Geometry of manifolds in the euclidian space and in the Minkowski space
Singularities of binary differential equation and geometry of surfaces
The geometry of singular surfaces from the singularity theory viewpoint
Grant number: | 08/03774-9 |
Support Opportunities: | Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International |
Field of knowledge: | Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Mathematics - Geometry and Topology |
Principal Investigator: | Ana Claudia Nabarro |
Grantee: | Ana Claudia Nabarro |
Visiting researcher: | Farid Tari |
Visiting researcher institution: | Durham University (DU), England |
Host Institution: | Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil |
The principal parts of the program of the visit are summarized as follows. Collaboration in the following projects: I. Principal and characteristics curves on surfaces in R^5, with M. A. S. Ruas; II. Families of surfaces and reflected conjugate curve, with A. C. Nabarro; III. Finite determinacy of Binary differential equations, with R. D. S. Oliveira; IV. Tangent vector fields on foliations, with L. F. Martins; Discussions with the PhD student Miriam Silva Pereira and the pos-doctored student Lizandro Sanchez Challapa, both with FAPESP grants; Participation as a speaker in the 10th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities; Lectures on singularity theory to postgraduate students. (AU)
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