Research Grants 12/06082-6 - Geoquímica, Estrutura da terra - BV FAPESP
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The Paraná-Etendeka magmatic province in Brazil: temporal and petrologic relationships between the tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism and geodynamic implications

Grant number: 12/06082-6
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geology
Principal Investigator:Excelso Ruberti
Grantee:Excelso Ruberti
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IGC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Leila Soares Marques ; Valdecir de Assis Janasi
Associated researchers:Adriana Alves ; Antonio José Ranalli Nardy ; Breno Leitão Waichel ; Celso de Barros Gomes ; Darcy Pedro Svisero ; Eduardo Reis Viana Rocha Júnior ; Eleonora Maria Gouvêa Vasconcellos ; Evandro Fernandes de Lima ; Fábio Braz Machado ; Fabio Ramos Dias de Andrade ; Federico Lince Klinger ; Francisco de Assis Cavallaro ; Francisco de Assis Negri ; Frederico Meira Faleiros ; Gabriel Negrucci Dragone ; Gaston Eduardo Enrich Rojas ; Gergely Andres Julio Szabó ; Hildor José Seer ; Liza Angélica Polo ; Lucia Castanheira Moraes ; Marcia Ernesto ; Maria de Fátima Aparecida Saraiva Bitencourt ; Maria Irene Bartolomeu Raposo ; Maria Zélia Aguiar de Sousa ; Mario Ernesto Gimenez ; Marly Babinski ; MAURICIO DE SOUZA BOLOGNA ; Michael Higgins ; Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei ; Naomi Ussami ; Orlando Alvarez Pontoriero ; Rogério Guitarrari Azzone ; Rommulo Vieira Conceicao ; Silvio Roberto Farias Vlach ; Tereza Cristina Junqueira Brod ; Yára Regina Marangoni
Associated research grant(s):16/10455-3 - The 23rd Electromagnetic Induction Workshop, AR.EXT
15/21970-3 - 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, AR.EXT
15/13614-2 - Unraveling complex magmatic process in porphyritic rocks from the Paraná province through quantitative textural analyses, AV.EXT
+ associated grants 14/22980-0 - Acidic magmatism in the Paraná Magmatic Province: a contribution to rheology of the volcanic conduits, AV.EXT
14/12476-2 - The Paraná magmatic Province-Etendeka in Brazil: petrological and temporal relations between the tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism and its geodynamic implications, AV.EXT
14/11573-4 - Volcanology of the acidic magmatism in the Paraná Magmatic Province: integration of field data and physical experiments, AV.EXT - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):17/18232-6 - Late Cretaceous and Paleogene tholeiitic intrusions from Região dos Lagos (RJ): 40Ar/39Ar thermochronological data inversion and nature of mantle sources, BP.DR
17/21397-7 - Xenocrysts and cognate crystals in kimberlites from the Alto Paranaíba Alkaline Province (MG-GO, Brazil): petrologic contribution from elemental and isotopic in situ micro-analyses, BE.PQ
17/15540-1 - Experimental simulation of the conditions of formation of silicic volcanic rocks in the Paraná Magmatic Province: a contribution of the Brazilian experimental petrology to the modern volcanology, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 17/01227-0 - Magnetic anisotropies and paleomagnetism of the volcanic rocks from Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, region, BP.IC
17/03515-2 - Mineralogical analysis of banded rhyolites Chapecó type of the Paraná Magmatic Province, BP.IC
16/12627-6 - Intensive parameters of crystallization (P-T-fO2) for kimberlites from the alto Paranaíba alkaline province and the diamond instability: the Três Ranchos IV e Limeira I intrusions, BP.MS
15/23532-3 - Mineral chemistry and trace element and rare earth analysis in pyroxenes of the Anel Norte Lujauritic-Khybinitic body from the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif (MG-SP), BP.IC
13/02748-2 - Determination of Re-Os isotopes in basalts of the Paraná Magmatic Province and associated alkali magmatism, BP.PD
