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This project proposes to investigate photonic structures based on microstructured polymer optical fibers, aiming to establish platforms for the development of innovative optical sensors and devices. This category of waveguide presents a set of distinct advantages: i) it explores the intrinsic properties of optical fibers; ii) it offers flexibility to adjust its optical and mechanical properties through the microstructure present in its cross-section; iii) it capitalizes on the unique characteristics of polymeric materials. We highlight several properties of the polymer, such as the Young's modulus, which is approximately 20 times smaller than that of silica, the elastic regime, which is about 10 times larger, and the thermo-optic coefficient, which is approximately 12 times higher than that of silica. We also emphasize the greater freedom in producing fibers with geometries adapted to specific applications, ease of post-processing and chemical doping, as well as the fact that the fiber does not generate sharp tips, a relevant parameter in biomedical contexts. The plan includes the development and study of at least three new microstructured fibers, each with its peculiar architecture and target application. Such applications include devices aimed at coupling whispering gallery modes, fibers intended for exploring acousto-optic effects in polymeric guides, fibers with air guidance through the inhibited coupling/antiresonance effect, and fibers aimed at recording chiral gratings, among other promising possibilities. (AU)

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