Research Grants 07/08688-0 - Polímeros (materiais), Biopolímeros - BV FAPESP
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Electronic and optoelectronic polymer devices

Grant number: 07/08688-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Roberto Mendonça Faria
Grantee:Roberto Mendonça Faria
Host Institution: Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior
Associated researchers:Dante Luis Chinaglia ; Debora Goncalves ; Debora Terezia Balogh ; Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevedo ; Marcelo de Assumpção Pereira da Silva ; Paulo Barbeitas Miranda ; Ronny Rocha Ribeiro ; Valtencir Zucolotto
Associated research grant(s):12/09255-9 - International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2012, AR.EXT
12/04224-8 - Total internal reflection ellipsometry applied to sensors and biosensors, AV.EXT
11/13422-5 - New challenges for organic electronic devices, AV.EXT
+ associated grants 11/12295-0 - Study of electrical properties of sulfonated ionomers used as gate insulator interface in organic field-effect transistors, AV.EXT
11/10741-2 - Electrical and spectroscopic properties of nanostructured films, AV.EXT
10/06980-9 - Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on nanostructured films, AV.EXT - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):13/21034-0 - Organic bioelectronics: from materials characterization to devices development, BE.PQ
13/07328-1 - Investigation of interfaces in polymeric light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) by SFG spectroscopy, BP.DR
12/01303-4 - Structural and morphological characterization of conjugated polymer films for application on high performance photo-voltaic devices, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 11/17143-3 - Hybrid photovoltaic cells: Architectures based on photonic and plasmonic effects, BP.DR
11/18601-5 - Implementação de experimentos de espectroscopia ultrarrápida em polímeros conjugados, BP.IC
11/05742-0 - Fabrication of biosensors using printing techniques, BE.PQ
11/11065-0 - Hybrid solar cells: architecture-based photonic and plasmonic effects, BP.PD
11/08463-4 - Synthesis, characterization and correlation between structural and performance of D-A conjugated polymers used for photovoltaics, BP.PD
09/09607-0 - Fabrication and characterization of organic solar cells, BP.IC
09/05251-6 - Development of High Efficiency Organic Solar Cell Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance, BP.PD
08/11675-0 - NMR methods for studying soft materials: application to eletroluminescent polymers and intercalation nanocomposites, BP.DD
08/01935-5 - Correlation between electric and optical properties with molecular dynamics and physical structure of films and organic devices of polyfluorenes and its derivatives, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The Group Bernhard Gross develop research on electrical and optical properties of polymer and biopolymer materials since the 1970s, and has a long tradition of applied projects. Electrets and ferroelectric properties were the main topics of research in the beginning of its activities, mainly that devotes to storage and charge transport phenomena, origin of ferroelectricity of organic materials and ferro-to-para phase transition. In the 1980s several projects on electroacoustic devices were developed in collaboration with Telebrás. But, in the end of this decade the group started to be involved with electronic polymers. To progress with investigation of electrical and optical properties of these new class of polymeric materials, two other laboratories was created: one for organic synthesis and other dedicated to produce thin organic films. Now, inside the Group, it is possible to synthesize several classes of conjugated polymers and to process biomolecular systems. Along the 1990s and the beginning of 2000s several scientific projects and graduate thesis (at about 20) had as subject investigations on physical properties of electronic and optoelectronic organic devices. However, the conditions in which the devices are now fabricated are far from the adequate to be competitive with other laboratories (those of the developed countries). We need to improve the efficiencies and the life-time of the devices, not only to progress in the device processing but to study with accuracy transport and injection phenomena involved in ultra-thin film devices. This area of research is progressing quickly and an adequate laboratory of organic devices (OLEDs, photovoltaic diodes, transistors, sensors, etc.) is now necessary to put Brazil in conditions to realize high level basic research and competitive technological developments. The involved phenomena are in the molecular scale and, since, we are treating with devices in nanoscales, interface studies are equally important. In the near future, we will have single-molecule devices; the called Molecular Electronic; and the organic materials certainly will play an important role in this development. Therefore, investigations on properties of electronic polymers, interface phenomena, operation of devices, are of current fundamental interest, as well as to generate researchers on organic electronics. This project has as goal to investigate electrical and optical properties of electronic and optoelectronic devices, as well as interfacial effects, having polymers and biopolymers as active layers. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CARDOSO, LILIAN SOARES; STEFANELO, JOSIANI CRISTINA; FARIA, ROBERTO MENDONCA. Induced characteristics of n- and p-channel OFETs by the choice of solvent for the dielectric layer towards the fabrication of an organic complementary circuit. Synthetic Metals, v. 220, p. 286-291, . (09/11304-5, 07/08688-0)
FARIA, G. C.; VON SEGGERN, H.; FARIA, R. M.; DEAZEVEDO, E. R.. Influence of Molecular Dynamics on the Dielectric Properties of Poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) -Based Devices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, v. 19, n. 4, p. 1181-1185, . (07/08688-0, 08/01935-5, 09/18354-8)
BERNARDINELLI, OIGRES DANIEL; FARIA, GREGORIO COUTO; DE OLIVEIRA NUNES, LUIZ ANTONIO; FARIA, ROBERTO MENDONCA; DEAZEVEDO, EDUARDO RIBEIRO; SIQUEIRA PINTO, MELISSA FABIOLA. Correlation Between Molecular Conformation, Packing, and Dynamics in Oligofluorenes: A Theoretical/Experimental Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 116, n. 17, p. 4285-4295, . (07/08688-0, 09/18354-8)
FARIA, GREGORIO C.; DEAZEVEDO, EDUARDO R.; VON SEGGERN, HEINZ. Molecular Origin of Charge Traps in Polyfluorene-Based Semiconductors. MACROMOLECULES, v. 46, n. 19, p. 7865-7873, . (07/08688-0, 09/18354-8, 08/01935-5, 12/01303-4)
FARIA, G. C.; FARIA, R. M.; DEAZEVEDO, E. R.; VON SEGGERN, H.. Temperature Dependence of the Drift Mobility of Poly(9,9 '-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole)-Based Thin-Film Devices. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 115, n. 51, p. 5-pg., . (09/18354-8, 07/08688-0, 08/01935-5)
FARIA, G. C.; FARIA, R. M.; DEAZEVEDO, E. R.; VON SEGGERN, H.. Temperature Dependence of the Drift Mobility of Poly(9,9 `-dioctylfluorene-co-benzothiadiazole)-Based Thin-Film Devices. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 115, n. 51, p. 25479-25483, . (07/08688-0, 08/01935-5, 09/18354-8)

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