Research Grants 16/20720-6 - Livros, Poesia do Brasil - BV FAPESP
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Books, narrative poems, hybrid compounds: forms of poetic compositions (nineteenth century ends - Brazil)


This project has three central problems: a) books considered as books and not as random sets of poems (a set of possibilities are taken as elements that provide the internal cohesion of those books: thematic criteria; adoption of cyclic structures; incorporation of narrative structures; adoption or parody of specific literary genres -as tragic or epic- as unifying elements; intertextual relations with other books; or combinations of these possibilities; b) narrative poems or poems in which narrativity is taken as a writing feature; c) poems or books in which are noticed hybridizations of categories as lyric, epic, prose, poem, epilírico, narrative and others. The project is a development of previous researches concerning Brazilian poetry, as well as latest studies about modern or contemporary poems that adopt narrative as part of their structure or features, in a way close to Domique Combe´s theoretical descriptions of what he has called "Epic nostalgia". By theoretical discussion of such poetic presentation modes (books, narrative poems, hybrid compounds) in nineteenth century Brazilian poetry, this project intends to: a) propose systematization parameters of such formal presentations; b) explore critical and/or historiographical consequences of its recurring presence during the period; c) propose to discussion theoretical elements that allow to develop critical thinking about poems / books / hybrid compounds chosen as objects of study, in particular in what concerns a need for tensioning of relations between lyric, lyrism and other possibilities of poetic realization. It is part of a broader research and between 2017 and 2018 it is dedicated to a specific group of Brazilian poets. (AU)

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