Research Grants 12/01187-4 - Paleoclimatologia, Geoquímica isotópica - BV FAPESP
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A calibration study in Central Brazil caves: implications for the paleoclimate inferences from speleothem records


The research proposed aims to set up a monitoring program for environmental parameters such as climate, hydrology and chemistry-isotopic composition of meteoric waters at cave sites in order to improve the confidence in the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental interpretations records from speleothem records. The study sites were previously selected based on the availability of well-dated speleothems that will provide high-resolution paleoclimate reconstructions of the rainfall distributions along the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, a major feature of South American Monsoon System.This study will make possible a precise evaluation of the "amount effect" in the isotope fractionation of rainfall water that percolates into the karstic system and also the primary control of climate and hydrology on chemistry and isotopic composition of drip waters forming modern speleothems. This research project is associated with ongoing studies of the precipitation variability in the South American Monsoon system on decadal to multicentannial timescales during the Holocene. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NOVELLO, V. F.; CRUZ, F. W.; MOQUET, J. S.; VUILLE, M.; DE PAULA, M. S.; NUNES, D.; EDWARDS, R. L.; CHENG, H.; KARMANN, I.; UTIDA, G.; et al. Two Millennia of South Atlantic Convergence Zone Variability Reconstructed From Isotopic Proxies. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, n. 10, p. 5045-5051, . (17/50085-3, 16/15807-5, 14/10095-1, 12/03942-4, 15/08351-2, 12/01187-4, 16/00299-4, 17/23687-2, 12/50260-6, 09/12902-3)
JAQUETO, PLINIO; TRINDADE, RICARDO I. F.; HARTMANN, GELVAM A.; NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; KARMANN, IVO; STRAUSS, BECKY E.; FEINBERG, JOSHUA M.. Linking speleothem and soil magnetism in the Pau d'Alho cave (central South America). JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, v. 121, n. 10, p. 7024-7039, . (12/01187-4, 12/50260-6, 12/03942-4)
STRIKIS, NICOLAS M.; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO M.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; CHENG, HAI; DE SOUZA BARRETO, ELINE A.; MOLLENHAUER, GESINE; KASTEN, SABINE; KARMANN, IVO; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; et al. Timing and structure of Mega-SACZ events during Heinrich Stadial 1. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 42, n. 13, p. 5477-5484, . (12/17517-3, 12/01187-4, 12/50260-6)
NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; STRKIS, NICOLAS M.; DE PAULA, MARCOS SAITO; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; CHENG, HAI; KARMANN, IVO; JAQUETO, PLNIO F.; TRINDADE, RICARDO I. F.; et al. Centennial-scale solar forcing of the South American Monsoon System recorded in stalagmites. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, . (14/10095-1, 12/03942-4, 15/08351-2, 12/01187-4, 12/50260-6, 09/12902-3)
NOVELLO, VALDIR F.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; STRIKIS, NICOLAS M.; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; CHENG, HAI; EMERICK, SUELLYN; DE PAULA, MARCOS S.; LI, XIANGLEI; BARRETO, ELINE DE S.; et al. A high-resolution history of the South American Monsoon from Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (12/03942-4, 16/15807-5, 14/10095-1, 15/08351-2, 09/12902-3, 12/50260-6, 16/00299-4, 12/01187-4)
STRIKIS, NICOLAS M.; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; BARRETO, ELINE A. S.; NAUGHTON, FILIPA; VUILLE, MATHIAS; CHENG, HAI; VOELKER, ANTJE H. L.; ZHANG, HAIWEI; KARMANN, IVO; EDWARDS, R. LAWRENCE; et al. South American monsoon response to iceberg discharge in the North Atlantic. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, v. 115, n. 15, p. 3788-3793, . (16/00299-4, 12/01187-4, 12/50260-6)

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