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Elementary bioimaging through laser ablation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Grant number: 16/07384-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2018
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Marco Aurelio Zezzi Arruda
Grantee:Marco Aurelio Zezzi Arruda
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil


This project explores and enhances the potentialities of laser ablation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry regarding to images acquisition from elemental mapping of biological samples. In this way, the data generated by the ICP-MS equipment will be transformed to images from a specific software. Then, two targets will be explored: 1) elemental qualitative bioimaging of samples from biological samples by means of laser ablation coupled to an ICP-MS ii) bioimaging by means of elemental quantitative spacial distribution of biological samples by means of laser ablation coupled to an ICP-MS (AU)

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Scientific publications (21)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GALAZZI, RODRIGO MORETTO; LOPES JUNIOR, CICERO ALVES; DE LIMA, TATIANI BRENELI; GOZZO, FABIO CESAR; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Evaluation of some effects on plant metabolism through proteins and enzymes in transgenic and non-transgenic soybeans after cultivation with silver nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, v. 191, n. SI, p. 88-106, . (16/07384-7, 13/15646-3)
DE SOUZA PESSOA, GUSTAVO; DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; BALBUENA, TIAGO SANTANA; ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO ZEZZI. Metallomics-based platforms for comparing the human blood serum profiles between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, . (14/50867-3, 18/25207-0, 16/07384-7)
CHACON-MADRID, KATHERINE; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Internal standard evaluation for bioimaging soybean leaves through laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: a plant nanotechnology approach. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 33, n. 10, p. 1720-1728, . (16/07384-7)
DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Unravelling neurological disorders through metallomics-based approaches. METALLOMICS, v. 12, n. 12, p. 1878-1896, . (20/02020-2, 18/25207-0, 16/07384-7)
PESSOA, GUSTAVO DE S.; LOPES JUNIOR, CICERO A.; MADRID, KATHERINE C.; ARRUDA, MARCO A. Z.. A quantitative approach for Cd, Cu, Fe and Mn through laser ablation imaging for evaluating the translocation and accumulation of metals in sunflower seeds. Talanta, v. 167, p. 317-324, . (16/07384-7)
SUSSULINI, ALESSANDRA; ERBOLATO, HELENA MUNHOZ; PESSOA, GUSTAVO DE SOUZA; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; STEINER, JOHANN; MARTINS-DE-SOUZA, DANIEL. Elemental fingerprinting of schizophrenia patient blood plasma before and after treatment with antipsychotics. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 268, n. 6, p. 565-570, . (16/07384-7, 15/13229-1, 13/08711-3, 14/10068-4, 14/50867-3)
DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; GUIMARAES, IVANILCE CRISTINA; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Quantifying proteins at microgram levels integrating gel electrophoresis and smartphone technology. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, v. 198, p. 45-49, . (16/07384-7, 18/00768-0)
ARENAS, ALEJANDRO YOPASA; PESSOA, GUSTAVO DE SOUZA; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; FOSTIER, ANNE HELENE. Mobility of polivinylpyrrolidone coated silver nanoparticles in tropical soils. Chemosphere, v. 194, p. 543-552, . (16/07384-7)
GALAZZI, RODRIGO MORETTO; LOPES JUNIOR, CICERO ALVES; DE LIMA, TATIANI BRENELI; GOZZO, FABIO CESAR; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Evaluation of some effects on plant metabolism through proteins and enzymes in transgenic and non-transgenic soybeans after cultivation with silver nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, v. 191, p. 19-pg., . (13/15646-3, 16/07384-7)
