Research Grants 19/22739-4 - Saúde de populações indígenas, Povos indígenas do Brasil - BV FAPESP
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Nutrition, health and food safety of the indigenous people of the State of Alagoas, Brazil


In Brazil, the trajectory of the indigenous population is marked by several inequities resulting from the historical process of political, economic, cultural and social exclusion, which has made their socioeconomic and health indicators unfavorable when compared to those observed for the general population. It is therefore a population in social vulnerability. In this regard, the theme "Health of Indigenous Peoples" is included in the National Agenda for Priorities in Health Research as the first item among the 24 sub-agendas presented. This project aims to investigate the conditions of nutrition, health and food safety of indigenous peoples of the state of Alagoas, enabling the evaluation and planning of actions for health promotion articulated with the real needs of these peoples. Specific objectives are: I) to describe families according to environmental, demographic, socioeconomic, and access to social and health programs and public service infrastructure; II) to investigate the nutritional status of individuals, and food practices and environment; III) to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with household food and nutritional insecurity; IV) to investigate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices, and the oral health profile among children under 2 years of age; V) to describe the occurrence of the use of tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances; VI) to estimate, in the adult population, the prevalence and factors associated with common mental disorders (CMD) and non-communicable chronic diseases (dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus and hypertension and metabolic syndrome). This is a population-based household cross-sectional survey to be carried out in the 11 ethnic groups of the state. Study participants will be identified through a complete census conducted in each of the communities and all residents will be eligible to compose the study population. Data collection will be performed through interviews during home visits, using electronic forms planned for this population and previously tested in a pilot study. (AU)

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