Research Grants 14/25981-7 - Semicondutores, Materiais nanoestruturados - BV FAPESP
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Generating and mapping spin currents with space and time resolution


Spin currents can be generated using selective spin contacts, enabling integration in circuits in which device geometry and parameters of spin can be controlled by electrodes. Devices containing a two-dimensional electron gas, in GaAs/AlGaAs channels defined by lithography and electrostatic electrodes, have an extraordinary variety of spin related phenomena. These structures are typically studied by electrical transport measurements in channels with width of microns using quantum point contacts as injectors and detectors. Moreover, optical measurements of spin have advanced the current understanding of spin relaxation, accumulation and separation through the spin-orbit interaction in a variety of bulk materials and quantum wells. The main objective of the project is to gain new fundamental knowledge about the influence of the currents of spin on the optical properties of materials and the behavior of such currents in terms of the diffusion length , coherence time , and spatial dependence in magnetic fields induced by electric fields through spin-orbit interaction. (AU)

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Scientific publications (13)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERREIRA, GERSON J.; HERNANDEZ, FELIX G. G.; ALTMANN, PATRICK; SALIS, GIAN. Spin drift and diffusion in one-and two-subband helical systems. Physical Review B, v. 95, n. 12, . (14/25981-7)
ULLAH, S.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Large anisotropic spin relaxation time of exciton bound to donor states in triple quantum wells. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 121, n. 20, . (13/03450-7, 15/16191-5, 09/15007-5, 14/25981-7)
ULLAH, S.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Long-lived nanosecond spin coherence in high-mobility 2DEGs confined in double and triple quantum wells. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 119, n. 21, . (13/03450-7, 09/15007-5, 14/25981-7)
KAWAHALA, N. M.; MORAES, F. C. D.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Experimental analysis of the spin-orbit coupling dependence on the drift velocity of a spin packet. AIP ADVANCES, v. 10, n. 6, . (14/25981-7, 16/50018-1, 09/15007-5, 15/16191-5, 13/03450-7, 18/06142-5)
HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.; ULLAH, S.; FERREIRA, G. J.; KAWAHALA, N. M.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.. Macroscopic transverse drift of long current-induced spin coherence in two-dimensional electron gases. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 94, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (09/15007-5, 14/25981-7, 13/03450-7, 15/16191-5)
ULLAH, S.; MORAES, F. C. D.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Robustness of spin polarization against temperature in multilayer structure: Triple quantum well. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 123, n. 21, . (14/25981-7, 15/16191-5, 09/15007-5, 13/03450-7)
HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.; ULLAH, S.; FERREIRA, G. J.; KAWAHALA, N. M.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.. Macroscopic transverse drift of long current-induced spin coherence in two-dimensional electron gases. Physical Review B, v. 94, n. 4, . (13/03450-7, 15/16191-5, 09/15007-5, 14/25981-7)
LUENGO-KOVAC, M.; MORAES, F. C. D.; FERREIRA, G. J.; RIBEIRO, A. S. L.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; SIH, V.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Gate control of the spin mobility through the modification of the spin-orbit interaction in two-dimensional systems. Physical Review B, v. 95, n. 24, . (13/03450-7, 15/16191-5, 09/15007-5, 14/25981-7)
ULLAH, S.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Tailoring multilayer quantum wells for spin devices. PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 91, n. 3, . (14/25981-7, 15/16191-5, 09/15007-5, 13/03450-7)
ALTMANN, P.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.; FERREIRA, G. J.; KOHDA, M.; REICHL, C.; WEGSCHEIDER, W.; SALIS, G.. Current-Controlled Spin Precession of Quasistationary Electrons in a Cubic Spin-Orbit Field. Physical Review Letters, v. 116, n. 19, . (13/03450-7, 14/25981-7)
ULLAH, S.; FERREIRA, G. J.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.; IOP. Macroscopic transport of a current-induced spin polarization. WAKE CONFERENCE 2021, v. 864, p. 4-pg., . (09/15007-5, 14/25981-7, 13/03450-7, 15/16191-5)
LUENGO-KOVAC, M.; MORAES, F. C. D.; FERREIRA, G. J.; RIBEIRO, A. S. L.; GUSEV, G. M.; BAKAROV, A. K.; SIH, V.; HERNANDEZ, F. G. G.. Gate control of the spin mobility through the modification of the spin-orbit interaction in two-dimensional systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 95, n. 24, p. 6-pg., . (14/25981-7, 16/50018-1, 09/15007-5, 13/03450-7, 15/16191-5)
FERREIRA, GERSON J.; HERNANDEZ, FELIX G. G.; ALTMANN, PATRICK; SALIS, GIAN. Spin drift and diffusion in one-and two-subband helical systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 95, n. 12, p. 12-pg., . (14/25981-7)

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