12/25288-4 - Trace element partition coefficients of alkaline igneous rock-forming minerals: study of dikes related to Meso-Cenozoic magmatism in the southeastern part of South American platform, BP.MS - associated scholarships


The reactivation of the Brazilian Platform during the Mesozoic had a strong influence on the present geological configuration of south and southeast Brazil, resulting in the opening of the South Atlantic and the generation of the marginal basins that today host important volumes of hydrocarbon deposits. The magmatism related to this reactivation is expressive, corresponding to the second largest continental volcanic province in Planet Earth in exposed area (Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province) and one of the most remarkable associations of alkaline rocks, to which important mineral deposits are related. Although clearly linked temporal and spatially, the petrologic processes that generated the tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism were rarely the subject of integrated studies; similarly, the geological and geophysical approaches in both the regional and detail scales are also in need of a better integration. In this project, some of the more active research groups that currently study the mesozoic-cenozoic magmatism in south and southeast Brazil will work in association, aiming to solve some of the currently most relevant problems, especially the stratigraphy and chronology of magmatism, the physical processes related to magma emplacement and extrusion, the conditions of magma generation in the underlying mantle and crust, and the geodynamic significance of the magmatic events. To that purpose, a wide variety of tools will be employed, including some classical (e.g., whole-rock and mineral elemental and isotope chemistry; Ar-Ar dating) and others that are either new or will be for the first time widely used for these rocks (U-Pb dating; Lu-Hf isotopy; magnetotelluric surveys; detailed structural geology combined with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and/or gravimetry; experimental petrology). (AU)

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Scientific publications (82)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CELSO DE BARROS GOMES; ROGÉRIO GUITARRARI AZZONE; EXCELSO RUBERTI; PAULO MARCOS DE VASCONCELOS; KEI SATO; GASTON EDUARDO ENRICH ROJAS. New age determinations for the Banhadão and Itapirapuã complexes in the Ribeira Valley, southern Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 403-414, . (16/23399-4, 12/06082-6)
MATHEUS SILVA SIMÕES; EVANDRO FERNANDES DE LIMA; CARLOS AUGUSTO SOMMER; LUCAS DE MAGALHÃES MAY ROSSETTI. The Mato Perso Conduit System: evidence of silicic magma transport in the southern portion of the Paraná-Etendeka LIP, Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 263-281, . (12/06082-6)
SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS VLACH; HORSTPETER HERBERTO GUSTAVO JOSE ULBRICH; MABEL NORMA COSTAS ULBRICH; PAULO MARCOS VASCONCELOS. Melanite-bearing nepheline syenite fragments and 40Ar/39Ar age of phlogopite megacrysts in conduit breccia from the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif (MG/SP), and implications. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 391-402, . (12/06082-6)
ROSSETTI, LUCAS; LIMA, EVANDRO F.; WAICHEL, BRENO L.; HOLE, MALCOLM J.; SIMOES, MATHEUS S.; SCHERER, CLAITON M. S.. Lithostratigraphy and volcanology of the Serra Geral Group, Parana-Etendeka Igneous Province in Southern Brazil: Towards a formal stratigraphical framework. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 98-114, . (12/06082-6)
CANON-TAPIA, EDGARDO; RAPOSO, M. IRENE B.. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of silicic rocks from quarries in the vicinity of Sao Marcos, Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil: Implications for emplacement mechanisms. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 165-180, . (12/06082-6, 14/12476-2)
