Research Grants 12/15824-6 - Geologia histórica, Tempo geológico - BV FAPESP
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Evolution of archaean terranes of the São Francisco Craton and the Borborema Province, Brazil: global environmental and geodynamic implications

Grant number: 12/15824-6
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geology
Principal Investigator:Elson Paiva de Oliveira
Grantee:Elson Paiva de Oliveira
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IG). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Wilson Teixeira
Associated researchers:Alessandro Batezelli ; Alice Bosco Santos ; Barbara Alcantara Ferreira Lima ; Bernhard Manfred Buhn ; Ciro Alexandre Ávila ; Sanjeet Kumar Verma ; Elton Luiz Dantas ; Everton Marques Bongiolo ; Fresia Soledad Ricardi Torres Branco ; Jacinta Enzweiler ; José Paulo Donatti Filho ; Mauricio Antonio Carneiro ; Michele Zorzetti Pitarello ; Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade ; Roberto Perez Xavier ; Ticiano José Saraiva dos Santos ; Wagner da Silva Amaral ; Wellington Franklin Marchesin ; William Patrick Gilhooly Iii
Associated research grant(s):13/09565-0 - AGU Meeting of the Americas 2013, AR.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):16/02933-2 - Isotope geochemistry and biomarkers in Archaean terranes and in their modern analogues systems: environmental constraints and ecology of early Earth life, BP.PD
14/03334-0 - Origin of TTG magmas using thermodynamic and trace element modeling, BP.PD
14/04920-0 - Geological and geochemical investigations on archaen granite-gneiss terranes of São Francisco Craton, BP.PD
12/07243-3 - Application of new multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams and geochemical modeling to Archaean igneous rocks of Brazilian cratons, BP.PD


Planet Earth experienced tremendous geodynamic and environmental changes during the Archaean, from 3.85 to 2.50 Ga. The continents grew from more primitive crust, the atmosphere and oceans evolved to oxic conditions, and the first evidences of biological activities emerged in sedimentary rocks. Gold, iron, nickel and other metals were deposited in quantities larger than ever observed during Earth's evolution. To establish when and how these global geodynamic and environmental changes have taken place, whether simultaneous, or first in some niches and later in others are some of the major challenges for the geoscientists and the conceptual basis for the environmental changes that mankind faces today. The geological records of these complex systems of continents, oceans, atmosphere and biosphere are found in the cratons, and are represented by granite-gneiss terranes, granite-greenstone associations, sedimentary basins, mafic-ultramafic complexes, and mafic dyke swarms. Brazil has several cratonic domains but interdisciplinary studies on these areas are meagre. This thematic project aims at contributing to the understanding of Archaean terrains by collecting high quality geological data on the above referred to rock assemblages from the Brazilian territory and comparing the results with similar terranes worldwide. The São Francisco Craton and the Borborema Province are the selected areas for the proposed studies because these areas contain rocks with ages between 3.5 and 2.5 Ga. The project participants include Brazilian and international researchers of different disciplines, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. The methods and techniques to be employed include among others field work, cutting edge U-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronology, major and trace element geochemistry, and radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. (AU)

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Scientific publications (35)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
VERMA, SANJEET K.; VERMA, SURENDRA P.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; SINGH, VINOD K.; MORENO, JUAN A.. LA-SF-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology of granitic rocks from the central Bundelkhand greenstone complex, Bundelkhand craton, India. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, v. 118, p. 125-137, . (12/15824-6, 14/04920-0, 12/07243-3)
SIMON, MAURICIO BULHOES; BONGIOLO, EVERTON MARQUES; AVILA, CIRO ALEXANDRE; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA; TEIXEIRA, WILSON; STOHLER, ROMULO CAMPOS; SOARES DE OLIVEIRA, FILIPE VIDAL. Neoarchean reworking of TTG-like crust in the southernmost portion of the Sao Francisco Craton: U-Pb zircon dating and geochemical evidence from the Sao Tiago Batholith. Precambrian Research, v. 314, p. 353-376, . (12/15824-6)
