Research Grants 15/21366-9 - Nanopartículas, Plasmônica - BV FAPESP
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This proposal focuses on facile, versatile, and environmentally friendly methodologies to obtain metal oxide-based hybrid materials decorated with metallic nanoparticles displaying controlled features. Specifically, we will focus on TiO2, Cu2O, CuO, MnO2, WO3 and graphene oxide (GO) as the oxide materials, which will be synthesized in different morphologies (spheres, wires, cubes, octahedrons, dendrites and two-dimensional structures) for subsequent deposition of metal nanoparticles (such as Au, Ag, Pd, Pt, Rh and Ir) at their surfaces. The hybrid materials will be produced by a seeded growth approach, in which the oxide acts as a physical template for the deposition of metal particles from the reduction of its corresponding metal precursors. In the next step, the hybrid materials will be employed as catalysts for a variety of reactions that are relevant in the context of chemical synthesis. In particular, we focus on four classes of catalytic systems: i) heterogeneous catalysis (reduction of 4-nitrophenol, Suzuki coupling, oxidation of model compounds in the liquid phase, ii) electrocatalysis (relevant reactions in the context of fuel cells); iii) photocatalysis (oxidative degradation of dyes mediated by visible light); and iv) plasmonic catalysis (intensification of catalytic processes by the excitation of the surface plasmon resonance in Ag and Au nanoparticles). As nanomaterials obtained in this project will have controlled features, they will enable the systematic investigation on how their catalytic activities vary as a function on their physicochemical parameters such as size, composition, structure and architecture. (AU)

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Scientific publications (34)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; ALVES, RAFAEL S.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Controlling Reduction Kinetics in the Galvanic Replacement Involving Metal Oxides Templates: Elucidating the Formation of Bimetallic Bowls, Rattles, and Dendrites from Cu2O Spheres. PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 35, n. 5, SI, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; MOU, TONG; WANG, BIN; ROSSI, LIANE M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Reaction Pathway Dependence in Plasmonic Catalysis: Hydrogenation as a Model Molecular Transformation. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 24, n. 47, SI, p. 12330-12339, . (16/16738-7, 15/26308-7, 15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
GUALTEROS, JESUS A. D.; GARCIA, MARCO A. S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G.; E SILVA, FELIPE A.; FONSECA, FABIO C.; QUIROZ, JHON; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; CORDOBA DE TORRESI, SUSANA I.; et al. Synthesis of highly dispersed gold nanoparticles on Al2O3, SiO2, and TiO2 for the solvent-free oxidation of benzyl alcohol under low metal loadings. Journal of Materials Science, v. 54, n. 1, p. 238-251, . (17/12407-9, 15/21366-9, 14/50279-4, 14/09087-4)
GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; ALVES, TIAGO V.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Addressing the Effects of Size-dependent Absorption, Scattering, and Near-field Enhancements in Plasmonic Catalysis. CHEMCATCHEM, v. 10, n. 16, p. 3447-3452, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; ARAUJO, THAYLAN P.; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; QUIROZ, JHON; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; RUDOLPH, MATTHIAS; HASHMI, A. STEPHEN K.; ROSSI, LIANE M.. Gold-amine cooperative catalysis for reductions and reductive aminations using formic acid as hydrogen source. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 267, . (15/11452-5, 15/21366-9, 15/26308-7, 16/17866-9, 17/07564-8, 16/16738-7)
FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; KIKUCHI, DANIELLE K.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; RUDOLPH, MATTHIAS; HASHMI, A. STEPHEN K.; ROSSI, LIANE M.. Piperazine-promoted gold-catalyzed hydrogenation: the influence of capping ligands. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 10, n. 7, p. 1996-2003, . (16/16738-7, 15/26308-7, 15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; PARREIRA, LUANNA S.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; AVEIRO, LUCI R.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; DOS SANTOS, MAURO C.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Pt-Decorated TiO2 Materials Supported on Carbon: Increasing Activities and Stabilities toward the ORR by Tuning the Pt Loading. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 8, p. 5759-5768, . (15/21366-9, 15/26308-7, 16/00819-8, 15/11452-5, 17/21846-6)
SANTOS, WAGNER C. C.; DIAS, KEVIN A.; SANTOS, LEIDAIANY P.; KISUKURI, CAMILA M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; ANDRADE, LEANDRO H.. Evaluating Gold and Selenium Chemistry for Selective Transformations of Lignin Model Compounds. ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, v. 360, n. 7, p. 1376-1383, . (15/21366-9, 14/22457-5)
