Research Grants 14/21537-5 - Tatuagem, História em quadrinhos - BV FAPESP
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Character in tattoos: transposition from comic book pages to the human body


The research aims to investigate aspects of innovation that arise with the transposition of characters from comic books to tattoos. The transposition of characters to the human body is presented as a new phenomenon as it alters not only the way of understanding tattooing itself but also how it directly affects the characters' original meaning. To achieve the objectives, the research will use the techniques of literature review, interviews with tattoo artists and tattooed people, besides making comparative analysis between characters: character tattoos and characters from comic narratives. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, research areas will recourse to references in the areas of communication, psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and arts. We believe that the understanding of such an object will serve for reflection on the innovations of language in a wider context that goes beyond the boundaries of conventional media and texts. (AU)

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