GARCIA, PAULO T.; GABRIEL, ELLEN F. M.; PESSOA, GUSTAVO S.; SANTOS JUNIOR, JULIO C.; MOLLO FILHO, PEDRO C.; GUIDUGLI, RUGGERO B. F.; HOEHR, NELCI F.; ARRUDA, MARCO A. Z.; COLTRO, WENDELL K. T.. Paper-based microfluidic devices on the crime scene: A simple tool for rapid estimation of post-mortem interval using vitreous humour. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 974, p. 69-74, . (16/07384-7)
DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; GALAZZI, RODRIGO MORETTO; DE LIMA, TATIANI BRENELLI; MULLER BANZATO, CLAUDIO EDUARDO; LIMA E SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO DE ALMEIDA; DANTAS, CLARISSA DE ROSALMEIDA; GOZZO, FABIO CEZAR; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Simplifying the human serum proteome for discriminating patients with bipolar disorder of other psychiatry conditions. CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, v. 50, n. 18, p. 1118-1125, . (16/07384-7)
LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO MASELLI; CHACON-MADRID, KATHERINE; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; DE CAMARGO, EVELYN PEREIRA; LOPES MOREIRA, TIANA CARLA; SALDIVA DE ANDRE, CARMEN DIVA; DE ANDRE, PAULO AFONSO; SINGER, JULIO M.; NASCIMENTO SALDIVA, PAULO HILARIO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Tree rings reveal the reduction of Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb pollution in the central region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Environmental Pollution, v. 242, n. A, p. 320-328, . (15/25511-3, 16/07384-7, 17/10544-9, 13/21728-2)
DE CAMPOS, BRUNA K.; GALAZZI, RODRIGO M.; DOS SANTOS, BRUNA M.; BALBUENA, TIAGO S.; DOS SANTOS, FABIO N.; MOKOCHINSKI, JOAO B.; EBERLIN, MARCOS N.; ARRUDA, MARCO A. Z.. Comparison of generational effect on proteins and metabolites in non-transgenic and transgenic soybean seeds through the insertion of the cp4-EPSPS gene assessed by omics-based platforms. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 202, . (13/17514-7, 18/25207-0, 16/07384-7, 13/15646-3)
LEHMANN, ERALDO LUIZ; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Minimalist strategies applied to analysis of forensic samples using elemental and molecular analytical techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 1063, p. 9-17, . (16/07384-7)
LOCOSSELLI, GIULIANO MASELLI; CHACON-MADRID, KATHERINE; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; DE CAMARGO, EVELYN PEREIRA; LOPES MOREIRA, TIANA CARLA; SALDIVA DE ANDRE, CARMEN DIVA; DE ANDRE, PAULO AFONSO; SINGER, JULIO M.; NASCIMENTO SALDIVA, PAULO HILARIO; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. Tree rings reveal the reduction of Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb pollution in the central region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Environmental Pollution, v. 242, p. 9-pg., . (13/21728-2, 16/07384-7, 15/25511-3, 17/10544-9)
DE SOUZA PESSOA, GUSTAVO; DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; BALBUENA, TIAGO SANTANA; ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO ZEZZI. Metallomics-based platforms for comparing the human blood serum profiles between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 34, p. 10-pg., . (14/50867-3, 18/25207-0, 16/07384-7)
BERENGUEL, OTAVIO; PESSOA, GUSTAVO DE S.; ARRUDA, MARCO A. Z.. Total content and in vitro bioaccessibility of tellurium in Brazil nuts. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, v. 48, p. 46-51, . (16/07384-7)
GALAZZI, RODRIGO MORETTO; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO. Evaluation of changes in the macro and micronutrients homeostasis of transgenic and non-transgenic soybean plants after cultivation with silver nanoparticles through ionomic approaches. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, v. 48, p. 181-187, . (16/07384-7, 13/15646-3)
JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; SANTOS, HUGO M.; LOPEZ-FERNANDEZ, H.; LODEIRO, CARLOS; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; CAPELO, J. L.. Ultrasonic-based membrane aided sample preparation of urine proteomes. Talanta, v. 178, p. 864-869, . (16/07384-7)
DE JESUS, JEMMYSON ROMARIO; ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO ZEZZI. A feasible strategy based on high ultrasound frequency and mass spectrometry for discriminating individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia through ionomic profile. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 34, p. 10-pg., . (16/07384-7)

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