WANG, JIALE; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; ALVES, TIAGO V.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; FANG, ZEBO; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. On the Effect of Native SiO2 on Si over the SPR-mediated Photocatalytic Activities of Au and Ag Nanoparticles. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 23, n. 30, p. 7185-7190, . (15/21366-9)
GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; QUIROZ, JHON; ROCHA, GUILHERME F. S. R.; OROPEZA, FREDDY E.; RANGEL, CLARA J.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; HOFMANN, JAN P.; HENSEN, EMIEL J. M.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Marrying SPR excitation and metal-support interactions: unravelling the contribution of active surface species in plasmonic catalysis. NANOSCALE, v. 10, n. 18, p. 8560-8568, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; BATALHA, DANIEL C.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G.; LUZ, SULUSMON C.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; FONSECA, FABIO C.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; TAYLOR, JASON G.; CORDOBA DE TORRESI, SUSANA I.; et al. Sub-15 nm CeO2 nanowires as an efficient non-noble metal catalyst in the room-temperature oxidation of aniline. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 8, n. 7, p. 1828-1839, . (14/50279-4, 14/09087-4, 15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; CORREIA, VALQUIRIO G.; ALVES, TIAGO V.; ALVES, RAFAEL S.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; ORNELLAS, FERNANDO R.; WANG, JIALE; ANDRADE, LEANDRO H.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Plasmonic Nanorattles as Next-Generation Catalysts for Surface Plasmon Resonance-Mediated Oxidations Promoted by Activated Oxygen. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, v. 55, n. 25, p. 7111-7115, . (15/21366-9, 13/19861-6)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; GONCALVES, MARIANA C.; FAJARDO, HUMBERTO V.; BALZER, ROSANA; PROBST, LUIZ F. D.; DA SILVA, ALISSON H. M.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Catalytic Properties of AgPt Nanoshells as a Function of Size: Larger Outer Diameters Lead to Improved Performances. Langmuir, v. 32, n. 36, p. 9371-9379, . (15/21366-9)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; DE MOURA, ARTHUR B. L.; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. AgAu Nanotubes: Investigating the Effect of Surface Morphologies and Optical Properties over Applications in Catalysis and Photocatalysis. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 28, n. 9, p. 1630-1638, . (15/21366-9)
PAPA, LETIZIA; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; DE AQUINO, CAROLINE B.; PIERETTI, JOANA C.; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Supports matter: unraveling the role of charge transfer in the plasmonic catalytic activity of silver nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 5, n. 23, p. 11720-11729, . (12/50259-8, 15/21366-9)
SCREMIN, JESSICA; MELO BARBOSA, EDUARDO CESAR; ROSSI SALAMANCA-NETO, CARLOS ALBERTO; CURY CAMARGO, PEDRO HENRIQUE; SARTORI, ELEN ROMAO. Amperometric determination of ascorbic acid with a glassy carbon electrode modified with TiO2-gold nanoparticles integrated into carbon nanotubes. Microchimica Acta, v. 185, n. 5, . (15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; DA SILVA, ALISSON H. M.; FAJARDO, HUMBERTO V.; BALZER, ROSANA; GOMES, JANAINA F.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; et al. Combining active phase and support optimization in MnO2-Au nanoflowers: Enabling high activities towards green oxidations. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v. 530, p. 282-291, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
LIMA, DEBORA R.; JIANG, NING; LIU, XIN; WANG, JIALE; VULCANI, VALCINIR A. S.; MARTINS, ALESSANDRO; MACHADO, DOUGLAS S.; LANDERS, RICHARD; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; PANCOTTI, ALEXANDRE. Employing Calcination as a Facile Strategy to Reduce the Cytotoxicity in CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 9, n. 45, p. 39830-39838, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
AVEIRO, LUCI R.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; ANTONIN, VANESSA S.; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G.; PARREIRA, LUANNA S.; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; LANZA, MARCOS R. V.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; SANTOS, MAURO C.. Carbon-supported MnO2 nanoflowers: Introducing oxygen vacancies for optimized volcano-type electrocatalytic activities towards H2O2 generation. Electrochimica Acta, v. 268, p. 101-110, . (16/00819-8, 15/10314-8, 17/21846-6, 15/21366-9)
FERBONINK, G. F.; RODRIGUES, T. S.; DOS SANTOS, D. P.; CAMARGO, P. H. C.; ALBUQUERQUE, R. Q.; NOME, R. A.. Correlating structural dynamics and catalytic activity of AgAu nanoparticles with ultrafast spectroscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, v. 208, p. 269-286, . (15/21366-9, 15/26308-7, 16/23430-9)
PARREIRA, LUANNA S.; ANTONIASSI, RODOLFO M.; FREITAS, ISABEL C.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; SPINACE, ESTEVAM V.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; DOS SANTOS, MAURO C.. MWCNT-COOH supported PtSnNi electrocatalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells: Low Pt content, selectivity and chemical stability. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 143, p. 1397-1405, . (15/26308-7, 17/10118-0, 15/21366-9, 16/00819-8, 17/21846-6)