FLORISBAL, L. M.; JANASI, V. A.; BITENCOURT, M. F.; NARDI, L. V. S.; MARTELETO, N. S.. Geological, geochemical and isotope diversity of similar to 134 Ma dykes from the Florianopolis Dyke Swarm, Parana Magmatic Province: Geodynamic controls on petrogenesis. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 181-203, . (11/09673-2, 12/06082-6)
POLO, L. A.; JANASI, V. A.; GIORDANO, D.; LIMA, E. F.; CATION-TAPIA, E.; ROVERATO, M.. Effusive silicic volcanism in the Parana Magmatic Province, South Brazil: Evidence for locally-fed lava flows and domes from detailed field work. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 204-218, . (12/06082-6)
DIAS DE ANDRADE, FABIO RAMOS; POLO, LIZA ANGELICA; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, FLAVIO MACHADO. Volcanic glass in Cretaceous dacites and rhyolites of the Parana Magmatic Province, southern Brazil: Characterization and quantification by XRD-Rietveld. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 219-231, . (12/06082-6)
CANON-TAPIA, EDGARDO. The Parand-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province: A historical perspective of current knowledge and future research trends. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 287-303, . (12/06082-6, 14/12476-2)
COMIN-CHIARAMONTI, PIERO; RENZULLI, ALBERTO; RIDOLFI, FILIPPO; ENRICH, GASTON E. R.; GOMES, CELSO B.; DE MIN, ANGELO; AZZONE, ROGERIO G.; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Late-stage magmatic to deuteric/metasomatic accessory minerals from the Cerro Boggiani agpaitic complex (Alto Paraguay Alkaline Province). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 71, n. SI, p. 248-261, . (13/18073-4, 12/06082-6)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO DE ASIS; DE FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO; COELHO, DANIEL CUNHA. 2D magnetometric modeling of a basic-intermediate intrusion geometry: geophysical and geological approaches applied to the Limeira intrusion, Parana Magmatic Province (SP, Brazil). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 305-315, . (12/06082-6)
GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; COMIN-CHIARAMONTI, PIERO; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO. Cretaceous carbonatites of the southeastern Brazilian Platform: a review. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 317-345, . (12/06082-6, 17/03768-8, 16/23399-4)
ALMEIDA, VIDYA VIEIRA; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; FALEIROS, FREDERICO MEIRA. Crustal contamination and genesis of transitional alkaline-tholeiitic intrusions: Insights from the Jose Fernandes Suite, Parana Magmatic Province, Brazil. LITHOS, v. 342, p. 59-75, . (17/03768-8, 12/06082-6)
BRUNA COLDEBELLA; ROGÉRIO GUITARRARI AZZONE; LUANNA CHMYZ; EXCELSO RUBERTI; DARCY P. SVISERO. Oxygen fugacity of Alto Paranaíba kimberlites and diamond instability: Três Ranchos IV and Limeira I intrusions. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 50, n. 1, . (16/12627-6, 18/15731-4, 17/03768-8, 12/06082-6)
SANTOS BARRETO, CARLA JOANA; DE LIMA, EVANDRO FERNANDES; SCHERER, CLAITON MARLON; MAY ROSSETTI, LUCAS DE MAGALHAES. Lithofacies analysis of basic lava flows of the Parana igneous province in the south hinge of Torres Syncline, Southern Brazil. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 285, p. 81-99, . (12/06082-6)
ROSSETTI, LUCAS M.; LIMA, EVANDRO E.; WAICHEL, BRENO L.; SCHERER, CLAITON M.; BARRETO, CARLA J.. Stratigraphical framework of basaltic lavas in Torres Syncline main valley, southern Parana-Etendeka Volcanic Province. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 56, p. 409-421, . (12/06082-6)
FLORISBAL, LUANA MOREIRA; HEAMAN, LARRY M.; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; BITENCOURT, MARIA DE FATIMA. Tectonic significance of the Florianopolis Dyke Swarm, Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province: A reappraisal based on precise U-Pb dating. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 289, p. 140-150, . (12/06082-6, 11/09673-2, 12/13180-4)
