Research Grants 14/11156-4 - Cosmologia (astronomia), Dinâmica das galáxias - BV FAPESP
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What drives the stellar mass growth of Early-Type galaxies? Born or made: the saga continues

Grant number: 14/11156-4
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Astronomy - Extragalactic Astrophysics
Principal Investigator:Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho
Grantee:Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho
Host Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). São José dos Campos , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Reinaldo Roberto Rosa
Associated researchers:Alberto Garcez de Oliveira Krone Martins ; Anderson Caproni ; Andre Luis Batista Ribeiro ; Diego Antonio Falceta Gonçalves ; Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua ; Fabricio Ferrari ; Francesco La Barbera ; Gary Mamon ; Gustavo Amaral Lanfranchi ; Henri Michel Pierre Plana ; Hugo Vicente Capelato ; João Luiz Kohl Moreira ; Joaquim Eduardo Rezende Costa ; Joe I Silk ; Marcelle Soares dos Santos ; Marina Trevisan ; Martin D. Weinberg ; Oswaldo Duarte Miranda ; Sandro Barboza Rembold ; Thiago Signorini Gonçalves
Associated research grant(s):17/03173-4 - Gas removal in the Ursa Minor galaxy: linking hydrodynamics and chemical evolution models, PUB.ART
16/11253-5 - Crossing the Rubicon: The fate of gas flows in galaxies, AR.EXT
16/04195-9 - Studying the stellar mass growth of early-type galaxies in the nearby universe, AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):20/03301-5 - Determining the properties of the host galaxies of gravitational wave events, BP.PD
16/23563-9 - Velocity distribution of galaxy clustering and their relation to galaxy properties, BP.IC


Constraining almost 14 billion years of galaxy evolution from observations of galaxies as they are seen today is fraught with peril. Here we propose a program to extend galaxy evolution studies to infrared wavelengths and higher redshifts (larger lookback times) to consistently investigate galaxies and their environments over a significant time baseline. A major step will be the implementation of the galaxy photometry tool GALPHAT to give a solid statistical basis for analyzing galaxy structural parameters. We have already examined in great detail the properties of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the nearby Universe. By studying global properties of local ETGs, such as color gradients, the fundamental plane, stellar populations, and their initial mass function (IMF), we have been able to constrain models of galaxy formation and evolution. We have characterized these galaxies' environments using a physically meaningful and consistent measure of the host group/cluster velocity distributions, so that we can begin to separate the effects of environment (nurture) and individual galaxy properties (nature). We will build upon our expertise and existing toolkit to examine galaxies at an earlier epoch, providing rigorous, consistent, and minimally biased comparison samples for evaluating physical scenarios of galaxy formation and assembly. One fundamental aspect of this proposal is the major investment in the Bayesian Inference Engine package. This will create the necessary synergy between our team and the two groups of computer scientists participating in this effort. Projects dealing with massive amounts of data in the near future will require a strong commitment from the two groups. (AU)

