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Development and open offer of softwares for computational mechanics simulation: consolidation of the Wilson Sergio Venturini Laboratory of Informatics and Computational Mechanics


The EESC-USP Structural Engineering Department is nowadays a Brazilian Center of excellence with CAPES grade 7 for post-graduation curses. Recently, with the recognition of the detached participation of the Numerical Methods Group in the context of Department research it was created the LIMC (Informatics and Computational Mechanics Laboratory) - Wilson Sérgio Venturini. The present project objectives are greatly connected to this Laboratory consolidation, that is: to increment, generalize and provide Computational Mechanics tolls keeping the excellence level of the group research. The main objectives are the solution of geometrical and physical non-linear problems related to structural engineering and solid mechanics, involving direct and inverse analyses, considering general materials and including biomechanics. Not less important is the technological objective, creating computational platforms to facilitate the scientific development, as well as the publication and offering of the resultant computational tools to other research groups and professionals. The scientific challenges are related to the application of variational principles to the solution of high non-linear problems, as tall buildings with stiffness center, post-critical behavior of structures constituted of thin walls, elastomeric materials reinforced with fibers, metal forming, crack growth and mechanical modeling of animal tissues (including human). The technological challenges are related to the data acquisition equipments (scanner 3D, tomographs and termographic cameras) to be used directly in research and the creation of pre e post-processors in order to make possible the associated programs be used by other research and professionals. (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BASAGLIA, CILMAR; CAMOTIM, DINAR; CODA, HUMBERTO. Behaviour, failure and DSM design of cold-formed steel beams: Influence of the load point of application. THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, v. 81, p. 11-pg., . (11/17557-2, 11/15731-5)
PACCOLA, RODRIGO RIBEIRO; NETO, DORIVAL PIEDADE; CODA, HUMBERTO BREVES. Geometrical non-linear analysis of fiber reinforced elastic solids considering debounding. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 133, p. 343-357, . (11/15731-5)
BASAGLIA, CILMAR; CAMOTIM, DINAR; CODA, HUMBERTO. Behaviour, failure and DSM design of cold-formed steel beams: Influence of the load point of application. THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, v. 81, n. SI, p. 78-88, . (11/17557-2, 11/15731-5)
BASAGLIA, CILMAR; CAMOTIM, DINAR; CODA, HUMBERTO BREVES. Generalised beam theory (GBT) formulation to analyse the vibration behaviour of thin-walled steel frames. THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES, v. 127, p. 259-274, . (11/17557-2, 11/15731-5)
BASAGLIA, CILMAR; CAMOTIM, DINAR; SILVESTRE, NUNO. Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel CHS Members and Frames Using Generalized Beam Theory. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS, v. 15, n. 8, . (11/15731-5)
PACCOLA, RODRIGO R.; SAMPAIO, MARIA S. M.; CODA, HUMBERTO B.. Continuous stress distribution following transverse direction for FEM orthotropic laminated plates and shells. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 40, n. 15-16, p. 7382-7409, . (11/15731-5)
NOGUEIRA, GEOVANNE VIANA; PACCOLA, RODRIGO RIBEIRO; CODA, HUMBERTO BREVES. A positional Unconstrained Vector Layerwise (UVLWT) FEM formulation for laminated frame element modeling. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 148, p. 97-112, . (11/15731-5)
CODA, HUMBERTO BREVES; PACCOLA, RODRIGO RIBEIRO. A total-Lagrangian position-based FEM applied to physical and geometrical nonlinear dynamics of plane frames including semi-rigid connections and progressive collapse. FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, v. 91, p. 1-15, . (11/15731-5)
PACCOLA, RODRIGO RIBEIRO; CODA, HUMBERTO BREVES. A direct FEM approach for particulate reinforced elastic solids. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v. 141, p. 282-291, . (11/15731-5)

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