Research Grants 13/09706-3 - Conforto térmico, Climatização - BV FAPESP
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Economic feasibility of climate control system for laying hens


The animal welfare is the most discussed topics in the supply chain and animal, with regard to poultry farming, many criticisms are directed to the practices involved in the production of commercial eggs. Most large poultry companies producing eggs walks for complete automation of poultry, but few offer a suitable environment for the birds so they can express their maximum productivity. There is a belief that weatherize is costly and provides no financial return. However, inadequate sizing of HVAC equipment does not guarantee thermal comfort in the premises, and may represent a reduction in the profit margin of the producer. This study aims to evaluate and compare the economic feasibility of laying hens reared in avian automated and conditioned with the economics of laying hens reared in avian automated and not conditioned on a farm laying in the municipality of Bastos-SP. Will be collected and analyzed indexes of mortality, egg production and egg quality variables, such as costs of production deployment, maintenance and depreciation of equipment, hand labor, electricity consumption and subsequently be analyzed profitability sheds in the study. It is hoped that this research quantitatively demonstrate the benefits of climate aviary in Bastos region and its economic viability for the region. (AU)

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