Research Grants 11/21643-1 - Citogenética, Complexo sinaptonêmico - BV FAPESP
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Meiosis in scorpions (Arachnida): model to understand the evolution in species with achiasmate chromosomes


The order Scorpiones presents a high diversity of species and has revealed peculiar and intriguing chromosomal features, which can constitute model to understand the chromosome evolution in other groups of animals. This proposition is based on the fact that the examined species exhibited: 1) high interspecific and intraspecific variability in relation to diploid number and chromosome behavior during meiosis, permitting the genetic characterization of different populations; 2) presence of holocentric or monocentric chromosomes, making it possible to study the evolutionary differentiation between these two types of chromosomes; 3) synaptic and achiasmate meiosis, which permits to investigate the events responsible for the genetic variability in scorpions; 4) high incidence of chromosome rearrangements of the translocation or fission/fusion type, which can occur due to chromosome molecular organization and/or population structure of the scorpions. Taking into account these data, the aim of this project is to establish the mechanisms related with intra and interspecific variability of diploid number and understand the evolutionary meaning of the high frequency of chromosome rearrangement and presence of synaptic and achiasmate mode of meiosis. The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Scorpiones species from Brazilian fauna will be examined, using techniques of standard and differential staining (C-band, silver impregnation, base-specific fluorochrome staining), molecular cytogenetic (FISH with rDNA and telomere probe), ultrastructural analyses (cellular microspreading or surface spreading) and immunostaining (employing antibodies that recognized certain synaptonemal complex constituents, nodule of recombination, and histone modifications). (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
UBINSKI, CRISLAINE VANESSA; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Mechanisms of karyotype evolution in the Brazilian scorpions of the subfamily Centruroidinae (Buthidae). Genetica, v. 146, n. 6, p. 475-486, . (11/21643-1)
LOMAZI, RAFAEL LUCENA; ARAUJO, DOUGLAS; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Small pholcids (Araneae: Synspermiata) with big surprises: the lowest diploid number in spiders with monocentric chromosomes. JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY, v. 46, n. 1, p. 45-49, . (11/21643-1, 12/10679-8)
PAULA-NETO, EMYGDIO; CELLA, DORALICE MARIA; ARAUJO, DOUGLAS; BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO DOMINGOS; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Comparative cytogenetic analysis among filistatid spiders (Araneomorphae: Haplogynae). JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY, v. 45, n. 1, p. 123-128, . (11/50689-0, 10/14193-7, 11/21643-1)
LOPES, AMALIA T.; FERNANDES, FLAVIA R.; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE C.. Chromosome mapping of 28S ribosomal genes in 11 species of Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). European Journal of Entomology, v. 114, p. 546-553, . (11/21643-1, 12/12619-2)
ARAUJO, DOUGLAS; SANCHES, MARIANA BESSA; GONCALVES SANTANA LIMA, JULIANE DA SILVA; JULIAO DO NASCIMENTO, ERICA VANESSA; GIROTI, ANDRE MARSOLA; BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO DOMINGOS; CELLA, DORALICE MARIA; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Chromosomal analyses of Salticinae and Lyssomaninae reveal a broad occurrence of the 2n male=28, X(1)X(2)0 karyotype within Salticidae. JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY, v. 44, n. 2, p. 148-152, . (11/21643-1)
MATTOS, VIVIANE FAGUNDES; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA; CELLA, DORALICE MARIA; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Location of 45S Ribosomal Genes in Mitotic and Meiotic Chromosomes of Buthid Scorpions. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v. 31, n. 9, p. 603-607, . (11/21643-1, 10/14226-2)
SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE C.; MATTOS, VIVIANE F.; CARVALHO, LEONARDO S.; CELLA, DORALICE M.. Organization and Behavior of the Synaptonemal Complex during Achiasmatic Meiosis of Four Buthid Scorpions. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, v. 144, n. 4, p. 341-347, . (11/21643-1)
LIMA, JULIANA FIGUEIREDO; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA; CARVALHO, MARCOS ANDRE; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Chromosome diversity in Buthidae and Chactidae scorpions from Brazilian fauna: Diploid number and distribution of repetitive DNA sequences. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v. 46, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (11/21643-1)
ARAUJO, D.; PAULA-NETO, E.; BRESCOVIT, A. D.; CELLA, D. M.; SCHNEIDER, M. C.. Chromosomal similarities between Nephilidae and Tetragnathidae indicate unique evolutionary traits among Araneoidea. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, v. 82, n. 4, p. 513-520, . (11/21643-1)
LOPES, AMALIA T.; FERNANDES, FLAVIA R.; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE C.. Comparative cytogenetic analysis in 13 tortoise beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) from Brazil. European Journal of Entomology, v. 113, p. 352-363, . (12/12619-2, 11/21643-1)
MATTOS, VIVIANE FAGUNDES; CARVALHO CURRENCY, LEONARDO SOUSA; CARVALHO, MARCOS ANDRE; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. Insights into the origin of the high variability of multivalent-meiotic associations in holocentric chromosomes of Tityus (Archaeotityus) scorpions. PLoS One, v. 13, n. 2, . (11/21643-1, 13/11840-0)
MATTOS, VIVIANE FAGUNDES; CELLA, DORALICE MARIA; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA; CANDIDO, DENISE MARIA; SCHNEIDER, MARIELLE CRISTINA. High chromosome variability and the presence of multivalent associations in buthid scorpions. Chromosome Research, v. 21, n. 2, p. 121-136, . (11/21643-1, 10/14226-2)
BOTERO-TRUJILLO, RICARDO; MARTINEZ, LEONEL; IURI, HERNAN AUGUSTO; OJANGUREN-AFFILASTRO, ANDRES ALEJANDRO; CARVALHO, LEONARDO SOUSA. Revision of the genera Eutrecha and Xenotrecha (Solifugae: Ammotrechidae), taxonomic notes on Ammotrechinae, and description of a remarkable new Eutrecha from Colombia. ARTHROPOD SYSTEMATICS & PHYLOGENY, v. 81, p. 28-pg., . (11/21643-1)

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