CHMYZ, LUANNA; ARNAUD, NICOLAS; BIONDI, JOAO CARLOS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; BOSCH, DELPHINE; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Ar-Ar ages, Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry, and implications for the origin of the silicate rocks of the Jacupiranga ultramafic-alkaline complex (Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 77, p. 286-309, . (12/06082-6, 10/20425-8)
LEILA SOARES MARQUES; EDUARDO REIS VIANA ROCHA-JÚNIOR; MARLY BABINSKI; KARINE ZUCCOLAN CARVAS; LILIANE APARECIDA PETRONILHO; ANGELO DE MIN. Aplicação dos isótopos de Pb ao estudo das fontes mantélicas envolvidas na gênese dos diques toleíticos mesozoicos com alto titânio (tipo Urubici) do Cráton do São Francisco (Espinhaço Meridional, Brasil). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 46, p. 105-122, . (12/06082-6)
GIRALDO-ARROYAVE, MARIA ISABEL; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS. ew high-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for the Serra do Mar alkaline magmatism in the Sao Sebastiao Island, SE Brazil, and implication. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 51, n. 4, . (12/06082-6)
FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO; SALAZAR-NARANJO, ANDRES FABIAN; TORRES-CORREDOR, JOHAN SANTIAGO; DE CARVALHO, PAULO RAFAEL; MALLMANN, GUILHERME. Calibration of high-temperature furnace assemblies for experiments between 200 and 600 MPa with end-loaded piston-cylinder apparatuses. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 49, n. 1, . (12/06082-6, 10/05512-1)
MANSUR, EDUARDO; BARNES, SARAH-JANE; JANASI, VALDECIR; HENRIQUE-PINTO, RENATO; ALVES, ADRIANA; MARTELETO, NATASHA SARDE. The distribution of platinum-group elements and Te, As, Bi, Sb and Se (TABS plus ) in the Parana Magmatic Province: Effects of crystal fractionation, sulfide segregation and magma degassing. LITHOS, v. 400, . (19/22084-8, 12/06082-6)
FLORISBAL, L. M.; JANASI, V. A.; BITENCOURT, M. F.; NARDI, L. V. S.; MARTELETO, N. S.. Geological, geochemical and isotope diversity of similar to 134 Ma dykes from the Florianopolis Dyke Swarm, Parana Magmatic Province: Geodynamic controls on petrogenesis. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 23-pg., . (12/06082-6, 11/09673-2)
GUIMARAES, LETICIA FREITAS; HORNBY, ADRIAN; KUEPPERS, ULRICH; ALVES, ADRIANA; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; DINGWELL, DONALD BRUCE. Generation of block-and-ash flows at the onset of silicic volcanism in the Parana Magmatic Province (Brazil): evidence from photoanalysis of Caxias do Sul breccias. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, v. 81, n. 11, . (12/06082-6)
CHMYZ, LUANNA; ARNAUD, NICOLAS; BIONDI, JOAO CARLOS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; BOSCH, DELPHINE. Hf-Pb isotope and trace element constraints on the origin of the Jacupiranga Complex (Brazil): Insights into carbonatite genesis and multi-stage metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle. GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 71, p. 16-27, . (12/06082-6, 17/03768-8)
BOLOGNA, M. S.; DRAGONE, G. N.; MUZIO, R.; PEEL, E.; NUNEZ-DEMARCO, P.; USSAMI, N.. Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere From Rio de la Plata Craton to Parana Basin: Amalgamation of Cratonic and Refertilized Lithospheres in SW Gondwanaland. TECTONICS, v. 38, n. 1, p. 77-94, . (09/50493-8, 12/06082-6, 09/54006-4)
MACHADO, FABIO BRAZ; VIANA ROCHAI-JUNIOR, EDUARDO REIS; MARQUES, LEILA SOARES; RANALLI NARDY, ANTONIO JOSE; ZEZZO, LARISSA VIEIRA; MARTELETO, NATASHA SARDE. Geochemistry of the Northern Paraná Continental Flood Basalt (PCFB) Province: implications for regional chemostratigraphy. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 177-199, . (12/06082-6)
