Research Grants 09/54509-6 - Gravidez, Diabetes mellitus - BV FAPESP
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The sexual function in pregnant women with gestational Diabetes mellitus after 28 weeks of pregnancy


Many are the bio-psycho-social changes which women undergo during pregnancy. Besides needing to adapt to them, finding out during pregnancy to have a disease, particularly Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), may cause intense modifications in this pregnant's life. Our hypothesis is that the pregnant woman with GDM comparing with those without any pathologies, may suffer more profound, and greater in number, alterations in her sexuality, specially in the third trimester of pregnancy. This hypothesis is based on the fact that diabetic women worry with their body weight, food diet, hypoglycemic crisis (even during the sexual intercourse) and with the fetus well-being, besides most pregnant women's worries and anxieties about the moment of delivery. Once there is no data in literature about this topic, the aim of this study is to analyze GDM pregnant women's sexual function, after 28 weeks of pregnancy, and compare it to pregnant women without any pathology. A cross-sectional descriptive study will be carried out comparing two groups: one with healthy pregnant women and another with GDM pregnant women. In both groups the women will be under antenatal care in the Obstetric Department from São Paulo Medical School, UNIFESP. This study aims at: 1) Determining the prevalence of sexual alterations in both groups, by analyzing the answers to the following questionnaires: FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) and the SQ-F (Sexual Quotient - Female Version); 2) Comparing the final scores of both methods, and the study group. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RIBEIRO, MEIRELUCI COSTA; NAKAMURA, MARY UCHIYAMA; SCANAVINO, MARCO DE TUBINO; TORLONI, MARIA REGINA; MATTAR, ROSIANE. Female Sexual Function and Gestational Diabetes. Journal of Sexual Medicine, v. 9, n. 3, p. 786-792, . (09/54509-6)
RIBEIRO, MEIRELUCI COSTA; NAKAMURA, MARY UCHIYAMA; TORLONI, MARIA REGINA; SCANAVINO, MARCO DE TUBINO; SCOMPARINI, FLAVIA BURIN; MATTAR, ROSIANE. Female Sexual Function of Overweight Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS One, v. 9, n. 4, . (12/03670-4, 09/54509-6)

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