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The impact of clinical experience with people with alcohol-related disorders in the attitudes of nursing students: non-controlled clinical trial

Grant number: 16/09485-5
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: November 01, 2016 - April 30, 2019
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Nursing - Psychiatric Nursing
Principal Investigator:Divane de Vargas
Grantee:Divane de Vargas
Host Institution: Escola de Enfermagem (EE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


It will be a quasi-experimental study randomized type not controlled with a group randomized pretest-post test, which aims to identify the effect of a clinical experience with people with alcohol-related disorders and other drugs in the attitudes of nursing students. The sample of the study will be approximately 60 students from second and third year undergraduate who cursarão the discipline of Mental Health and psychiatric Nursing in nursing school at the University of Sao Paulo in the first and second semesters from 2016 to 2018. The randomization of subjects to participate in the study will be made by drawing lots, which usually happens in the first week before the departure of the subject to the practice field. This procedure for allocation of students in the fields provided for stage by the institution is already adopted in the discipline for the distribution of students in the fields of practice, and therefore, will not in any systematic change of distribution and systematic operation already adopted. In possession of the tools will be created by subject, responded to a database in the program SPSS 22.0 (Satatistical Package for the Social Sciences v. 22.0 for Windows). The analysis will be divided into two stages, the first will be analysed the socio-demographic characteristics of the population in order to trace the profile of the sample. And the second will be held the analysis of data obtained with the application of EAFAAA. For the evaluation of the attitudes of students, will be assigned 1 and 2 points for categories of adverse responses to question 4 and 5 point proposal, for the categories and 3 to the intermediate levels of the response. To compare scores from the pre-test with the post-test and check the size of the effect of the exhibition scores obtained, will be conducted an analysis of variance ANOVA, the level of significance will be p d 0.5. (AU)

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