DE MORAES, LUCIA CASTANHEIRA; SEER, HILDOR JOSE; MARQUES, LEILA SOARES. Geology, geochemistry and petrology of basalts from Paraná Continental Magmatic Province in the Araguari, Uberlândia, Uberaba and Sacramento regions, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 221-241, . (12/06082-6)
FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO; GUSTAVO JOSE ULBRICH, HORSTPETER HERBERTO; COSTAS ULBRICH, MABEL NORMA; VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS. Melanite-bearing nepheline syenite fragments and Ar-40/Ar-39 age of phlogopite megacrysts in conduit breccia from the Pocos de Caldas Alkaline Massif (MG/SP), and implications. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 391-402, . (12/06082-6)
GIORDANO, D.; VONA, A.; GONZALEZ-GARCIA, D.; ALLABAR, A.; KOLZENBURG, S.; POLO, L. A.; JANASI, V. DE ASSIS; BEHRENS, H.; DE CAMPOS, C. P.; DE CRISTOFARO, S.; et al. Viscosity of Palmas-type magmas of the Parana Magmatic Province (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil): Implications for high-temperature silicic volcanism. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 560, . (12/06082-6, 17/15540-1)
CARVAS, KARINE ZUCCOLAN; DE PAULA VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS; MARQUES, LEILA SOARES; UBIDE, TERESA; CARMO, ISABELA DE OLIVEIRA; BABINSKI, MARLY. Geochronology of mafic magmatism and hydrothermal alteration during early stages of South Atlantic opening. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, v. 314, p. 358-380, . (18/23650-4, 14/22948-9, 12/06082-6, 17/18232-6)
ROCHA, BRENDA C.; DAVIES, JOSHUA H. F. L.; JANASI, VALDECIR A.; SCHALTEGGER, URS; NARDY, ANTONIO J. R.; GREBER, NICOLAS D.; LUCCHETTI, ANA CAROLINA F.; POLO, LIZA A.. Rapid eruption of silicic magmas from the Parana magmatic province (Brazil) did not trigger the Valanginian event. GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 12, p. 1174-1178, . (12/06082-6, 16/23266-4, 19/24872-3, 17/18220-8)
CHMYZ, LUANNA; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; MARKS, MICHAEL A. W.; SARAIVA DOS SANTOS, TICIANO JOSE. Olivines as probes into assimilation of silicate rocks by carbonatite magmas: Unraveling the genesis of reaction rocks from the Jacupiranga alkaline-carbonatite complex, southern Brazil. LITHOS, v. 416, p. 18-pg., . (18/15731-4, 19/22084-8, 12/06082-6, 17/03768-8)
JÚLIO CÉSAR LOPES DA SILVA; ROGÉRIO GUITARRARI AZZONE; LUANNA CHMYZ; VINCENZA GUARINO; NICHOLAS MACHADO LIMA. Mafic macrocrysts of ultrabasic alkaline dikes from the Mantiqueira Range, SE, Brazil: tracers of a complex plumbing system. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 50, n. 3, . (18/15731-4, 17/03768-8, 12/06082-6)
CARVAS, K. Z.; MARQUES, L. S.; VASCONCELOS, P. M.; UBIDE, T.. Tracking the Transition From a Gondwana LIP to the South Atlantic Ocean With Geochronological and Geochemical Indicators. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, v. 128, n. 5, p. 21-pg., . (14/22948-9, 12/06082-6, 17/18232-6, 18/23650-4)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO. Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Multiple, Sheet-like Magma Pulses in the Limeira Intrusion, Parana Magmatic Province, Brazil. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, v. 62, n. 3, p. 38-pg., . (12/06082-6, 19/22084-8)
RAPOSO, M. IRENE B.; PESCARINI, THALES; GUIMARAES, LETICIA F.; ESTEVES, MELINA C. B.. New magnetostratigraphy constrains in the southern Parana magmatic province (Herveiras and Gramado Xavier areas), Rio Grande do Sul state, South Brazil: Implications for the timing between volcanic sources. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 126, p. 11-pg., . (17/01227-0, 12/06082-6)
ROSSETTI, LUCAS; LIMA, EVANDRO F.; WAICHEL, BRENO L.; HOLE, MALCOLM J.; SIMOES, MATHEUS S.; SCHERER, CLAITON M. S.. Lithostratigraphy and volcanology of the Serra Geral Group, Parana-Etendeka Igneous Province in Southern Brazil: Towards a formal stratigraphical framework. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 17-pg., . (12/06082-6)
