Research Grants 14/26339-7 - Peixes, Pacu - BV FAPESP
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Food program evaluation for the production of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus, tambaqui Colossoma macropomum and their hybrids, aimed at environmental sustainability

Grant number: 14/26339-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Fishery Resources and Fishery Engineering - Aquaculture
Principal Investigator:Rafael Vilhena Reis Neto
Grantee:Rafael Vilhena Reis Neto
Host Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Registro. Registro , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Antônio Fernando Gervásio Leonardo ; Dariane Beatriz Schoffen Enke ; Diogo Teruo Hashimoto ; Eduardo Antônio Sanches ; Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de Freitas


This project will be carried out to evaluate the performance and environmental impact reducing of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus tambaqui Colossoma macropomum and their hybrids system of farm, under different feeding systems programs. Two experiments will be carried out, one in ponds, and another in cages. The experiments will be carried out in the Fish Farming Station of APTA Vale do Ribeira. Diallel cross between both species will be performed using the method of artificial reproduction providing four genetic groups: Pacu and Tambaqui (pure); and tambacu and Paqui (hybrids). Three different feeding systems programs will be teasted: P1 - 1 phase, 22% CP during all farm period; P2 two phases: 28% and 22 % CP, according to the growth stage; and P3 3 phases: 32%, 28% and 22% CP, according to the growth stage. The limnological parameters will be measured monthly to determine the physical, chemical and biological variables of water. Each 30 days, a random sample of 10 fish will be held in each experimental unit, which will be weighed, and subjected to morphometric analysis. When fish reach an average weight of 1.2 kg, a random sample of 50 fish will be drawn from each experimental unit , these, ten fish will be chosen for fillet analysis of chemical composition. Therefore, the assessed traits will be performance; morphometric, body yields; chemical composition of the fillet; and water quality. Data obtained from performance traits will be submitted to analysis of variance according a statistical model that consider the the effects of the food program, the mating system (pure or crossed) and the genetic group within mating system. For the parameters of water quality, multiple comparisons between groups or sampling areas will be performed. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERNANDES, ERICA MACHADO; FERREIRA DE ALMEIDA, LUIS CARLOS; HASHIMOTO, DIOGO TERUO; LATTANZI, GABRIEL RINALDI; GERVAZ, WASHINGTON ROCHA; LEONARDO, ANTONIO FERNANDO; REIS NETO, RAFAEL VILHENA. Survival of purebred and hybrid Serrasalmidae under low water temperature conditions. Aquaculture, v. 497, p. 97-102, . (14/26339-7)

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