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Simulation of reverse logistics of electronic waste in the state of São Paulo to promote the circular economy: economic and environmental optimization in the context of industry 4.0

Grant number: 20/16364-5
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: October 01, 2021 - March 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Production Engineering - Production Management
Principal Investigator:Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Grantee:Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Host Institution: Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (CECS). Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Santo André , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: André Luís Helleno ; Dario Henrique Alliprandini ; João Carlos de Oliveira Matias ; José Rocha Andrade da Silva ; Marlene Amorim ; Sidnei Alves de Araújo ; Vikas Kumar


In view of the growing worldwide industrialization of electronic products in the last decades, there is an exponential growth in the generation of waste from electronic equipment (WEEE). As a result, in 2010 the law on mandatory WEEE management through reverse logistics was enacted, and in October 2019 the sector agreement was signed, aiming at sharing responsibilities for WEEE management between manufacturers, waste managers and recyclers. In São Paulo, which will have to structure the reverse chain for the start of operation by January 2021. The collection and recovery activities must be planned and carried out by the reverse WEEE network. The success lies in the establishment of an efficient reverse logistics network design for collection and recovery operations. An important component of this initiative is to determine the appropriate routes for economic and environmental optimization of the reverse WEEE network (manufacturers, waste managers and recyclers in São Paulo) to promote circular economy. This study aims to apply simulation and computational intelligence techniques using artificial intelligence and genetic algorithms for economic and environmental optimization of the reverse WEEE network (manufacturers, waste managers and recyclers in São Paulo) to promote circular economy. Economic gains will be assessed considering the opportunity to reduce transportation costs and the reduction of environmental impacts will be measured by assessing the intensity of the material in the abiotic, biotic, water, land and air compartments. In particular, it is planned to establish the mapping and survey the quantity and type of WEEE processed to evaluate the economic and environmental gain of the São Paulo reverse WEEE network and, finally, it will be verified in the companies belonging to the São Paulo WEEE reverse network. Paulo the practical application of the proposed simulation. The expected results are related to contributions to theory and practice through the development of a simulation and computational intelligence techniques using artificial intelligence and genetic algorithm for economic and environmental optimization of the reverse WEEE network (manufacturers, waste managers and recyclers) São Paulo to promote circular economy, a subject that has not been researched. This study will also guide companies on the best way to structure the reverse WEEE network in São Paulo in terms of economic and environmental optimization, a relevant aspect after the signing of the sectoral agreement for electronics in São Paulo. (AU)

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