MARQUES, L. S.; DE MIN, A.; ROCHA-JUNIOR, E. R., V; BABINSKI, M.; BELLIENI, G.; FIGUEIREDO, A. M. G.. Elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the Florianopolis Dyke Swarm (Parana Magmatic Province): crustal contamination and mantle source constraints. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 16-pg., . (12/06082-6)
CANON-TAPIA, EDGARDO. The Parand-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province: A historical perspective of current knowledge and future research trends. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 17-pg., . (14/12476-2, 12/06082-6)
POLO, L. A.; JANASI, V. A.; GIORDANO, D.; LIMA, E. F.; CATION-TAPIA, E.; ROVERATO, M.. Effusive silicic volcanism in the Parana Magmatic Province, South Brazil: Evidence for locally-fed lava flows and domes from detailed field work. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 15-pg., . (12/06082-6)
GUIMARAES, L. F.; RAPOSO, M. I. B.; JANASI, V. A.; CANON-TAPIA, E.; POLO, L. A.. An AMS study of different silicic units from the southern Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province in Brazil: Implications for the identification of flow directions and local sources. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 15-pg., . (12/01973-0, 12/06082-6)
GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; COMIN-CHIARAMONTI, PIERO; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO. Cretaceous carbonatites of the southeastern Brazilian Platform: a review. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 29-pg., . (16/23399-4, 12/06082-6, 17/03768-8)
SIMOES, MATHEUS SILVA; DE LIMA, EVANDRO FERNANDES; SOMMER, CARLOS AUGUSTO; MAY ROSSETTI, LUCAS DE MAGALHAES. The Mato Perso Conduit System: evidence of silicic magma transport in the southern portion of the Parana-Etendeka LIP, Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 19-pg., . (12/06082-6)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; CAVALLARO, FRANCISCO DE ASIS; DE FARIAS VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO; COELHO, DANIEL CUNHA. 2D magnetometric modeling of a basic-intermediate intrusion geometry: geophysical and geological approaches applied to the Limeira intrusion, Parana Magmatic Province (SP, Brazil). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (12/06082-6)
LUCAS MARTINS LINO; FRANCISCO DE ASSIS CAVALLARO; SILVIO ROBERTO DE FARIAS VLACH; DANIEL CUNHA COELHO. 2D magnetometric modeling of a basic-intermediate intrusion geometry: geophysical and geological approaches applied to the Limeira intrusion, Paraná Magmatic Province (SP, Brazil). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 305-315, . (12/06082-6)
ALMEIDA, VIDYA V.; JANASI, VALDECIR A.; HEAMAN, LARRY M.; SHAULIS, BARRY J.; HOLLANDA, MARIA HELENA B. M.; RENNE, PAUL R.. Contemporaneous alkaline and tholeiitic magmatism in the Ponta Grossa Arch, Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province: Constraints from U-Pb zircon/baddeleyite and Ar-40/Ar-39 phlogopite dating of the Jose Fernandes Gabbro and mafic dykes. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 55-65, . (12/06082-6)
POLO, L. A.; GIORDANO, D.; JANASI, V. A.; GUIMARAES, L. F.. Effusive silicic volcanism in the Parana Magmatic Province, South Brazil: Physico-chemical conditions of storage and eruption and considerations on the rheological behavior during emplacement. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 115-135, . (12/06082-6)
MARQUES, L. S.; DE MIN, A.; ROCHA-JUNIOR, V, E. R.; BABINSKI, M.; BELLIENI, G.; FIGUEIREDO, A. M. G.. Elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the Florianopolis Dyke Swarm (Parana Magmatic Province): crustal contamination and mantle source constraints. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 149-164, . (12/06082-6)