SINGH, PRADIP K.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; SINGH, VINOD K.; MORENO, JUAN A.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; MEHTA, PANKAJ. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of sanukitoids and high-K anatectic granites from the Bundelkhand Craton, India: Implications for late-Archean crustal evolution. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, v. 174, p. 263-282, . (12/07243-3, 12/15824-6)
ZINCONE, STEFANO A.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; RIBEIRO, BRUNO P.; MARINHO, MOACYR M.. High-K granites between the Archean Gaviao and Jequie blocks, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: Implications for cratonization and amalgamation of the Rhyacian Atlantica continent. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 105, . (12/15824-6)
DOS SANTOS, CLAUDIA; ZINCONE, STEFANO A.; QUEIROGA, GLAUCIA N.; BERSAN, SAMUEL M.; LANA, CRISTIANO C.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Evidence for change in crust formation process during the Paleoarchean in the Sao Francisco Craton (Gaviao Block): Coupled zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotopic analyses and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, v. 368, p. 14-pg., . (12/15824-6)
BOSCO-SANTOS, ALICE; GILHOOLY, III, WILLIAM PATRICK; FOUSKAS, FOTIOS; FABRICIO-SILVA, WENDELL; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA. Euxinia in the Neoarchean: The starting point for early oxygenation in a Brazilian Craton. Precambrian Research, v. 341, . (16/02933-2, 12/15824-6)
CARDOSO, CAROLINA DANTAS; AVILA, CIRO ALEXANDRE; NEUMANN, REINER; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA; VALERIANO, CLAUDIO DE MORISSON; DUSSIN, IVO ANTONIO. A Rhyacian continental arc during the evolution of the Mineiro belt, Brazil: Constraints from the Rio Grande and Brumado metadiorites. LITHOS, v. 326, p. 246-264, . (12/15824-6)
ZINCONE, STEFANO A.; BARBUENA, DANILO; OLIVEIRA, BISON P.; BALDIM, MAURICIO R.. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages as evidence for deposition of the Saude Complex in a Paleoproterozoic foreland basin, northern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 79, p. 537-548, . (12/15824-6)
BORDALO, ROGERIO ALVES; SARAIVA DOS SANTOS, TICIANO JOSE; DANTAS, ELTON L.. Structural evolution and U/Pb zircon age of the Xambioa gneiss dome, contributions to the Araguaia fold belt tectonic history. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 104, . (12/15824-6)
SINGH, PRADIP K.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; SINGH, VINOD K.; MORENO, JUAN A.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; LI, XIAN-HUA; MALVIYA, VIVEK P.; PRAKASH, DIVYA. Geochronology and petrogenesis of the TTG gneisses and granitoids from the Central Bundelkhand granite-greenstone terrane, Bundelkhand Craton, India: Implications for Archean crustal evolution and cratonization. Precambrian Research, v. 359, . (12/15824-6, 12/07243-3)
VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; VERMA, SURENDRA P.. Plate tectonic settings for Precambrian basic rocks from Brazil by multidimensional tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams and their limitations. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. 57, n. 11-12, p. 16-pg., . (12/07243-3, 12/15824-6)
SALMINEN, J.; OLIVEIRA, E. P.; PIISPA, E. J.; SMIRNOV, A. V.; TRINDADE, R. I. F.. Revisiting the paleomagnetism of the Neoarchean Uaua mafic dyke swarm, Brazil: Implications for Archean supercratons. Precambrian Research, v. 329, p. 16-pg., . (12/15824-6)
VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Tectonic setting of basic igneous and metaigneous rocks of Borborema Province, Brazil using multi-dimensional geochemical discrimination diagrams. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 58, n. SI, p. 309-317, . (12/15824-6, 12/07243-3)
VERMA, SURENDRA P.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Application of 55 multi-dimensional tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams to Precambrian belts. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. 57, n. 11-12, SI, p. 1365-1388, . (12/15824-6, 12/07243-3)
VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; VERMA, SURENDRA P.. Plate tectonic settings for Precambrian basic rocks from Brazil by multidimensional tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams and their limitations. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. 57, n. 11-12, SI, p. 1566-1581, . (12/15824-6, 12/07243-3)
