Research Grants 19/25599-9 - Tectônica, Neoproterozoico - BV FAPESP
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Tectonic analysis of key areas in the Southern Espinhaço thrust front


The San Francisco Craton is delimited by marginal fold-and-thrust belts which affect its Paleo, Meso and Neoproterozoic covers, and in the neighboring orogens also involve its basement. In its southeastern portion is circumscribed by the Araçuaí Belt, whose most adopted craton boundary corresponds to the thrust front that pulls the Espinhaço Supergroup over the Neoproterozoic cover of the São Francisco Supergroup (Macaubas and Bambui groups). In this context the present project proposes the study of key areas for the understanding of tectonic deformation patterns and the relationship between sedimentation and the late Brasiliano tectonics, using classical structural analysis methods complemented by quantitative or semi-quantitative methods as strain analysis, microstructures studies, preferred crystallographic orientation patterns, vorticity analysis, fluid inclusion analysis and section restoration, as well as Ar-Ar and U-Pb radiometric dating of selected targets. Preliminarily the key areas chosen for study are 1) Serra do Cipó, 2) Itapanhoacanga - Santo Antônio do Norte, 3) Conselheiro Mata - Monjolos and 4) Serra Azul de Minas. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SILVA NETO, RAULINDO SANTANA; CAMPANHA, GINALDO ADEMAR CRUZ; VIDAL-ROYO, OSKAR; LAUNEAU, PATRICK; SALAZAR-MORA, CLAUDIO ALEJANDRO. Tectonic shortening and strain magnitudes across the Chapada Diamantina Fold and Thrust Belt: New insights into the tectonic evolution of the Paramirim Aulacogen. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 116, p. 15-pg., . (19/25599-9, 20/03337-0)

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