Research Grants 13/16815-3 - Educação infantil, Crianças - BV FAPESP
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III International Conference: childhood and racial relationships


The research group entitled "Studies of child, childhood and early childhood education: policy and practice of the difference" intends to materialize the III International Seminar about the theme of childhood and ethnic-racial relations. The first International Seminar organized by the referred research group was about "Early childhood education and Difference" with Professor Michel Vandenbroeck from the University of Ghent and the II Seminar was about "Sociology of Childhood" with Professor Manuel Jacinto Sarmento, from University of Minho. These international seminars aim to deepen discussions and researches within the broad field of sociology and education of children with the purpose of supporting practices, theories and research carried out in this theoretical field. The materialization of this Seminars allows practical and theoretical issues be deepened inasmuch as researches are discussed considering central issues sent in advance to the visiting professor. The theme of racial relations and childhood have important theoretical gaps that we intend discuss and seek to equate with the help of Professor Dr. Pap Ndiaye considered as one of the most important researchers of Europe, and his book "La condition noir" is central to those conducting the debate about race and childhood. How children perceive their color/race? How children perceive differences? How statistics can take into account the self-declaration of children in relation to their color/race? In with ways research in the sociology of childhood elaborate the relationship between child, childhood, race and ethnicity? How to solve the prejudice question? These are some questions that guide the preparation of this seminar. That is known that Pap Ndiaye is not a specialist in childhood, however, the analytical approach of their research and political practice centered on the theme of ethnic and racial relations, combined with his expertise on affirmative action in education in Europe or in the USA, makes him an important and crucial interlocutor for those who consider the need for theoretical support to balance the important theoretical gaps existing in Brazil in relation to the subject "racial relations and childhood". The research group already has relationships with Professor Pap Ndiaye since 2009, when I was in Parisdeveloping my postdoctoral studies and in the first half of 2013 when he welcomed a doctoral researcher from our group and from "Program of postgraduation in education of UFSCar", Ana Cristina Juvenal Cross for develop her sandwich PhD stage, and therefore, continuing this work and research we have shared,he will participate as a panel member in in her thesis defense. (AU)

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