GUIMARAES, L. F.; RAPOSO, M. I. B.; JANASI, V. A.; CANON-TAPIA, E.; POLO, L. A.. An AMS study of different silicic units from the southern Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province in Brazil: Implications for the identification of flow directions and local sources. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, n. SI, p. 304-318, . (12/06082-6, 12/01973-0)
SIMOES, MATHEUS SILVA; DE LIMA, EVANDRO FERNANDES; SOMMER, CARLOS AUGUSTO; MAY ROSSETTI, LUCAS DE MAGALHAES. The Mato Perso Conduit System: evidence of silicic magma transport in the southern portion of the Parana-Etendeka LIP, Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 263-281, . (12/06082-6)
DA SILVA ROSA, PEDRO AUGUSTO; RUBERT, EXCELSO. Nepheline syenites to syenites and granitic rocks of the Itatiaia Alkaline Massif, Southeastern Brazil: new geological insights into a migratory ring Complex. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 347-372, . (12/19184-1, 12/06082-6, 15/19974-0)
GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; DE VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS; SATO, KEI; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO. New age determinations for the Banhadao and Itapirapua complexes in the Ribeira Valley, southern Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 403-414, . (12/06082-6, 16/23399-4)
DRAGONE, GABRIEL N.; BOLOGNA, MAURICIO S.; USSAMI, NAOMI; GIMENEZ, MARIO E.; ALVAREZ, ORLANDO; KLINGER, FEDERICO G. LINCE; CORREA-OTTO, SEBASTIAN. Lithosphere of South American intracratonic basins: Electromagnetic and potential field data reveal cratons, terranes, and sutures. TECTONOPHYSICS, v. 811, . (12/06082-6, 09/54006-4)
GOMES, ALLAN SILVA; VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS; UBIDE, TERESA; GOUVEA VASCONCELLOS, ELEONORA MARIA. agmatic and hydrothermal evolution of mafic pegmatites and their host basalts, Parana Large Igneous Province, Brazi. LITHOS, v. 408-409, . (19/22084-8, 12/06082-6)
GUIMARAES, L. F.; DE CAMPOS, C. P.; JANASI, V. A.; LIMA, E. F.; DINGWELL, D. B.. Flow and fragmentation patterns in the silicic feeder system and related deposits in the Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province, Sao Marcos, South Brazil. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 358, p. 149-164, . (12/06082-6, 14/22980-0)
SANTOS BARRETO, CARLA JOANA; LAFON, JEAN MICHEL; DE LIMA, EVANDRO FERNANDES; SOMMER, CARLOS AUGUSTO. Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic insight into the low-Ti basalts from southern Parana Igneous Province, Brazil: the role of crustal contamination. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. 58, n. 11, p. 1324-1349, . (12/06082-6)
DRAGONE, GABRIEL NEGRUCCI; USSAMI, NAOMI; GIMENEZ, MARIO ERNESTO; LINCE KLINGER, FEDERICO GUSTAVO; MORENO CHAVES, CARLOS ALBERTO. Western Parana suture/shear zone and the limits of Rio Apa, Rio Tebicuary and Rio de la Plata cratons from gravity data. Precambrian Research, v. 291, p. 162-177, . (09/18511-6, 09/50493-8, 12/06082-6)
AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; CHMYZ, LUANNA; GUARINO, VINCENZA; ALVES, ADRIANA; GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Isotopic clues tracking the open-system evolution of the Ponte Nova mafic-ultramafic alkaline massif, SE Brazil: The contribution of Pb isotopes. CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY, v. 80, n. 4, . (18/15731-4, 17/03768-8, 12/06082-6)
LUCIA CASTANHEIRA DE MORAES; HILDOR JOSÉ SEER; VALDECIR DE ASSIS JANASI; FRANCISCO DE CASTRO VALENTE NETO. Lithostratigraphy and volcanic facies architecture of the Paraná Continental Magmatic Province in its NE edge with the Alto Paranaíba Arch, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 50, n. 3, . (12/06082-6)
AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; MUNOZ, PATRICIO MONTECINOS; ROJAS ENRICH, GASTON EDUARDO; ALVES, ADRIANA; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; GOMES, CELSODE BARROS. Petrographic, geochemical and isotopic evidence of crustal assimilation processes in the Ponte Nova alkaline mafic-ultramafic massif, SE Brazil. LITHOS, v. 260, p. 58-75, . (12/06082-6, 10/20425-8)
