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Evaluation of relationship between iron status and metabolism of macronutrients associated with the pathology of obesity


Iron is an important micronutrient for many vital functions, and its bioavailability is closely related to the regulation of energy metabolism and cell survival or death. Data from the literature indicate that neglected iron deficiency can lead to impaired cardiac, endocrine and cognitive functions, among others. Therefore, under a pathological condition, detailed assessment of iron status can provide valuable information that can impact clinical practice. Although higher prevalence of iron deficiency has been observed in obesity, how this deficiency affects the metabolism of macronutrients and the typical hormonal profile associated with obesity are still elusive. Moreover, iron deficiency is associated with poor cognitive performance, which in turn is influenced by the metabolism and energy production in the brain. Thus, this project was designed to investigate whether the iron deficiency observed in obese population can affect the cognitive performance by altering the metabolism of macronutrients and hormonal profile of peripheral system. Obesity is developed from multiple causes that are associated with the genetic and environmental factors of each individual. Knowing that iron metabolism influences various pathophysiological processes, the achievements of this project may help to innovate the diagnostic and therapeutic methods of obesity and associated comorbidities as well as to plan better strategy for prevention. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PINO, JESSICA M. V.; SILVA, VITORIA F.; MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; SEVA, DANIELLE C.; KATO, MELISSA Y.; ALVES, JULY N.; PEREIRA, GABRIELA C.; ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN M.; GALVAO, THALES D.; BITTERNCOURT, LIA R. A.; et al. Severe Obesity in Women Can Lead to Worse Memory Function and Iron Dyshomeostasis Compared to Lower Grade Obesity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, v. 2023, p. 12-pg., . (19/21511-0, 18/15921-8)
MELLO DA LUZ, MARCIO HENRIQUE; VOLEJNIK PINO, JESSICA MONTEIRO; MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DE AMORIM, PRISCILA NICOLICHT; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN; PORCIONATTO, MARIMELIA APARECIDA; LEE, KIL SUN. Sleep deprivation modulates APOE and LDL receptor-related protein 1 through thyroid hormone T4 and impairs Aβ clearance in hippocampus of rats. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE, v. 1869, n. 6, p. 12-pg., . (18/12605-8, 16/04297-6, 17/10404-2, 19/21511-0)

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