SALMINEN, J.; OLIVEIRA, E. P.; PIISPA, E. J.; SMIRNOV, A. V.; TRINDADE, R. I. F.. Revisiting the paleomagnetism of the Neoarchean Uaua mafic dyke swarm, Brazil: Implications for Archean supercratons. Precambrian Research, v. 329, n. SI, p. 108-123, . (12/15824-6)
SEMPRICH, JULIA; MORENO, JUAN ANTONIO; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA. Phase equilibria and trace element modeling of Archean sanukitoid melts. Precambrian Research, v. 269, p. 122-138, . (14/03334-0, 12/15824-6, 14/04920-0)
TEIXEIRA, WILSON; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; PENG, PENG; DANTAS, ELTON L.; HOLLANDA, MARIA H. B. M.. U-Pb geochronology of the 2.0 Ga Itapecerica graphite-rich supracrustal succession in the Sao Francisco Craton: Tectonic matches with the North China Craton and paleogeographic inferences. Precambrian Research, v. 293, p. 91-111, . (12/15824-6)
MORENO, J. A.; BALDIM, M. R.; SEMPRICH, J.; OLIVEIRA, E. P.; VERMA, S. K.; TEIXEIRA, W.. Geochronological and geochemical evidences for extension-related Neoarchean granitoids in the southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. Precambrian Research, v. 294, p. 322-343, . (14/03334-0, 12/15824-6, 14/04920-0, 12/07243-3)
VERMA, SURENDRA P.; CRUZ-HUICOCHEA, RENE; DIAZ-GONZALEZ, LORENA; VERMA, SANJEET K.. A new computer program TecDIA for multidimensional tectonic discrimination of intermediate and acid magmas and its application to the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, v. 60, n. 4, p. 203-218, . (12/15824-6, 12/07243-3)
BOSCO-SANTOS, ALICE; GILHOOLY III, WILLIAM PATRICK; DE MELO-SILVA, PAOLA; FOUSKAS, FOTIOS; BOUYON, AMAURY; MOTTA, JOAO GABRIEL; BALDIM, MAURICIO RIGONI; FABRICIO-SILVA, WENDELL; PHILIPPOT, PASCAL; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA. Neoarchean atmospheric chemistry and the preservation of S-MIF in sediments from the Sao Francisco Craton. GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS, v. 13, n. 5, p. 20-pg., . (15/16235-2, 12/15824-6, 16/02933-2)
MOREIRA, IGOR DE CAMARGO; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA; DE SOUSA, DANIEL FRANCISCO MARTINS. Evolution of the 3.65-2.58 Ga Mairi Gneiss Complex, Brazil: Implications for growth of the continental crust in the S?o Francisco Craton. GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS, v. 13, n. 5, p. 19-pg., . (18/25465-0, 12/15824-6)
VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Tectonic setting of basic igneous and metaigneous rocks of Borborema Province, Brazil using multi-dimensional geochemical discrimination diagrams. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 58, p. 9-pg., . (12/07243-3, 12/15824-6)
VERMA, SURENDRA P.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.. Application of 55 multi-dimensional tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams to Precambrian belts. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. 57, n. 11-12, p. 24-pg., . (12/07243-3, 12/15824-6)
DE MELO-SILVA, PAOLA; AMARAL, WAGNER DA SILVA; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA. Geochronological evolution of the Pitangui greenstone belt, southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: Constraints from U-Pb zircon age, geochemistry and field relationships. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 99, . (12/15824-6)
SIMON, MAURICIO BULHOES; BONGIOLO, EVERTON MARQUES; AVILA, CIRO ALEXANDRE; TEIXEIRA, WILSON; MARIMON, RODRIGO SCHWANTES; OLIVEIRA, ELSON PAIVA. Archean sodic metagranitoids from the Southern Sao Francisco Craton: Review, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications. LITHOS, v. 398, . (12/15824-6)
PIAIA, PATRICIA; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; VALERIANO, CLAUDIO M.. The 2.58 Ga Sao Jose do Jacuipe gabbro-anorthosite stratiform complex, Itabuna-Salvador-Curaca Orogen, Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil: Root of the Neoarchaean Caraiba continental arc?. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 79, p. 326-341, . (12/15824-6)
PITARELLO, MICHELE Z.; DOS SANTOS, TICIANO J. S.; ANCELMI, MATHEUS F.. Syn-to post-depositional processes related to high grade metamorphic BIFs: Geochemical and geochronological evidences from a Paleo to Neoarchean (3.5-2.6 Ga) terrane in NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 96, . (12/15824-6)
SINGH, PRADIP K.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; MORENO, JUAN A.; SINGH, VINOD K.; MALVIYA, VIVEK P.; OLIVEIRA, ELSON P.; MISHRA, SUMIT; ARIMA, MAKOTO. Geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Babina and Mauranipur greenstone belts, Bundelkhand Craton, India: Implications for tectonic setting and Paleoarchean mantle evolution. LITHOS, v. 330, p. 90-107, . (12/15824-6)

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