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Collaboration and advise on activities related to ongoing research proyectos on the subject: New eco-efficient binary and ternary pozzolanic mixtures made with agroindustrial waste for improving cement matrices.

Grant number: 22/11967-9
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International
Duration: March 01, 2023 - February 29, 2024
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Civil Engineering - Construction Industry
Principal Investigator:Holmer Savastano Junior
Grantee:Holmer Savastano Junior
Visiting researcher: Ernesto Villar Cocina
Visiting researcher institution: Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas (UCLV), Cuba
Host Institution: Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Pirassununga , SP, Brazil


The Visiting Researcher presents a research project entitled: "Characterization and assessmentof binary and ternary pozzolan mixtures (CDW demolition residues (CDW) mixed with otherPozzolanas) highly reactive with views of the improvement of the cement matrix used in theelaboration of sandwich panels", directly linked to the project: Process n.: 2020/08975-4(FAPESP) and the doctoral project by Daniela Lima (FZEA-USP), to solve aspects related tothe binary and ternary cementitious phases in sandwich panels. Research activities: Pozzolaniccharacterization of ashes from CDW and agroindustrial residues. Development of new binaryand ternary matrices based on cement with agroindustrial additions (sugar cane bagasse ash,bamboo leaf ash and corn ash. Pozzolanic activity of the materials and its mixtures. Applicationof mathematical models for determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of thepozzolanic reaction in pozzolan (or combinations)/calcium hydroxide (CH) and pozzolancement systems. Computing of the kinetic parameters. Analysis of the most important statisticalparameters. Model that shows the best correspondence with the experimental data.Thermodynamic parameters of activation (›G#, ›H# and ›S#). The influence of the particlesize, calcining temperature, temperature of the solution pozzolan-CH and pozzolan/cement onthe kinetic parameters will be analyzed. The most suitable model will be proposed by applyingstatistical criterions of comparison of models (Akaike Information Criterion). The mechanical,rheological and physical characteristics of the new mixtures of cement with ashes will beevaluated. The optimal dosage of the studied materials as additives to cement will bedetermined. Establishment of the scientific and technical basis of the new matrices. In addition,Prof. Dr. Villar-Cociña will participate as advisor and collaborator in the research projectsentitled: I. Development of Sustainable Sandwich Panels with Cementitious Face Reinforcedwith 3D Jute and Mauve Fabric and Polymer Core, funded by FAPESP and awarded to HolmerSavastano Junior, P. 2020/ 08975-4. II. Doctoral project by Daniela Lima, student of theGraduate Program at FZEA USP. Scholarship funded by FAPEAM. Title: Evaluation of theincorporation of fines from construction and demolition waste (RCD) and metakaolin in binaryand ternary cementitious matrices. III. Master's project by Javier Villar Hernández, student ofthe graduate program at FZEA USP. Scholarship funded by CAPES. Title: Characterization anduse of reactive mineral additions from the calcination of agro-industrial residues for theproduction of new eco-efficient cementitious composites. The researcher will also participate inother activities, such as: Postgraduate Course: Special Topics in Methodologies for ValuingAgro-industrial Residues as Application Materials in Engineering. Preparation and submissionof two research project about recycling in construction ECORED 2030 and EPSRC-FAPESPabout Novel cellulose fiber composites. And, participation in a doctoral thesis qualificationexam. Student Igor Machado da Silva Parente, USP FZEA. (AU)

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