Research Grants 22/14453-6 - Economia de mercado, Balança comercial - BV FAPESP
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Acquisition and home feeding of fish: institutional changes, supply of fish farming products and consumer preferences


The main objective of this research proposal is to identify elements that arouse people's interest in purchasing fish products from fish farming in supermarkets and fishmongers. Thus, we aim to investigate consumers' preferences and behaviors as a function of age, family income levels, schooling and the size of the city where they live. It starts from the assumption that the offer of products must seek synergy with the requirements and interests of consumption (market orientation). For that, three lines of investigation and analysis were traced. The first, of an exploratory nature, aims to understand how institutional changes influenced the supply and distribution of fish farming products in the fish market, given the high level of geographic concentration of the productive activity. The second line of investigation will describe the market characteristics of the retail supply of fresh or saltwater fish, national and imported. It will involve questions related to the characteristics of the products, forms of commercialization, available cuts, types and species of fish, certifications and quality seals. In the third line of analysis lies the descriptive research on the preferences, behaviors, demands and interests of consumers regarding fish farming products aimed at home consumption. There is a special concern in comparing different age groups and levels of family income, in addition to verifying the substitution of imported products and issues related to nutrition, sustainability and fair trade. The first stage of the research will be carried out through structured interviews with key actors who work in different segments of the fish farming production chain. In the second and third stages, original data will be collected in 10 mesoregions with the highest density of households in the State of São Paulo, which concentrates 20% of the Brazilian population and presented per capita household consumption rates of fish of around 1.45 kg, according to with POF-IBGE 2018. The emphasis given to fish farming products and the methodologies for collecting and analyzing data with consumers will be in line with the main recent contributions of the international literature, which will ensure the reproducibility of the research and comparability of results. (AU)

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