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The Rio de La Plata Craton and the Western Gondwana Assembly

Grant number: 15/03737-0
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Duration: September 01, 2017 - August 31, 2024
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences - Geology
Principal Investigator:Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei
Grantee:Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei
Host Institution: Instituto de Geociências (IGC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Benjamim Bley de Brito Neves ; Mario da Costa Campos Neto ; Umberto Giuseppe Cordani ; Wilson Teixeira
Associated researchers:Alice Westin Teixeira ; Antonio Roberto Saad ; Carlos Eduardo Ganade de Araujo ; Cláudia Regina Passarelli ; Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari ; Kei Sato ; Leonardo Fadel Cury ; Liliana Sayuri Osako ; Marcos Egydio da Silva ; Maria Helena Bezerra Maia de Hollanda ; Maria Irene Bartolomeu Raposo ; Marly Babinski ; Neivaldo Araujo de Castro ; Ossama Mohamed Milad Harara ; Oswaldo Siga Junior ; Paulo Roberto dos Santos ; Renata da Silva Schmitt ; Ruy Paulo Philipp
Associated grant(s):20/04625-9 - Zircon and the evolution of cratons: study case: Amazonian Craton and its counterparts in Western Gondwana, AV.BR
19/04338-2 - Geologic correlation between Paleoproterozoic terrains in the São Francisco Craton and north China craton, AV.EXT
18/06837-3 - U-Pb zircon geochronology and HF data from magmatic zircon in devonian-carboniferous granites as monitors of crustal growth and geodynamic setting, pre-andean continental margin of SW Gondwana, AV.EXT
18/04690-5 - Florida and Treinta e Tres mafic dyke swarms (Uruguay): sampling and U-Pb geochronology in baddeleyite (additional activites at USP have been planned), AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):23/15726-9 - Laboratory techniques and routines learning: preparation of samples for concentration and separation of heavy minerals, BP.TT
23/16306-3 - Learning of laboratory techniques and routines at LA-ICP-MS-CPGeo-IGc-USP, BP.TT
23/12656-0 - Studies of provenance and volcanic ash fossil beds by the U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) method in zircon of sedimentary rocks of the Irati Formation, Paraná Basin, São Mateus do Sul-PR, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 21/11048-0 - Investigating and quantifying deformation across the Itajaí foreland basin, Southern Brazil, BP.DD
22/10288-0 - Preparation of mineral concentrates and mounts for U-Pb analysis by LA-ICP-MS, BP.TT
22/10382-7 - Practice in the different stages of laboratory routine LA-ICP-MS, BP.TT
22/03524-0 - Learning laboratory techniques and routines: preparation of samples for concentration and separation of heavy minerals, BP.TT
20/11320-0 - Unveiling the hidden: investigating the first animals of South America through phase-contrast SR-microCT and deep learning image processing, BP.PD
20/13705-6 - The Charrua Ocean and the tonian record of Southernmost Brazil: igneous and metamorphic history of the São Gabriel Terrane, BP.DD
20/04843-6 - Foreland deposits, orogenic migration, metamorphism and exhumation: passive margin of the Southern Brasília Orogen, BP.IC
19/26209-0 - Mineral extraction and concentration and mounts preparation for U-Pb in situ analysis, BP.TT
19/06838-2 - Pan-African shear zones in the Kaoko Belt (Namibia) and links across Southwestern Gondwana: Neoproterozoic evolution and Phanerozoic reactivation, BP.PD
19/02320-9 - Investigation of source areas of the Paraná Basin through isotopic study of detrital zircons: implications for the geodynamic models of the southwest margin of Gondwana, BP.PD
18/13611-1 - Characterization of the sedimentation and metamorphism of the metavulocrossedimentary sequences of the southern Ribeira Range, BP.IC
18/06657-5 - Characterization of sedimentation and metamorphism of the Brusque metavulcanosedimentary sequence, Dom Feliciano Belt, south Brazil, BP.IC
18/04669-6 - Isotopic studies of the Paraguay Belt internal domain, BP.IC
18/00320-9 - Crystallographic, deformational and thermocronological analysis of mylonites of Taxaquara shear zone (São Paulo), BP.MS
17/18174-6 - Sedimentary provenance of the Paraguai belt inner segments: distal paleogeographic domains from a passive margin?, BP.DR
17/22898-0 - Mounts and imaging preparation techniques, BP.TT - associated scholarships


