Research Grants 12/08495-6 - Sociologia política, Abolicionismo - BV FAPESP
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Abolicionism as a social movement


This research is a follow-up of another Fapesp grant (2009/05921-1). The research aims to produce a comprehensive explanation on the Brazilian abolitionist movement from two points of view. On one hand, it argues that the movement was a social network, congregating Parliamentary activities, civil society mobilizations and slave rebellions. On the other hand, this project researches how occurred the transfer and adaptation of ideas from the international abolitionist repertoire to the Brazilian abolitionist movement, and how the national tradition constrained this process. It argues that some abolitionist leaders worked out as brokers between both processes, connecting, on one hand, public space and political institutions and, on the other hand, local, national and international arenas of abolitionist activism.At this point,the research is on its final stage, requiring complementary empirical research on regional level as well as the final writting of a book and a couple of articles to be published in journals in Portuguese and English (AU)

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