Research Grants 13/24841-4 - Lamiaceae, Hyptis - BV FAPESP
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Chemical and phamacological potencial of extracts from Hyptis Jacq. (Lamiaceae)


Lamiaceae is a botanical family with a cosmopolitan distribution that includes about 300 genera and 7500 species. Species of this family are usually herbaceous and shrubs, being least frequent the arboreal type. They are well known for their aromatic characteristics, and their volatile oils are the object of economic interest for medicinal, cosmetic and food industries. Hyptis Jacq., with about 144 species, occurs in tropical and subtropical regions, from North America to the Caribbean and south to the Argentina. Hyptis species are known to be used in folk medicine for treatment of several diseases, such as influenza and cold (H. fruticosa), respiratory diseases (H. macrostachys), stomach and intestinal disorders (H. martiusii); colon and liver disease (H. pectinata), nasal and ear disorders (H. umbrosa) and to combat fever (H. suaveolens). For the genus has been reported the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids and saponins. Hyptis lacustris A.St.-Hil ex Benth., Hyptis lappulacea Mart. ex Benth., Hyptis multibracteata Benth. and Hyptis radicans (Pohl) Harley & Pastore, in a preliminary study showed high antioxidant activity and high activity on inhibit the reverse transcriptase (HIV). However, little progress has been made in relation to the chemical constitution of these species, especially on isolating the active substances. This project offers the opportunity to describe new substances with pharmacological potential and also brings a multidisciplinary approach, with the interaction of the fields of chemistry, biology and pharmacology. This proposal has the formal involvement of undergraduate, masters and PhD students. The main objective of this proposal is to contribute to the knowledge about the chemical composition of secondary metabolites from Hyptis and study the antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-HIV potential of different extracts, fractions and sub- fractions. In addition, this study will provide information about chemical characteristics of species from section Peltodon occurring in savanna and rainforest biomes. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SEDANO-PARTIDA, MARTHA DALILA; DOS SANTOS, KATIA PEREIRA; SALA-CARVALHO, WILTON RICARDO; SILVA-LUZ, CINTIA LUIZA; FURLAN, CLAUDIA M.. A review of the phytochemical profiling and biological activities of Hyptis Jacq.: a Brazilian native genus of Lamiaceae. Rev. bras. Bot., v. 43, n. 1, p. 213-228, . (13/24841-4)

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