Research Grants 23/10119-7 - - BV FAPESP
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Promotion of geographical indications for rural sustainable development e: Geographical indications, cost-benefit ratio for agro-foods and dissemination of the practice as a way to add value to Brazilian agricultural systems


Intangible properties, such as geographical indications, have the potential to attribute value to quality, create an intangible asset associated with products and services typical from one territory, and protect the interests of producers and consumers. This research replicates the methodology of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to, among other things, estimate the costs and earnings of rural producers who are part of recognized GIs, helping future stakeholders to make the right decision based on consistent data with the richness of detail necessary to reflect the complex reality and Brazilian particularities. The main expected result will be the development of public policy for the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, promulgated by Decree 10,886/2021, with legislative and regulatory suggestions, as well as the production of technical data that allow the creation of norms, policies, and practices effective territorial promotion by encouraging geographical indications and collective brands and that are capable of structuring partnerships between universities, government agencies, schools, private entities, associations, cooperatives, among others (AU)

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