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Scientific publications (26)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE CARVALHO, R. R.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.; STALDER, D. H.; ROSA, R. R.; COSTA, A. P.; MOURA, T. C.. Investigating the Relation between Galaxy Properties and the Gaussianity of the Velocity Distribution of Groups and Clusters. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, v. 154, n. 3, . (14/11156-4)
SAMPAIO, V. M.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.; FERRERAS, I; ARAGON-SALAMANCA, A.; PARKER, L. C.. From blue cloud to red sequence: evidence of morphological transition prior to star formation quenching. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 509, n. 1, p. 567-585, . (14/11156-4, 20/16243-3)
MONTEIRO-OLIVEIRA, R.; MORELL, D. F.; SAMPAIO, V. M.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.. nveiling the internal structure of the Hercules supercluste. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 509, n. 3, p. 3470-3487, . (14/11156-4)
NEELAKSHI, J.; ROSA, REINALDO R.; SAVIO, SIOMEL; DE MENESES, FRANCISCO C.; STEPHANY, STEPHAN; FORNARI, GABRIEL; MURALIKRISHNA, P.. Spectral fluctuation analysis of ionospheric inhomogeneities over Brazilian territory Part II: E-F valley region plasma instabilities. Advances in Space Research, v. 64, n. 8, p. 1592-1599, . (14/11156-4)
DE CARVALHO, R. R.; COSTA, A. P.; MOURA, T. C.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.. The mass density profile and star formation history of Gaussian and non-Gaussian clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 487, n. 1, p. L86-L90, . (18/03480-7, 14/11156-4)
NANDI, S.; CAPRONI, A.; KHARB, P.; SEBASTIAN, B.; ROY, R.. Double-peaked Lines, Dual VLBI Components, and Precessing Jets in J1328+2752. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 908, n. 2, . (17/25651-5, 14/11156-4)
CUAMBE, VALENTE A.; COSTA, J. E. R.; SIMOES, P. J. A.. Flare parameters inferred from a 3D loop model data base. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 477, n. 2, p. 1495-1506, . (14/11156-4)
ROSA, R. R.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.; SAUTTER, R. A.; BARCHI, P. H.; STALDER, D. H.; MOURA, T. C.; REMBOLD, S. B.; MORELL, D. R. F.; FERREIRA, N. C.. Gradient pattern analysis applied to galaxy morphology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 477, n. 1, p. L101-L105, . (14/11156-4)
COSTA, A. P.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.. The shape of velocity dispersion profiles and the dynamical state of galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 473, n. 1, p. L31-L35, . (14/11156-4)
IBANEZ, MARILYN MINICUCCI; ROSA, REINALDO ROBERTO; GUIMARDES, LAMARTINE N. F.. Sentiment Analysis Applied to Analyze Society's Emotion in Two Different Context of Social Media Data. INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL-IBEROAMERICAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 23, n. 66, p. 66-84, . (14/11156-4)
SUMIDA, VIKTOR Y. D.; SCHUTZER, A. DE A.; CAPRONI, A.; ABRAHAM, Z.. The relativistic parsec-scale jets of the blazars TXS 0506+056 and PKS 0502+049 and their possible association with gamma-ray flares and neutrino production. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 509, n. 2, p. 1646-1663, . (17/25651-5, 14/11156-4)
KILPATRICK, CHARLES D.; COULTER, DAVID A.; ARCAVI, IAIR; BRINK, THOMAS G.; DIMITRIADIS, GEORGIOS; FILIPPENKO, V, ALEXEI; FOLEY, RYAN J.; HOWELL, D. ANDREW; JONES, DAVID O.; KASEN, DANIEL; et al. The Gravity Collective: A Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Neutron Star-Black Hole Merger GW190814. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 923, n. 2, . (20/03301-5, 14/11156-4)
AGUADO, DAVID S.; MYEONG, G. C.; BELOKUROV, VASILY; EVANS, N. WYN; KOPOSOV, SERGEY E.; ALLENDE PRIETO, CARLOS; LANFRANCHI, GUSTAVO A.; MATTEUCCI, FRANCESCA; SHETRONE, MATTHEW; SBORDONE, LUCA; et al. The S2 stream: the shreds of a primitive dwarf galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 500, n. 1, p. 889-910, . (17/25799-2, 14/11156-4)
CARVALHO, MAIARA S.; PLANA, HENRI. Internal kinematics of UM 461 and CTS 1020. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 481, n. 1, p. 122-137, . (14/11156-4)
BARCHI, P. H.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.; ROSA, R. R.; SAUTTER, R. A.; SOARES-SANTOS, M.; MARQUES, B. A. D.; CLUA, E.; GONCALVES, T. S.; DE SA-FREITAS, C.; MOURA, T. C.. Machine and Deep Learning applied to galaxy morphology - A comparative study. ASTRONOMY AND COMPUTING, v. 30, . (14/11156-4)
CAPRONI, ANDERSON; LANFRANCHI, GUSTAVO AMARAL; CAMPOS BAIO, GABRIEL HENRIQUE; KOWAL, GRZEGORZ; FALCETA-GONCALVES, DIEGO. Gas Removal in the Ursa Minor Galaxy: Linking Hydrodynamics and Chemical Evolution Models. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 838, n. 2, . (13/04073-2, 14/11156-4, 09/54006-4, 13/10559-5)
GRIBEL, CAROLINA; MIRANDA, OSWALDO D.; VILAS-BOAS, JOSE WILLIAMS. Connecting the Cosmic Star Formation Rate with the Local Star Formation. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 849, n. 2, . (14/11156-4)
ROUSSEAU-NEPTON, L.; MARTIN, R. P.; ROBERT, C.; DRISSEN, L.; AMRAM, P.; PRUNET, S.; MARTIN, T.; MOUMEN, I.; ADAMO, A.; ALARIE, A.; et al. SIGNALS: I. Survey description. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 489, n. 4, p. 5530-5546, . (14/11156-4)
MORELL, D. F.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.; REMBOLD, S. B.; LOPES, P. A. A.; COSTA, A. P.. Classification and evolution of galaxies according to the dynamical state of host clusters and galaxy luminosities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 494, n. 3, p. 3317-3327, . (14/11156-4)
CAPRONI, ANDERSON; LANFRANCHI, GUSTAVO A.; FRIACA, AMANCIO C. S.; SOARES, JENNIFER F.. Boundary Conditions in Hydrodynamic Simulations of Isolated Galaxies and Their Impact on the Gas-loss Processes. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 944, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (19/21615-0, 17/25651-5, 09/54006-4, 14/11156-4, 17/25799-2)
ROSA, REINALDO R.. Data Science Strategies for Multimessenger Astronomy. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 93, n. 1, . (14/11156-4)
CORAZZA, LIA C. C.; MIRANDA, OSWALDO D. D.; WUENSCHE, CARLOS A. A.. Potential contributions of Pop III and intermediate-mass Pop II stars to cosmic chemical enrichment. Astronomy & Astrophysics, v. 668, p. 14-pg., . (14/11156-4)
CAPRONI, ANDERSON; LANFRANCHI, GUSTAVO A.; CAMPOS BAIAO, GABRIEL H.; KOWAL, GRZEGORZ; FALCETA-GONCALVES, DIEGO; MCQUINN, KBW; STIERWALT, S. The hydrodynamic evolution of the gas content in the dSph galaxy Ursa Minor induced by the feedback from types Ia and II supernovae. DWARF GALAXIES: FROM THE DEEP UNIVERSE TO THE PRESENT, v. 14, n. S344, p. 4-pg., . (14/11156-4, 17/25651-5, 17/03173-4, 09/54006-4)
SAMPAIO, V. M.; DE CARVALHO, R. R.; FERRERAS, I; LAGANA, T. F.; RIBEIRO, A. L. B.; REMBOLD, S. B.. Investigating the projected phase space of Gaussian and non-Gaussian clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 503, n. 2, p. 3065-3080, . (14/11156-4, 18/02626-8)
LANFRANCHI, GUSTAVO A.; HAZENFRATZ, ROBERTO; CAPRONI, ANDERSON; SILK, JOSEPH. Parameterizing the Outflow from a Central Black Hole in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: A 3D Hydrodynamic Simulation. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, v. 914, n. 1, . (17/03173-4, 17/25651-5, 14/11156-4)

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