Research Grants 11/21917-4 - Dentística restauradora, Adesivos dentinários - BV FAPESP
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Caries remineralization or infiltration: what is the best approach regarding the bond strength between resin composite and enamel using etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesive systems


The aim of the present study is to evaluate the bond strength between resin composite and five enamel substrates: (1) sound enamel, (2) enamel (demineralized) presenting initial caries-like lesion, (3) enamel (demineralized) remineralized in saliva, (4) Enamel (demineralized) remineralized in fluoride and (5) Enamel (demineralized) infiltrated with Icon. Sixty bovine extracted teeth will be used (n = 12) in the present study. Teeth will be cleaned and stored in thymol solution until use. Enamel from crowns will be not removed, but standardized with 600 sandpaper, in a circular polisher. After standardization, the specimens will be divided into two groups: Group A (n = 24) and the control group will receive no treatment prior to the adhesive and restorative procedures for further microtensile bond testing; and Group B (n = 96), will be submitted to the demineralization treatment, with specimens immersed in demineralizing solution for 16 hours to produce subsurface caries-like lesions. This group will be divided into four subgroups according to the different treatments after demineralization. In group B1, the specimens will be demineralized by the previously described methodology and will be not subjected to any remineralization treatment. In group B2, the specimens will be immersed in artificial saliva for 8 weeks. The saliva will be prepared by the Gohring method and will be changed daily. In group B3, the specimens will be immersed in 0.05% fluoride solution for 1 minute daily, during 8 weeks. After immersion in the fluoride specimens will be washed with deionized water and immersed in artificial saliva. In group B4, the specimens will be infiltrated with resin material (Icon - DMG). Easy One adhesive system (3M-Espe, USA) and Adper Single Bond 2 (3M-Espe, USA) will be applied to enamel surfaces following the manufacturer's specifications. A resin composite restoration (Filtek Z 350 XT -3M-Espe, USA) will be performed in oblique 2mm increments, as recommended by the manufacturer. Specimens will be subjected to thermal cycling testing using the machineER 26000 (Erios, Brazil) in order to simulate real oral conditions. The thermal cycling will use 3 tanks for: cold (2 ° C and 5 ° C), warm (50 ° C and 55 ° C) and intermediate baths(37 ° C ± 2 ° C), in which specimens will lay 30 seconds each for each cycle. The specimens will be sectioned with the aid of Labcut 1010 (Extec, USA) in beams with approximate dimensions of 1 mm square base and10 mm in length. The specimens will be submitted to the microtensile test in a universal testing machine DL-1000 (EMIC, Brazil). The data will be submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (± = 1%). (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FARIAS DE LACERDA, ANA JULIA; ZANATTA, RAYSSA FERREIRA; CRISPIM, BRUNA; BORGES, ALESSANDRA BUHLER; GOIVIES TORRES, CARLOS ROCHA; TAY, FRANICLIN R.; PUCCI, CESAR ROGERIO. Influence of de/remineralization of enamel on the tensile bond strength of etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesives. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, v. 29, n. 5, p. 289-293, . (11/21917-4)

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