Research Grants 04/11038-0 - Sambaquis, Sítios arqueológicos - BV FAPESP
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Sambaquis and landscape: modeling cultural and natural relationships at the Brazilian southern shores, Santa Catarina


This interdisciplinary project focuses on the integrated study of prehistoric processes of regional occupation and landscape formation by the sambaqui (shell mound) building societies at the soother shores of Santa Catarina, Brazil, vis-à-vis the dynamic environmental evolution that took place throughout the Holocene. The essential idea is to understand how sambaqui people have made these coastal lowlands their homeland leaving behind the sambaqui, monumental imprints on the ever changing fiat landscape - and their relations with other contemporary societies like Umbu and Guarani people. Methodologically speaking, this is a multifaceted research program, contemplating geological, geophysical, anthracological and zooarchaeological perspectives, as well as a special attention to human biology interests such as microevolution and diet. Archaeological approaches focus at intra-site formation processes, as well as settlement evolution in a regional scope. The full range of perspectives included into this comprehensive research project fits together through the implementation of a GIS system, now at a prototype stage, aiming to model the complex patterns of natural and socio-cultural evolution that have taken place at the southern coast of Santa Catarina in late prehistoric times. (AU)

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Scientific publications (17)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
COLONESE, ANDRE CARLO; NETTO, SERGIO ANTONIO; FRANCISCO, ANDRE SILVA; DEBLASIS, PAULO; VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; ROCHA PONZONI, RAQUEL DE ALMEIDA; HANCOCK, Y.; HAUSMANN, NIKLAS; ELOY DE FARIAS, DEISI SUNDERLICK; PRENDERGAST, AMY; et al. Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 484, n. SI, p. 7-21, . (04/11038-0)
DE MELO, FERNANDO LUCAS; MOREIRA DE MELLO, JOANA CARVALHO; FRAGA, ANA MARIA; NUNES, KELLY; EGGERS, SABINE. Syphilis at the Crossroad of Phylogenetics and Paleopathology. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 4, n. 1, p. e575, . (04/11038-0)
HAUSMANN, N.; SIOZOS, P.; LEMONIS, A.; COLONESE, A. C.; ROBSON, H. K.; ANGLOS, D.. Elemental mapping of Mg/Ca intensity ratios in marine mollusc shells using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 32, n. 8, p. 1467-1472, . (04/11038-0)
CARVALHO DO AMARAL, PAULA GARCIA; FONSECA GIANNINI, PAULO CESAR; SYLVESTRE, FLORENCE; RUIZ PESSENDA, LUIZ CARLOS. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a Late Quaternary lagoon system in southern Brazil (Jaguaruna region, Santa Catarina state) based on multi-proxy analysis. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, v. 27, n. 2, p. 181-191, . (04/11038-0)
RODRIGUES, SELMA ISABEL; PORSANI, JORGE LUIS; FONSECA GIANNINI, PAULO CESAR; FORNARI, MILENE; ATORRE, TIAGO; DEBLASIS, PAULO; GAETA RUIZ, DANIELLA MAGALHAES. Radarfacies and sedimentological analysis: Study of sedimentary substrate from an archaeological site (shell mound), southern Brazil. HOLOCENE, v. 25, n. 8, p. 1257-1270, . (10/11617-0, 04/11038-0, 09/54232-4)
VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.. Shell mounds as environmental proxies on the southern coast of Brazil. HOLOCENE, v. 24, n. 8, p. 1009-1016, . (04/11038-0)
PEZO-LANFRANCO, LUIS; DEBLASIS, PAULO; EGGERS, SABINE. Weaning process and subadult diets in a monumental Brazilian shellmound. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE-REPORTS, v. 22, p. 452-469, . (04/11038-0, 15/05391-3, 13/14799-0)
POSTH, COSIMO; NAKATSUKA, NATHAN; LAZARIDIS, IOSIF; SKOGLUND, PONTUS; MALLICK, SWAPAN; LAMNIDIS, THISEAS C.; ROHLAND, NADIN; NAEGELE, KATHRIN; ADAMSKI, NICOLE; BERTOLINI, EMILIE; et al. Reconstructing the Deep Population History of Central and South America. Cell, v. 175, n. 5, p. 1185+, . (04/01321-6, 04/11038-0, 99/12684-2, 17/16451-2)
KLOKLER, DANIELA; GASPAR, MARIA DULCE; SCHEEL-YBERT, RITA. Why clam? Why clams? Shell Mound construction in Southern Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE-REPORTS, v. 20, p. 856-863, . (04/11038-0)
VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.. The Shell Midden Conundrum: Comparative Micromorphology of Shell-Matrix Sites from South America. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY, v. 26, n. 1, p. 344-395, . (04/11038-0, 15/19405-6)
RODRIGUES, SELMA I.; PORSANI, JORGE L.; SANTOS, VINICIUS R. N.; DEBLASIS, PAULO A. D.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.. GPR and inductive electromagnetic surveys applied in three coastal sambaqui (shell mounds) archaeological sites in Santa Catarina state, South Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 36, n. 10, p. 2081-2088, . (04/11038-0)
SANTOS, VINICIUS R. N.; PORSANI, JORGE L.; MENDONCA, CARLOS A.; RODRIGUES, SELMA I.; DEBLASIS, PAULO D.. Reduction of topography effect in inductive electromagnetic profiles: application on coastal sambaqui (shell mound) archaeological site in Santa Catarina state, Brazil. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 36, n. 10, p. 2089-2095, . (04/11038-0)
FORNARI, MILENE; FONSECA GIANNINI, PAULO CESAR; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, DANIEL RODRIGUES. Facies associations and controls on the evolution from a coastal bay to a lagoon system, Santa Catarina Coast, Brazil. MARINE GEOLOGY, v. 323, p. 56-68, . (04/11038-0)
VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; GIANNINI, PAULO C. F.; DEBLASIS, PAULO. Archaeofacies Analysis: Using Depositional Attributes to Identify Anthropic Processes of Deposition in a Monumental Shell Mound of Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. GEOARCHAEOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, v. 24, n. 3, p. 311-335, . (04/11038-0)
KUCERA, MATTHIAS; PANY-KUCERA, DORIS; BOYADJIAN, CELIA HELENA; REINHARD, KARL; EGGERS, SABINE. Efficient but destructive: a test of the dental wash technique using secondary electron microscopy. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 38, n. 1, p. 129-135, . (04/11038-0)
GIANNINI‚ P.C.F.; SAWAKUCHI‚ A.O.; MARTINHO‚ C.T.; TATUMI‚ S.H.. Eolian depositional episodes controlled by Late Quaternary relative sea level changes on the Imbituba-Laguna coast (southern Brazil). MARINE GEOLOGY, v. 237, n. 3, p. 143-168, . (04/11038-0)
COLONESE, ANDRE CARLO; NETTO, SERGIO ANTONIO; FRANCISCO, ANDRE SILVA; DEBLASIS, PAULO; VILLAGRAN, XIMENA S.; ROCHA PONZONI, RAQUEL DE ALMEIDA; HANCOCK, Y.; HAUSMANN, NIKLAS; ELOY DE FARIAS, DEISI SUNDERLICK; PRENDERGAST, AMY; et al. Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) from southern Brazil: Implications for environmental and archaeological studies. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 484, p. 15-pg., . (04/11038-0)

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