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Audio-visual, history and preservation: the role of the Brazilian cinema and television newsreels in the construction of the memory (1946-1974)

Grant number: 22/06032-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: March 01, 2023 - February 29, 2028
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Communications - Visual Communication
Principal Investigator:Eduardo Victorio Morettin
Grantee:Eduardo Victorio Morettin
Host Institution: Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Arthur Autran Franco de Sá Neto ; Marcos Francisco Napolitano de Eugenio ; Rosana de Lima Soares ; Tania da Costa Garcia
Associated researchers:Mariana Martins Villaça ; Rodrigo Archangelo
Associated scholarship(s):24/17874-8 - The representations of the 1964 Coup D État in the Newsreels CJI and Canal 100 (1962-1965), BP.IC
24/14494-0 - Essential procedures for preservation and access to the collections and corpus funds, BP.TT
24/14536-4 - TV TUPI newscasts (1959-1968): Latin America and the United States, imaginaries and identities, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 24/14538-7 - Essential procedures for the preservation and access of collections and corpus funds, BP.TT
24/04016-3 - The role of US television news agencies in Brazilian politics (1959 - 1974), BE.PQ
24/10307-0 - Essential procedures for the preservation and access of the collections and funds of the corpus, BP.TT
24/10243-2 - The representation of French culture and politics in TV Tupi telereports (1950 - 1968), BP.IC
24/11132-0 - Representations of Afro-Brazilian culture and its stereotypes on TV Tupi news programs (1952-1969), BP.IC
24/06888-8 - Essential procedures for the preservation and access of the collections and funds of the corpus, BP.TT
23/12694-9 - The place of television news in the specialized press (1950 - 1974), BP.IC
23/05905-3 - The representations of the 1964 Coup D État in the Newsreels CJI and Canal 100 (1962-1965), BP.IC
23/07242-1 - TV TUPI newscasts (1959-1968): Latin America and the United States, imaginaries and identities, BP.IC
23/05664-6 - The representation of French culture and politics in TV Tupi telereports (1950 - 1968), BP.IC
23/05816-0 - Production and representation: images of the PCB and communism at Cine Jornal Informativo (CJI), BP.IC
23/05990-0 - Media criticism and social stigmas: youth representation on audiovisual narratives, BP.IC - associated scholarships


This thematic project "Audio-Visual, History and Preservation: the role of the Brazilian cinema and television newsreels in the construction of the memory (1946 - 1974)" will examine, in the democratic period and the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil, the representations of historical events and social groups, the imaginary and their recurring cultural and political discourses, from the following corpus: Cine Jornal Informativo collection (1946-1954), the newsreels of the Fundo Atlântida (1955-1974) and the Fundo Canal 100 (1959-1974), and the television newsreels shown by TV Tupi (Fundo Tupi, 1950-1974), documentation placed at Cinemateca Brasileira (CB). The Project is organized in two main thematic axis: audio-visual and history; and audio-visual preservation, a key step without which the project will not be accomplished as it implies in the preservation of audio-visual materials, with actions that involve their recovery and access. Transdisciplinary in nature, it mobilizes researchers from different theoretical fields. The proposal is part of the international project IRP/CNRS Archives-Médias-Images-Sociétés [AMIS], coordinated in France by Isabelle Gaillard with the collaboration of Evelyne Cohen, from the Laboratoire de recherches historiques Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA, UMR CNRS 5190, Université de Lyon), and Itania Gomes (UFBA). It participates in a network of research groups formed, among others, by "História e Audiovisual: circularidades e comunicação" (CNPq) and "Grupo de Estudos de Linguagem e Práticas Midiáticas: Midiato" (CNPq). (AU)

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