The core goal of this project is to characterize the tectonic evolution of the Rio de la Plata Craton (RPC), the development of the adjacent fold belts, and the interaction with other continental fragments during the development of W Gondwana. Two main lines of integrated action are planned: (i) the application of new geochronological-isotopic techniques using the enhanced instrumentation in USP, and (ii) new field-based geological research in the RPC. The project compiles several interlinked strands which can be summarized as follows:1) among the successful thematic project achievements (FAPESP 05/58688-1) on the South American Platform are noteworthy correlations between Brazil and Africa, e.g. the identification in Uruguay of the continuity of the Gariep Belt from Namibia-South Africa, based on the provenance patterns of detrital zircons; the 2500 km long Neoproterozoic belt from Mali (NW Africa) and Ceará (NE Brazil), with high to ultra-high pressure rocks. This project proposes to clarify the construction and dispersion of the Rodinia, Gondwana and Pangea supercontinents; 2) Contemporary Earth Sciences rely on the integration of detailed field studies with a range of laboratory-based techniques .Isotopes provide the ages of rocks and can fingerprint their crustal versus mantle origins. South America´s leading facility in the Geochronological Research Center is based at the USP (CPGeo), and its continued progress is critical to the standing of the Earth sciences research in S America. In detail the aims are: (i) to acquire a Cs source for SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe) oxygen microanalysis applied to geological problems; (ii) implementation of dating protocols for several novel minerals and to improve the routine LA-ICPMS (Laser Ablation - Ion Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer) analysis of Sr, Nd and Pb to tackle problems of crustal evolution. These advances will improve our scientific development, and allow us to continue providing essential support to the entire scientific community; 3) for the RPC geological information related to a supercontinent formation and dispersion remains limited, compared to other cratons, as its relationship with the neighboring cratonic fragments and its inferred position in the Rodínia. In part this reflects the lack of paleomagnetic surveys even though in tectonostratigraphic terms the RPC contains litho-structural representatives of most of the Archean and Proterozoic eathems. Hence, the RPC will be characterized in detail, mainly to its geological and structural and relationships with the Pâmpia (Pa), Paranapanema (Pr), Luiz Alves (LA), Kalahari (K), Angola (Ag) and Congo (Co) cratons and the surrounding fold belts. This will be achieved by coordinated geological survey in five targeted areas across the RPC. In all areas the focus will be on composition, age, tectonothermal history and crustal evolution: a) the central domain of the RPC - constitution, characterization of its basement and its extent, magmatism and paleomagnetism; b) the N-NW domain - concerning interaction between the RPC and Pr cratons and correlation of these segments with the Tocantins and Mantiqueira Provinces; c) the S Domain - characterization of the southern RPC margins and relations with Patagonia; d) W domain-relations between RPC and the Pa Terrane; e) the E domain - interaction between RPC and Co-K cratons and development of Mantiqueira southern province and related belts of the SW Africa; 4) the final goal is to improve and to ensure broader based scientific leadership and training. This project is designed to expand the scale of our thinking into questions of the search for mantle-derived rocks, the generation and evolution of the continental crust, and the resources preserved within it. Correlation problems between rock associations and processes both within and outside S America are essential issues that require similar approaches to be used by different groups working in different areas. (AU)

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Scientific publications (25)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DAHLQUIST, JUAN A.; GALINDO, CARMEN; MORALES CAMERA, MATIAS M.; MORENO, JUAN A.; ALASINO, PABLO H.; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; MACCHIOLI GRANDE, MARCOS. A combined zircon Hf isotope and whole-rock Nd and Sr isotopes study of Carboniferous A-type granites, Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 100, . (18/06837-3, 15/03737-0)
