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The influence of low intensity laser therapy (LILT) in connective tissue graft for root coverage: a randomized-controlled clinical trial


Gingival recession is a highly prevalent problem, and may reach 100% of individuals over 50 years old. The presence of the recession may lead to other problems such as tooth sensitivity, esthetic complaints, biofilm accumulation, root caries, and non-carious cervical lesions. To deal with gingival recessions, several surgical techniques have been developed. The most predictable results are acheived by coronally positioned flap (CAF), performed alone or associated with connective tissue graft (CTG). However, even when these techniques are performed, there is a great variation of results in relation to the average of root coverage. Thus, there is a need to test new approaches in order to increase the predictability of the treatment of gingival recession. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the connective tissue graft technique, using clinical parameters, aesthetics and patient comfort evaluations, when associated or not with the application of low intensity laser therapy. To this end, a double-blind randomized controled clinical trial will be performed following the CONSORT-STATEMENT 2010 guidelines. Forty patients presenting gingival recession be selected and will be randomly allocated in two groups: Test Group, connective tissue graft associated with the application of low intensity laser (CTG+L)and the Control Group, connective tissue graft without the application of low intensity laser(CTG). The percentage of root coverage, aesthetics scores and patient comfort will be assessed at baseline and 45 days, 2, 3, and 6 months after the procedure. (AU)

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Scientific publications (6)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERNANDES-DIAS, STEPHANIE B.; DE MARCO, ANDREA C.; SANTAMARIA, MILTON; KERBAUY, WARLEY D.; JARDINI, MARIA A. N.; SANTAMARIA, MAURO P.. Connective tissue graft associated or not with low laser therapy to treat gingival recession: randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, v. 42, n. 1, p. 54-61, . (12/14595-3)
REBELATTO BECHARA ANDERE, NAIRA MARIA; CASTRO DOS SANTOS, NIDIA CRISTINA; ARAUJO, CASSIA FERNANDES; MATHIAS, INGRID FERNANDES; ROSSATO, AMANDA; DE MARCO, ANDREA CARVALHO; SANTAMARIA JR, MILTON; NEVES JARDINI, MARIA APARECIDA; SANTAMARIA, MAURO PEDRINE. Evaluation of the local effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment with and without systemic antibiotic and photodynamic therapy in generalized aggressive periodontitis. A randomized clinical trial. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, v. 24, p. 115-120, . (15/12669-8, 15/04621-5, 12/14595-3)
SANTAMARIA, MAURO PEDRINE; FERNANDES-DIAS, STEPHANIE BOTTI; ARAUJO, CASSIA FERNANDES; DA SILVA NEVES, FELIPE LUCAS; MATHIAS, INGRID FERNANDES; REBELATO BECHARA ANDERE, NAIRA MARIA; NEVES JARDINI, MARIA APARECIDA. 2-Year Assessment of Tissue Biostimulation With Low-Level Laser on the Outcomes of Connective Tissue Graft in the Treatment of Single Gingival Recession: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Periodontology, v. 88, n. 4, p. 320-328, . (12/14595-3, 13/02199-9)
FERNANDES-DIAS, STEPHANIE B.; DE MARCO, ANDREA C.; SANTAMARIA, MILTON; KERBAUY, WARLEY D.; JARDINI, MARIA A. N.; SANTAMARIA, MAURO P.. Connective tissue graft associated or not with low laser therapy to treat gingival recession: randomized clinical trial. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, v. 42, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (12/14595-3)
VIANA MIGUEL, MANUELA MARIA; FERREIRA FERRAZ, LAIS FERNANDA; ROSSATO, AMANDA; FARIA CINTRA, TUANA MENDONCA; MATHIAS-SANTAMARIA, INGRID FERNANDES; SANTAMARIA, MAURO PEDRINE. Comparison between connective tissue graft and xenogeneic acellular dermal matrix to treat single gingival recession: A data reanalysis of randomized clinical trials. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (21/00588-4, 12/14595-3, 14/00119-0, 18/03284-3)
FERNANANDES DIAS, STEPHANIE BOTTI; ALVES FONSECA, MARCUS VINICIUS; CASTRO DOS SANTOS, NIDIA CRISTINA; MATHIAS, INGRID FERNANDES; MARTINHO, FREDERICO CANATO; SANTAMARIA JUNIOR, MILTON; NEVES JARDINI, MARIA APARECIDA; SANTAMARIA, MAURO PEDRINE. Effect of GaAIAs low-level laser therapy on the healing of human palate mucosa after connective tissue graft harvesting: randomized clinical trial. Lasers in Medical Science, v. 30, n. 6, p. 1695-1702, . (12/14381-3, 12/14595-3)

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