Research Grants 19/25795-2 - Educação especial, Leitura e escrita - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation of computerized teaching protocols


This proposal addresses issues related to the Brazilian inclusive teaching, which could potentially be resolved with technological assistance both in the educational and clinical settings. The overall goal is to contribute with the development and evaluation of computerized teaching protocols, and to provide empirical data to support their widespread use. The proposal has been divided into three main components: (1a) Evaluation of two computerized teaching protocols to teach reading and writing skills in children (ALEPP and Kalulu), which have begun to be implemented in few schools in Brazil, along with (1b) the neurophysiological and neuropsychological correlates of the development of reading and writing competence; (2) Development and evaluation of computerized tools to assist structured teaching strategies in behavioral analysis perspective, aimed at special students in inclusive classrooms; and (3) Development and evaluation of computerized teaching protocols for practical interventional skills for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder, implemented by an Interactive Computerized Teaching platform, aiming at establishing technical competence in clinical staff, school inclusion agents, and children diagnosed with ASD and their parents. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SOARES JR, RAIMUNDO DA SILVA; LUKASOVA, KATERINA; CARTHERY-GOULART, MARIA TERESA; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Student's Perspective and Teachers' Metacognition: Applications of Eye-Tracking in Education and Scientific Research in Schools. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v. 12, . (19/25795-2, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
MAIA, VANESSA S. Z.; SILVA, CATARINA MOVIO; DE PAULA OLIVEIRA, INAEH; DA SILVA OLIVEIRA, VICTORIA REGINA; DALE, CAMILA SQUARZONI; BAPTISTA, ABRAHAO FONTES; CAETANO, MARCELO S. S.. Time perception and pain: Can a temporal illusion reduce the intensity of pain?. LEARNING & BEHAVIOR, v. 51, n. 3, p. 11-pg., . (18/18483-1, 14/50909-8, 18/14560-1, 19/25795-2)
PATRÍCIA PEREIRA DE ARAÚJO; JOÃO PAULO GOIS; CAMILA DOMENICONI; PRISCILA BENITEZ; CARLOS BARBOSA ALVES DE SOUZA; MARIA CLARA DE FREITAS; DIOGO TREVISAN. Avaliação e Ensino de Emoções com Crianças e Jovens Adultos com Autismo ou Síndrome de Down Mediado pela Família. Psicologia : ciência e profissão, v. 44, . (19/25795-2)
KATARINA DUARTE FERNANDES; MARIA TERESA CARTHERY-GOULART; NAIMI MOREIRA NOBRE LEITE; JULIANE KRISTINE DE LIMA; CAMILO ERNESTO SUBENKO OLALLA; KATERINA LUKASOVA. Habilidades Aritméticas nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e sua Relação com Senso Numérico, Memória Operacional e Dificuldade de Leitura. Bolema-Mathematics Education Bulletin-Boletim de Educacao Matematica, v. 38, . (19/25795-2, 14/50909-8)
TREVISAN, DIOGO FERNANDO; DE ARAUJO, FERNANDA A. B.; BENITEZ, PRISCILA; GOIS, JOAO PAULO. A scalable and customizable multimedia framework for behavioral intervention. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION, . (19/25795-2)
FERNANDA MARCHEZINI; PETER MAURICE ERNA CLAESSENS; MARIA TERESA CARTHERY-GOULART. Leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras em adultos jovens: um estudo de rastreamento ocular. CoDAS, v. 34, n. 4, . (19/25795-2, 14/50909-8)
DE SOUZA, VINICIUS LUIS TREVISAN; MARQUES, BRUNO AUGUSTO DORTA; BATAGELO, HARLEN COSTA; GOIS, JOAO PAULO. A review on Generative Adversarial Networks for image generation. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK, v. 114, p. 13-pg., . (19/25795-2)
TREVISAN, DIOGO FERNANDO; DE ARAUJO, FERNANDA A. B.; BENITEZ, PRISCILA; GOIS, JOAO PAULO. A scalable and customizable multimedia framework for behavioral intervention. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-pg., . (19/25795-2)
PRISCILA BENITEZ; CAMILA DOMENICONI; AMANDA YUMI AMBRIOLA OKU; RAIMUNDO DA SILVA SOARES JUNIOR; FERNANDA YUMI RIBEIRO MORI; LINCOLN SASSAKI; THAINÁ LETÍCIA DOURADO MOURA; THARINY OLIVEIRA; LIZBETH CONTI DE CARVALHO OLIVEIRA; GIOVANA DA SILVA; et al. Análise da Viabilidade de Uso do FNIRS em Atividades Educacionais com Crianças e Jovens com Deficiência Intelectual e Autismo. Rev. bras. educ. espec., v. 29, . (19/25795-2, 08/57705-8, 20/04777-3, 18/21934-5, 21/05332-8)

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