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AI-ECG, artificial intelligence augmented eletrocardiogram in telemedicine: from research to the basic health unit

Grant number: 21/07005-4
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: January 01, 2022 - December 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Convênio/Acordo: MCTI/MC
Principal Investigator:Renata Valeri de Freitas
Grantee:Renata Valeri de Freitas
Host Institution: Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (IDPC). Fundação Adib Jatene (FAJ). Secretaria da Saúde (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Cantidio de Moura Campos Neto ; Danielo Gonçalves Gomes ; Francisco Faustino de Albuquerque Carneiro de França ; Henrique Takachi Moriya ; João Paulo do Vale Madeiro ; Mariana Bortoletto Grizante ; Mariana Fuziy Nogueira De Marchi
Associated scholarship(s):23/01235-3 - AI-ECG, artificial intelligence augmented eletrocardiogram in telemedicine: from research to the Basic Health Unit, BP.TT


The Dante Pazzanese Institute's tele-electrocardiography program has performed its assistance role since 2007 and from its early days started with a strong data orientation. The database todayi s composed by two million exams in raw format (raw data). In order for this big data base to be put at the service of the Universal Health System (SUS), it is necessary to overcome some challenges such as the General Data Protection Law, the use of a machine learning model in real time to support medical practitioners, the feasibility of partnerships between distinct institutions in a scenario where institutions are not used to dealing with contracts of this nature. Therefore, in this project, we aim not only to develop new models of artificial intelligence in cardiology, but also to be a model of how it is possible to guarantee that cutting-edge research can reach society as quickly as possible. (AU)

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