LARA, HERNAN SILVA; SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED; WEMMER, KLAUS; HUECK, MATHIAS; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; OYHANTCABAL, PEDRO. The Sierra de Aguirre Formation, Uruguay: Post-collisional Ediacaran volcanism in the southernmost Dom Feliciano Belt. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 107, . (15/03737-0)
HELLER, BEATRIX M.; HUECK, MATHIAS; PASSARELLI, CLAUDIA R.; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of the Luis Alves Terrane: Archean to Paleoproterozoic evolution and Neoproterozoic overprint. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 106, . (19/06838-2, 15/03737-0)
PASSARELLI, CLAUDIA R.; VERMA, SANJEET K.; MCREATH, IAN; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; SIGA, JR., OSWALDO. Tracing the history from Rodinia break-up to the Gondwana amalgamation in the Embu Terrane, southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil. LITHOS, v. 342, p. 1-17, . (13/24316-7, 15/03737-0)
HUECK, MATHIAS; ORIOLO, SEBASTIAN; OYHANTCABAL, PEDRO; HELLER, BEATRIX M. M.; WEMMER, KLAUS; SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.. Archean to early Neoproterozoic crustal growth of the southern South American Platform and its wide-reaching "African" origins. Precambrian Research, v. 369, p. 24-pg., . (15/03737-0, 19/06838-2)
SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED; ORIOLO, SEBASTIAN; BROGE, ALENA; HUECK, MATHIAS; LAMMERER, BERND; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; SCHULZ, BERNHARD. Cadomian to Cenerian accretionary orogenic processes in the Alpine basement: the detrital zircon archive. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, v. 112, n. 4, p. 18-pg., . (15/03737-0)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; HUECK, MATHIAS; WILLBOLD, MATTHIAS; CITRONI, SERGIO BRANDOLISE; LEMOS-SANTOS, DANIEL DO VALLE. Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of two bimodal volcanic stages from the Ediacaran Campo Alegre-Corup ' a Basin (Brazil): Record of metacratonization during the consolidation of Western Gondwana. Precambrian Research, v. 385, p. 24-pg., . (19/06838-2, 15/03737-0)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; VILALVA, FREDERICO CASTRO JOBIM; HUECK, MATHIAS; MARTINS, JOSE VINICIUS. Deciphering the parent-daughter relationship between Ediacaran high-silica ignimbrites and their complementary silicic cumulates: Insights from zircon trace element composition. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 635, p. 20-pg., . (19/17343-4, 15/03737-0, 19/06838-2)
HENRIQUE-PINTO, R.; BASEI, M. A. S.; SANTOS, P. R.; SAAD, A. R.; MILANI, E. J.; CINGOLANI, C. A.; FRUGIS, G. L.. Paleozoic Parana Basin transition from collisional retro-foreland to pericratonic syneclise: Implications on the geodynamic model of Gondwana proto-Andean margin. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 111, . (19/02320-9, 15/03737-0)
QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; CITRONI, SERGIO BRANDOLISE; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; HUECK, MATHIAS; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; BECKER-KERBER, BRUNO; PRADO, GUSTAVO MARCONDES EVANGELISTA MARTINS. Paleovolcanology, geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes of the volcano-sedimentary sequences from the Ediacaran Campo Alegre-Corupa Basin, southern Brazil: Linking volcanism and tectonics during Western Gondwana consolidation. GONDWANA RESEARCH, v. 115, p. 27-pg., . (15/03737-0, 19/06838-2, 20/11320-0)
WESTIN, ALICE; CAMPOS NETO, MARIO C.; HOLLANDA, MARIA HELENA B. M.; SALAZAR-MORA, CLAUDIO A.; QUEIROGA, GLAUCIA N.; FRUGIS, GABRIELLA L.; DE CASTRO, MARCO PAULO. The fast exhumation pattern of a Neoproterozoic nappe system built during West Gondwana amalgamation: Insights from thermochronology. Precambrian Research, v. 355, . (13/13530-8, 16/06952-1, 15/03737-0)
HUECK, MATHIAS; STIPP BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO; WEMMER, KLAUS; ORIOLO, SEBASTIAN; HEIDELBACH, FLORIAN; SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED. Evolution of the Major Gercino Shear Zone in the Dom Feliciano Belt, South Brazil, and implications for the assembly of southwestern Gondwana. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, v. 108, n. 2, p. 403-425, . (15/03737-0)
