Research Grants 23/17975-6 - Neoliberalismo, Psicanálise - BV FAPESP
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Clinical-political diagnosis of psychological distress in university students: an interface between Education and Psychoanalysis


This project, based on the interface of Education and Psychoanalysis, in dialogue withcontemporary authors from the Human Sciences who discuss the effects of neoliberalism in thefield of Education, arises in the context of a growing increase in rates of psychological distressamong young university students. It aims to carry out a clinical-political diagnosis of the processesof subjectivation and psychological suffering of young university students at the State Universityof Campinas (UNICAMP) and investigate the worsening of the conditions of social andpsychological vulnerability of this public, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. , in which manypsychic and social effects have not yet been fully measured. It is also intended to analyze thechallenges regarding entry, insertion, permanence and belonging experienced by universitystudents, considering the changes promoted with the expansion and diversification of accessmodes, affirmative policies, as well as actions and resources intended for permanence student atUNICAMP. This is a study with a hybrid methodological design, with documentary andbibliographic research, interviews and intervention research, based on focus groups, usingpsychoanalytic listening devices in collective spaces. It envisages the participation ofundergraduate university students studying health courses at UNICAMP. It is expected that theproblematization of subjectivation processes at the university, from a historical-criticalperspective, will support the work of implementing a collective psychoanalytic listening device tomonitor and intervene in the processes of psychic illness in the student community that attends theuniversity. (AU)

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