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China trade terms and their barriers: a comparison of their impacts on Australia and Brazil

Grant number: 19/08878-1
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: September 01, 2019 - August 31, 2021
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Law - Special Rights
Convênio/Acordo: University of Wollongong
Mobility Program: SPRINT - Projetos de pesquisa - Mobilidade
Principal Investigator:Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin
Grantee:Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin
Principal researcher abroad: Markus Wagner
Institution abroad: University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia
Host Institution: Escola de Direito de São Paulo. Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Colin Benjamin Picker ; Vera Helena Thorstensen
Associated research grant:18/00498-2 - Brazil and China economic transactions: the law and its empirical evidences, AP.R


We propose a two-year project for the collection, exchange and analysis of data to further inform policy analysis, and collective writing and discussions abour China trade terms and their barriers. We aim at comparing their impacts on the trade flow to Australia and Brazil in the commodities sectors. Our project aims at (i) understanding the main trade barriers, mostly non-tariff barriers, faced by Australian and Brazilian commodities exports - such as agricultural goods and mining exports - to China; (ii) mapping the types of regulation supporting those barriers; (iii) identifying if these regulations follow accepted standards of regulation at the international level or if there are features that are particular to China in its standards or decision-making process; and (iv) identifying venues for joint-action by countries such as Australia and Brazil for trade regulation in a scenario of potential economic hegemony. The research will benefit from data and material already collected in previous projects about China and its economic relations with Australia and Brazil, as further described in the project proposal. (AU)

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