Research Grants 22/07671-7 - Materiais compósitos, Fibra de carbono - BV FAPESP
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Self-healing fiber ceramic matrix composite


SAFER aims to research and develop a family of non-oxide ceramic matrix composites (CMC) with self-healing abilities. The new CMC material is reinforced with carbon fibres embedded in a carbon and silicon carbide dual-phase matrix (Cf/C-SiC). The carbon fibres will be functionalised with carbon nanostruc-tures, which shell increase the mechanical properties as well as create self-healing at the fibre/matrix interface. Additionally, the matrix in functionalised with metal oxides nanoparticles the create self-healing in the matrix. The special feature of this project is the use of the thermoset injection moulding process as the first process stage in the three-stage LSI route (liquid silicon infiltration). This so-called IM-LSI process (injection moulding and liquid silicon infiltration) enables the mass production of CFRP preforms. Firstly, fibres and matrix are compounded, secondly shaped to CFRP and thirdly carbonised to C/C and infiltrated with liquid silicon to Cf/C-SiC in the fourth step. In addition, silicon powder will already be mixed into the granules during compounding. This enables intrinsic silicification with the advantage of precisely controlling the SiC content in the matrix, which can be done during the carbonisation step under omission of the last step. The healing additives will be developed using different carbon fibres coated with carbon nanostructures (carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide) functionalized with nanoparticle precursors activated by the temperature rise of the disc. The healing mechanism, as well as the reinforcement of the composite used for the preparation of the discs, will be carried out using mechanical and microscopy techniques such as SEM, SPEM, and X-ray tomography. The mechanical and morphological properties of the disk after usage will be used to gauge the production of micro/nanostructured healings.In comparison to monolithic ceramics, CMC possesses improved ductility and damage tolerance, which enable to use of this material for severe applications. Starting in space applications, this material is today well established in friction applications, where lightweight high-performance brakes securely decelerate, for example, luxury cars or elevators. The high production costs still limit the broad application like brake discs in standard passenger cars, although they are lighter, better performing, and longer-lasting than cast iron brakes.With the large-scale IM-LSI processing route, the production costs can be reduced significantly and allow broad applications like brake discs for standard (electric) cars. CMC-brakes have outstanding properties: they do not corrode, they enable lifetime usage without emitting fine dust and supporting contribute with their lightweight to the general CO2 reduction. Furthermore, the functionalised CMC for fric-tion applications to be researched and developed during SAFER open more operational areas like aero-space and industrial clutches. The demonstrator of SAFER will be an inner-ventilated brake discs that shows the research results coming from TRL 2 to TRL 5.The SAFER consortium is formed by five partners from DE, CZ, PL, and BR that bring unique expertise in their field of knowledge: non-oxide CMC processing (Technical University of Chemnitz), preparation and functionalisation of nanofillers, characterization (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava), preparation and functionalisation of carbon fibres (University of Sao Paulo), preparation and functionalisation of car-bon fibres (Opole University of Technology), and development and manufacturing of braking systems (Diafrikt Components s.r.o.). The research partners have also some previous interactions and the probability of engagement of several companies is very high. (AU)

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