HUECK, MATHIAS; WEMMER, KLAUS; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; PHILIPP, RUY P.; ORIOLO, SEBASTIAN; HEIDELBACH, FLORIAN; OYHANTCABAL, PEDRO; SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED. Dating recurrent shear zone activity and the transition from ductile to brittle deformation: White mica geochronology applied to the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano Belt in South Brazil. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, v. 141, . (15/03737-0)
BALIS, MIKAELLA; CAMPOS NETO, MARIO DA COSTA; ALVES, ADRIANA. Serra do Barro Branco orthogneiss: An untimely record of West Gondwana amalgamation in the Sao Roque Domain. Precambrian Research, v. 350, . (15/03737-0)
RIBEIRO, V, B.; MULDER, J. A.; FALEIROS, F. M.; KIRKLAND, C. L.; CAWOOD, P. A.; O'SULLIVAN, G.; CAMPANHA, G. A. C.; FINCH, M. A.; WEINBERG, R. F.; NEBEL, O.. Using apatite to resolve the age and protoliths of mid-crustal shear zones: A case study from the Taxaquara Shear Zone, SE Brazil. LITHOS, v. 378, . (18/00320-9, 18/10012-0, 15/03737-0, 18/16307-1)
QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; STIPP BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO; LINO, LUCAS MARTINS. Petrography and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of sedimentary rocks of the Campo Alegre Basin, Southern Brazil: implications for Gondwana assembly. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, v. 49, n. 1, . (15/03737-0)
HUECK, MATHIAS; DUNKL, ISTVAN; ORIOLO, SEBASTIAN; WEMMER, KLAUS; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; SIEGESMUND, SIEGFRIED. Comparing contiguous high- and low-elevation continental margins: New (U-Th)/He constraints from South Brazil and an integration of the thermochronological record of the southeastern passive margin of South America. TECTONOPHYSICS, v. 770, . (15/03737-0)
DA CRUZ, RODRIGO FABIANO; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; PHILIPP, RUY PAULO; IGLESIAS, CARLOS MOACYR DA FONTOURA. Unveiling the stratigraphy of the northern Punta del Este Terrane (Jaguarao Domain) and its role in the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Dom Feliciano Belt (southern Brazil and Uruguay). INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, v. N/A, p. 23-pg., . (15/03737-0)
DA CRUZ, RODRIGO FABIANO; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; PHILIPP, RUY PAULO; IGLESIAS, CARLOS MOACYR DA FONTOURA. Insights into the evolution of the southeastern Dom Feliciano Belt and its connection to the Pan-African Orogeny based on new U-Pb and Lu-Hf zircon data. Precambrian Research, v. 388, p. 19-pg., . (15/03737-0)
LARA, HERNAN SILVA; SIEGESMUND, S.; ORIOLO, S.; HUECK, M.; WEMMER, K.; BASEI, M. A. S.; OYHANTCABAL, P.. Reassessing the polyphase Neoproterozoic evolution of the Punta del Este Terrane, Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, v. 111, n. 7, p. 34-pg., . (15/03737-0, 19/06838-2)
DAHLQUIST, JUAN A.; CAMERA, MATIAS M. MORALES; MORENO, JUAN A.; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.; ZANDOMENI, PRISCILA; DA CRUZ, GILMARA SANTOS. Integrated U-Pb and Hf zircon and whole-rock Nd isotopes studies of Devonian granitic rocks from Sierra de San Luis (Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina): Petrogenetic implications. ANDEAN GEOLOGY, v. 50, n. 2, p. 14-pg., . (18/06837-3, 15/03737-0)
LINO, LUCAS MARTINS; QUIROZ-VALLE, FRANCY ROXANA; LOURO, VINICIUS; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; VLACH, SILVIO ROBERTO FARIAS; HUECK, MATHIAS; MUNOZ, PATRICIO RODRIGO MONTECINOS; CITRONI, SERGIO BRANDOLISE. Structural architecture and the episodic evolution of the ediacaran Campo Alegre Basin (southern Brazil): Implications for the development of a synorogenic foreland rift and a post-collisional caldera-volcano. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 107, . (19/06838-2, 15/03737-0)
FRIMMEL, HARTWIG E.; CHAKRAVARTI, RAJARSHI; BASEI, MIGUEL A. S.. Detrital zircon ages from Archaean conglomerates in the Singhbhum Craton, eastern India: implications on economic Au-U potential. MINERALIUM DEPOSITA, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (15/03737-0)
DA CRUZ, RODRIGO FABIANO; BASEI, MIGUEL ANGELO STIPP; PHILIPP, RUY PAULO. Potential flare-ups and lulls in the multi-stage magmatism of the Dom Feliciano belt, southern Brazil: Evidence from geochemistry and isotopic data. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 123, p. 18-pg., . (15/03737-0)

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