MATTOS, GABRIEL J.; MORAES, JAQUELINE T.; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; DEKKER, ROBERT F. H.; BARBOSA-DEKKER, ANELI M.; SARTORI, ELEN R.. Laccase stabilized on beta-D-glucan films on the surface of carbon black/gold nanoparticles: A new platform for electrochemical biosensing. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY, v. 129, p. 116-123, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
QUIROZ, JHON; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; ARAUJO, THAYLAN P.; FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; WANG, YI-CHI; ZOU, YI-CHAO; MOU, TONG; ALVES, TIAGO V.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; WANG, BIN; et al. Controlling Reaction Selectivity over Hybrid Plasmonic Nanocatalysts. Nano Letters, v. 18, n. 11, p. 7289-7297, . (15/26308-7, 17/07564-8, 16/16738-7, 15/21366-9, 16/17866-9, 15/11452-5)
MATTOS, GABRIEL J.; SALAMANCA-NETO, CARLOS A. R.; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; DEKKER, ROBERT F. H.; BARBOSA-DEKKER, ANELI M.; SARTORI, ELEN R.. A photoelectrochemical enzyme biosensor based on functionalized hematite microcubes for rutin determination by square-wave voltammetry. Microchimica Acta, v. 188, n. 1, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
WANG, JIALE; BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; FANG, ZEBO; PARUSSULO, ANDRE L. A.; DOS REIS, FLAVIA V. E.; ANDO, ROMULO A.; ARAKI, KOITI; TOMA, HENRIQUE E.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. On the effect of TiO2 nanocrystallites over the plasmonic photodegradation by Au nanoparticles. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 12, p. 1953-1960, . (15/21366-9)
PINHEIRO, VICTOR S.; PAZ, EDSON C.; AVEIRO, LUCI R.; PARREIRA, LUANNA S.; SOUZA, FELIPE M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; SANTOS, MAURO C.. Mineralization of paracetamol using a gas diffusion electrode modified with ceria high aspect ratio nanostructures. Electrochimica Acta, v. 295, p. 39-49, . (17/22976-0, 15/10314-8, 17/10118-0, 17/26288-1, 15/21366-9, 16/00819-8, 17/21846-6)
GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Controlled synthesis of noble metal nanomaterials: motivation, principles, and opportunities in nanocatalysis. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 90, n. 1, 1, p. 719-744, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; PARUSSULO, ANDRE L. A.; CANDIDO, EDUARDO G.; GEONMONOND, RAFAEL S.; BRITO, HERMI F.; TOMA, HENRIQUE E.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Controlled Synthesis of Nanomaterials at the Undergraduate Laboratory: Cu(OH)(2) and CuO Nanowires. Journal of Chemical Education, v. 94, n. 6, p. 743-750, . (15/21366-9)
DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; HAIGH, SARAH J.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Galvanic replacement reaction: recent developments for engineering metal nanostructures towards catalytic applications. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 53, n. 53, p. 7135-7148, . (15/26308-7, 15/21366-9)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; DE MOURA, ARTHUR B. L.; FREITAS, ISABELLA G.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Rational design of plasmonic catalysts: matching the surface plasmon resonance with lamp emission spectra for improved performance in AgAu nanorings. RSC ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 67, p. 62286-62290, . (15/21366-9, 13/19861-6)
YAMADA, LILIAM K.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; HAIGH, SARAH J.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Bimetallic Au@Pd-Au Tadpole-Shaped Asymmetric Nanostructures by a Combination of Precursor Reduction and Ostwald Ripening. CHEMNANOMAT, v. 2, n. 6, p. 509-514, . (15/21366-9, 13/19861-6)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; DE OLIVEIRA, LUCAS C.; DA SILVA, ADALBERTO M.; TEIXEIRA, ROBSON R.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Cu2O spheres as an efficient source of catalytic Cu(I) species for performing azide-alkyne click reactions. Tetrahedron Letters, v. 58, n. 6, p. 590-595, . (15/21366-9)
BARBOSA, EDUARDO C. M.; FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; MOU, TONG; WANG, BIN; ROSSI, LIANE M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Reaction Pathway Dependence in Plasmonic Catalysis: Hydrogenation as a Model Molecular Transformation. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 24, n. 47, p. 10-pg., . (16/16738-7, 15/26308-7, 15/21366-9, 15/11452-5)
RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; ALVES, RAFAEL S.; DE FREITAS, ISABEL C.; OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.. Controlling Reduction Kinetics in the Galvanic Replacement Involving Metal Oxides Templates: Elucidating the Formation of Bimetallic Bowls, Rattles, and Dendrites from Cu2O Spheres. PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 35, n. 5, p. 9-pg., . (15/21366-9, 15/26308-7)

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