Research Grants 14/14874-5 - Infraestrutura de pesquisa, Laboratórios - BV FAPESP
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Annual plan for funds utilization in infrastructure of research of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo


This project aims to adapt, optimize and modernize the research infrastructure in buildings the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, where several research labs are located. The suitability of cold rooms, (including a multi-user), the modernization of the electric grid, lightning, fire protection systems and biotery, as well as acquisition of softwares, licenses and services for the multiuser equipment high content of micro- scanning (ImageXpress® Micro Widefield High Content Screening System) and computers and monitors for facilities' research labs, are the items proposed for this project. The consolidation of this proposal will meet the needs of research infrastructure of dozens of researchers/faculties and graduate students of this School, besides the external scientific community. The benefits to research groups and project coordinators will be significant, and it will represent an advance in the quality of research conducted by this School, impacting significantly on its scientific quality production. (AU)

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