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Dynamic attention and agenda-setting in Brazil (Brazilian Policy Agendas Project)

Grant number: 20/07485-3
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
Duration: August 01, 2021 - July 31, 2026
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Political Science - Public Policies
Principal Investigator:Felipe Gonçalves Brasil
Grantee:Felipe Gonçalves Brasil
Host Institution: Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Ana Cláudia Niedhardt Capella ; Bryan D. Jones ; Frank R. Baumgartner ; Renata Mirandola Bichir
Associated grant(s):23/00725-7 - Setting and changes in the Brazilian social-constitutional agenda from 1988 to 2022, AP.R
Associated scholarship(s):24/09661-4 - Perspectives and priorities in public policy in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay: a comparative analysis of presidential rhetorical agendas., BP.MS
23/12695-5 - Symbolic Agenda and Public Opinion: A Study of Discourses on Social Policies in Brazil between 2013 and 2022, BP.IC
24/01447-3 - From proposals and passed Amendments: Policy Changes in the Brazilian Federal Constitution between 1988 and 2023, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 23/13775-2 - Changes between Dilma and Temer: How the legislative proposals of the period relate to the Government Plan presented in 2014, BP.IC
23/05631-0 - Mapping of Election Party Plataform, BP.TT
23/05651-1 - Mapping of STF decisions - Concentrated Control of Constitutionality, BP.TT
23/05653-4 - Mapping of Law Projects in democratic Brazil - (1988 - 1997), BP.TT
23/05668-1 - Mapping of Bills in Democratic Brazil - (1998 - 2006), BP.TT
23/06986-7 - Mapping of Bills in Democratic Brazil - (2007 - 2015), BP.TT
23/04183-4 - Lula's symbolic agenda in 2003 and 2023: similarities and differences from FHC and from Bolsonaro's transitions to Lula, BP.IC
23/03116-1 - Inequalities in Brazil: An analysis of the plans of presidential governments between 2002 and 2022, BP.MS
22/16019-1 - Brazilian Federal Budget: an analysis of the capacities and diversities of the governmental agenda, BP.MS
23/00831-1 - Mapping of Bills in Democratic Brazil - (2007 - 2015), BP.TT
21/12309-2 - The discourse as an instrument of populism: a comparative analysis between Trump and Bolsonaro, BP.MS
22/04543-8 - Mapping of government plans registered with the TSE, BP.TT
22/04544-4 - Mapping and analysis of legislative proposals and productions, BP.IC
22/04547-3 - Mapping and analysis speeches and actions of the Executive Branch, BP.IC
21/07345-0 - Concentrated controls of constitutionality and public policies: the policy attention of the STF and the agenda-setting process in Brazil, BP.MS
21/02716-0 - Dynamic attention and agenda-setting in Brazil (Brazilian Policy Agendas Project), BP.JP - associated scholarships


This proposal is linked to the expansion of the activities of the Brazilian Policy Agendas Project, a national project that is part of the Comparative Agendas Project, composed of an international network of researchers from twenty-three countries that are dedicated to research on agenda-setting and policy change.Based on the findings and analyzes made by the Brazilian project in previous grants, the proposal aims to map and analyze the attention of different actors on public policies over time. In this way, documents that reflect the attention of decision-makers are analyzed, expanding the data already collected by the project with the inclusion of new databases on legislative proposals, and government proposals registered before the presidential elections, between 1985 and 2022. This proposal will create a public and open-access database containing more than 130 thousand information on the priorities in public policies of the actors involved in the process of formation and change in the governmental agenda. Based on these data, multiple analyzes will be carried out in order to understand the process of agenda-setting, its capacity, and diversity, pointing out both incrementalism and changes throughout the post-democratization period in the country. In addition, the extensive database also makes it possible to carry out sectorial studies that analyze the dynamics of sectoral policies, their changes, and contexts as well as comparative analyses. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FELIPE GONÇALVES BRASIL; ANA CLÁUDIA NIEDHARDT CAPELLA; LEANDRO TEODORO FERREIRA. Eventos focalizadores e a pandemia da COVID-19: a renda básica emergencial na agenda governamental brasileira. Rev. Adm. Pública, v. 55, n. 3, p. 644-661, . (21/02716-0, 18/16289-3, 20/07485-3)
BRASIL, FELIPE GONCALVES; NIEDHARDT CAPELLA, ANA CLAUDIA; FERREIRA, LEANDRO TEODORO. Focusing events and the COVID-19 pandemic: the emergency basic income on the Brazilian agenda. Rev. Adm. Pública, v. 55, n. 3, p. 644-661, . (20/07485-3, 18/16289-3, 21/02716-0)
FELIPE GONÇALVES BRASIL; URSULA DIAS PERES; GABRIEL SANTANA MACHADO; FELIPE JOSÉ MIGUEL GARCIA. Agenda governamental brasileira: prioridades e mudanças na dinâmica da atenção sobre a distribuição orçamentária da União (2000-2021). Rev. Adm. Pública, v. 57, n. 5, . (13/07616-7, 20/07485-3, 21/02716-0, 22/16019-1)

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