Research Grants 20/09064-5 - Telemedicina, Telerreabilitação - BV FAPESP
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Cardiorespiratory telerehabilitation for patients after hospitalization for COVID-19 in Brazil: randomized clinical trial

Grant number: 20/09064-5
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Principal Investigator:Valéria Amorim Pires Di Lorenzo
Grantee:Valéria Amorim Pires Di Lorenzo
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Aparecida Maria Catai ; Carina Araujo de Facio ; Daiane Roberta Viana ; Ivanize Mariana Masselli dos Reis ; Juliano Ferreira Arcuri ; Luana Aparecida Vieira Gonzaga ; Luciana Di Thommazo Luporini ; Marcela Maria Carvalho da Silva ; Maria Cecília Moraes Frade ; Mauricio Jamami ; Renata Pedrolongo Basso Vanelli ; Thomas Beltrame
Associated scholarship(s):21/05979-1 - Cardiorespiratory telerehabilitation for patients after hospitalization for COVID-19 in Brazil: randomized clinical trial, BP.TT


Although there is a lack of studies with specificities regarding post-COVID 19 clinical condition, patients who survive the acute condition are likely to suffer with post intensive care syndrome. Hence, they may experience respiratory, motor and psychological impairments, which should be addressed by long-term rehabilitation programs (RP). These programs aim to increase the chances of recovering from this syndrome. However, the offer to RP is worrying nationally and internationally, since, even in non-pandemic periods, there is an important deficit in the number of rehabilitation center opportunities. Considering the increase in the need of rehabilitation after COVID-19, there may happen a collapse in RP system. Moreover, there is a lack of consensus regarding the time after symptoms disappearance patients are still contagious, thereafter, distance RP (telerehabilitation) presents as an adequate tool, however, it must be tested before its implementation. Objectives: Study 1: to characterize physiological responses during the execution of activity daily life (ADL) in patients post-hospitalization for COVID-19. Study 2: to verify the effectiveness of cardiorespiratory telerehabilitation protocol in patients after COVID-related hospitalization. Methods: Individuals after COVID-19 related hospitalization will be assessed regarding eligibility criteria. For sample size will be executed a pilot study. Study 1 will be a longitudinal observational study and study 2 will be a randomized controlled trial coordinated by the Physiotherapy Department of the Federal University of São Carlos regarding a virtual domiciliary RP involving accessible and functional activities. The primary outcome will be functional capacity verified by physical tests. Expected results: we expect with study 1 to understand post-COVID-19 patient's PADL through an analysis of physiological variables after hospitalization and, with study 2 we expect to find an effective and accessible virtual RP with individualized prescription, thus increasing the access to PR benefits such as improvements in functional capacity and quality of life of patients after COVID-19 infection. (AU)

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