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Public policy and new technologies in the automobile industry


The activities of Prof. Cristian Huse during his stay at FEA-RP/USP will be focused on three dimensions: research, teaching and outreach. As for research, his activities will be focused on the research project with Prof. Claudio Lucinda on the fields of Industrial Organization and environmental Economics. The existing collaboration has already resulted in a paper accepted in the Economic Journal, one of the most important in the whole field of Economics. This stay will strengthen this partnership, studying both Swedish and Brazilian automobile markets. Furthermore, it is also expected farther interaction with other professors in the Industrial Organization field as well as researchers from the Research Group in Low Carbon Economics (Supported by USP).As for teaching, Prof. Huse will collaborate by teaching at the MSc. Course in Applied Economics at the same institution. The collaboration in this field started when Prof. Claudio Lucinda received a grant from USP for improvement of graduate courses. During this stay, Claudio was able to interact with both faculty and PhD students and to exchange experiences on graduate courses in both institutions. With Professor Huse now at FEA-RP, this trend will be followed by teaching graduate courses in accordance to international trends in the field, focusing on research strategies based on Professor Huse s experience as a referee in world class journals in Economics. And finally, Professor Huse will present academic seminars on his research topics at FEA-RP. Furthermore, the collaboration with researchers of the EBC/USP has already resulted in a scheduled international conference to be held in December 2013 at FEA-RP. This conference, called "The Economics of Low-Carbon Markets" (LCM) has already two international keynote speakers from US universities, Eugenio Miravete (U. of Texas at Austin) and Antonio Bento (Cornell). (AU)

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