Research Grants 16/26082-1 - Ecologia da paisagem, Cidades compactas - BV FAPESP
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Biodiversity and urban form in the design of more sustainable cities


In last decades, the discussion about the compact cities as a paradigm to achieve urban sustainability has gain more adepts. However, many scientists have been proven that the more the urban density, the less the tree cover and available green spaces, which causes the loss of biodiversity and ecological services in the cities. Thus, facing the challenge to conciliate the increase of housing density and the stock of green spaces is essential. The objective of this research is to investigate how the urban design can enhance tree canopy cover, the permeability and the connectivity of green spaces, though the evaluation of vegetation and biodiversity in different urban fabrics which have higher densities. The different patterns of land use and land cover, and urban design guidelines result in several urban typologies that define the amount and the shape of green spaces, what impact on the ecosystem service provision and urban biodiversity. The evaluation will be carry out based on quantitative criteria concerning to urban morphology and land cover, and landscape ecology metrics to measure area, shape and distribution of green spaces and based on avifauna survey to measure local biodiversity. The purpose is contribute to public policies in new urban areas, through the recommendation of high performance urban design guidelines in terms of permeability and connectivity of tree canopy cover, while considering the importance to build compact cities. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MELO, MARCOS ANTONIO; PIRATELLI, AUGUSTO JOAO. Increase in size and shrub cover improves bird functional diversity in Neotropical urban green spaces. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 21-pg., . (16/26082-1)
MELO, MARCOS ANTONIO; SANCHES, PATRICIA MARA; SILVA FILHO, DEMOSTENES F.; PIRATELLI, AUGUSTO JOAO. Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity. URBAN ECOSYSTEMS, . (16/26082-1)

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