MENEZES, SAULO GOBBO; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; CAGLIARANI, RENATA; GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; CHMYZ, LUANNA. The antecryst compositional influence on Cretaceous alkaline lamprophyre dykes, SE Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 45, n. 1, p. 79-93, . (12/06082-6, 10/20425-8, 13/18073-4)
AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; LOPES DA SILVA, JULIO CESAR; GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO; BEZERRA MAIA DE HOLLANDA, MARLA HELENA; GAETA TASSINARI, COLOMBO CELSO. Upper Cretaceous weakly to strongly silica-undersaturated alkaline dike series of the Mantiqueira Range, Serra do Mar alkaline province: Crustal assimilation processes and mantle source signatures. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 373-390, . (12/06082-6, 17/03768-8, 10/20425-8, 16/23399-4)
ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS. Minerais do grupo da eudialita da suíte alcalina Monte de Trigo, Brasil: composição e implicações petrológicas. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 46, n. 3, p. 411-426, . (13/18073-4, 12/06082-6, 10/20476-1)
SERTEK, JOSE P.; ANDRADE, SANDRA; ULBRICH, HORSTPETER H.. An Evaluation of the Effects of Primary and Cross-Contamination during the Preparation of Rock Powders for Chemical Determinations. GEOSTANDARDS AND GEOANALYTICAL RESEARCH, v. 39, n. 3, p. 381-397, . (12/06082-6)
BRAZ MACHADO, F.; REIS VIANA ROCHA-JUNIOR, E.; SOARES MARQUES, L.; RANALLI NARDY, A. J.. Volcanological aspects of the northwest region of Parana continental flood basalts (Brazil). SOLID EARTH, v. 6, n. 1, p. 227-241, . (12/06082-6)
ALMEIDA, VIDYA V.; JANASI, VALDECIR A.; HEAMAN, LARRY M.; SHAULIS, BARRY J.; HOLLANDA, MARIA HELENA B. M.; RENNE, PAUL R.. Contemporaneous alkaline and tholeiitic magmatism in the Ponta Grossa Arch, Parana-Etendeka Magmatic Province: Constraints from U-Pb zircon/baddeleyite and 40Ar/39Ar phlogopite dating of the Jose Fernandes Gabbro and mafic dykes. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 11-pg., . (12/06082-6)
POLO, L. A.; GIORDANO, D.; JANASI, V. A.; GUIMARAES, L. F.. Effusive silicic volcanism in the Parana Magmatic Province, South Brazil: Physico-chemical conditions of storage and eruption and considerations on the rheological behavior during emplacement. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 21-pg., . (12/06082-6)
DIAS DE ANDRADE, FABIO RAMOS; POLO, LIZA ANGELICA; JANASI, VALDECIR DE ASSIS; DE SOUZA CARVALHO, FLAVIO MACHADO. Volcanic glass in Cretaceous dacites and rhyolites of the Parana Magmatic Province, southern Brazil: Characterization and quantification by XRD-Rietveld. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 13-pg., . (12/06082-6)
CANON-TAPIA, EDGARDO; RAPOSO, M. IRENE B.. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of silicic rocks from quarries in the vicinity of Sao Marcos, Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil: Implications for emplacement mechanisms. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, v. 355, p. 16-pg., . (14/12476-2, 12/06082-6)
GOMES, CELSO DE BARROS; AZZONE, ROGERIO GUITARRARI; RUBERTI, EXCELSO; DE VASCONCELOS, PAULO MARCOS; SATO, KEI; ENRICH ROJAS, GASTON EDUARDO. New age determinations for the Banhadao and Itapirapua complexes in the Ribeira Valley, southern Brazil. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 48, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (16/23399-4, 12/06082-6)
COMIN-CHIARAMONTI, PIERO; RENZULLI, ALBERTO; RIDOLFI, FILIPPO; ENRICH, GASTON E. R.; GOMES, CELSO B.; DE MIN, ANGELO; AZZONE, ROGERIO G.; RUBERTI, EXCELSO. Late-stage magmatic to deuteric/metasomatic accessory minerals from the Cerro Boggiani agpaitic complex (Alto Paraguay Alkaline Province). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 71, p. 14-pg., . (12/06082-6, 13/18073-4)

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