Research Grants 20/05134-9 - Representação de conhecimento, Construção do conhecimento - BV FAPESP
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Arquigrafia 4.0 experience

Grant number: 20/05134-9
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Architecture and Town Planning - Architecture and Urbanism Technology
Agreement: MCTI/MC
Principal Investigator:Artur Simões Rozestraten
Grantee:Artur Simões Rozestraten
Host Institution: Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Kalinka Regina Lucas Jaquie Castelo Branco
Associated researchers:Alfredo Goldman vel Lejbman ; Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Bueno ; Caio Adorno Vassão ; Cibele Araujo Camargo Marques dos Santos ; Fabio Kon ; Leandro Manuel Reis Velloso ; Renata Wassermann ; Sandra Maria Patrício Ribeiro ; Vânia Mara Alves Lima ; Zaira Regina Zafalon
Associated research grant(s):24/02044-0 - ARQUIGRAFIA Experience 4.0 in the context of the Sensible Metropolis and the contemporary Urban Imaginaries, AP.R SPRINT
22/15128-1 - Digital Applications in Heritage Conservation: Handling ARQUIGRAFIA in the Case of São Paulo, AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):24/03213-0 - Development and update of a IIIF-compliant website backend, BP.TT
23/12633-0 - Center of Sports Practice of University of São Paulo: Between the past and the future, BP.IC
24/00470-1 - Communicating Science - Archigraphy, BP.JC
+ associated scholarships 24/01586-3 - EXPERIÊNCIA ARQUIGRAFIA 4.0: science communication to the general public on the Internet, BP.JC
24/02943-4 - Development of a new interactive 3D digital environment as a pilot on the ARQUIGRAFIA collaborative platform, BP.TT
23/14406-0 - Sephardic crypto-Judaism architectural iconography as a construction and reinterpretation of a Brazilian underground history: interactions with the collaborative platform Arquigrafia, BP.PD
23/16249-0 - Coordination of the project team and implementation of software increments (back-end) and web design (front-end) on the Arquiografia platform, BP.TT
23/16550-1 - Counter-hegemonic constructive actions: montages, collages, assemblages, bricolages, a critical review of the contributions of Arts and Architecture, BP.IC
23/12647-0 - Photographic images constellations as a support for dialogue about african-brazilian architecture and spaces in Brazil, BP.IC
22/10588-4 - 100 Years of Industry in São Paulo 1870 - 1970: Regressive cartographies and landscapes through time., BP.MS
23/07847-0 - Mapping of current and future usage scenarios, considering possible integrations of Web Design with existing systems, and technical detailing of sketchs and prototypes developed for the Arquigrafia 4.0 platform, BP.TT
23/09741-5 - Development of a Knowledge Organization System (SOC) for Architecture and Urbanism in a collaborative web 4.0 environment, BP.TT
23/03103-7 - Collaborative platform for sharing and disseminating scientific information - an experimental approach, BP.IC
22/11237-0 - Architectural metaphors and experiences of continuous growth: an investigation from the History and the Technology of Architecture and Urbanism, BP.IC
22/11238-7 - Intense short-term design practices from Charrettes to Hackathons: a critical-methodological investigation, BP.IC
22/10745-2 - Conceptual map as a subsidy for the construction of a System of Organization of the Knowledge (SOC) for architecture and urbanism images in a collaborative web 4.0 environment, BP.IC
22/07373-6 - Arquigrafia 4.0 Experience, BP.JC
22/08056-4 - Development of a Knowledge Organization System (SOC) for architecture and urbanism in a collaborative web 4.0 environment, BP.TT
22/07374-2 - Development of a Knowledge Organization System (SOC) for Architecture and Urbanism in a collaborative web 4.0 environment, BP.TT
22/07248-7 - Collection of the terminology base of the ARQUIGRAFIA platform for the construction of a Knowledge Organization System (SOC) from social indexing, BP.IC - associated scholarships


This project sets up from 4 critical questions on mainstream Internet and the challenges for the coming of a Web 4.0 aiming to promote mutual enrichment in relation to urban ordinary sensitive experience and the construction, organization, representation and retrieval of knowledge about cities in the present, in memory and in the design will for tomorrow. These questions thus guide an interdisciplinary investigation on the current conditions for the establishment of autonomous collaborative environments on the Web that requires an experimental field. Such a field, on the one hand, reiterates the accomplishment of sensitive experiences rooted in real and specific places in the city of São Paulo - considering the metrópolis as a phenomenon but also as a metaphor for the conflicting diversity that outlines the Internet - and, on the other hand, it proposes to explore experimentally the "deconstruction" and the counter-hegemonic appropriation of elements and functional structures available online such as social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and others), freeware, open source software, hyperlinks, using the semantic web and analogies with the notions of: montage, from the cinema; collage, from the visual arts; bricolage; and prefabrication, from modern industrial architecture, which will result in solid and steady experimental prototypes for a critical autonomy in Web 4.0. It is then intended that such particular experiences - properly analyzed, criticized and perfected - will support a universal, more comprehensive, properly scientific, technological and methodological contribution, which produces theoretical and conceptual references with the potential to be freely reappropriated echoing on transformation, updating, reorientation and revision of guidelines regarding the development of interactions between urban environments and collaborative environments on Web 4.0 for the 21st century. (AU)

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