and Information Science) interested on data science with applications in data management and modeling of the atmospheric phenomena. During the first day (February 18th) there will be Open Session for all interested community with Lectures and hands-on about Data of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement with the specific focus on data collected in Brazil (GoAmazon - ARM/DOE/USA). During the second and third days (February 19th and 20th) there will be closed sessions about collaboration on Data Quality, Data Publish and Big Data Analytics. Planning 3 years collaboration activities with the ARM Data Science and Integration Group (ORNL) and the FAPESP Thematic Project - Aerosols and Clouds lifecycles in Amazonia. Participants: International inviteds and researchers from FAPESP Thematic Project (USP, UNIFESP and INPE). (AU)

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